
The "or else" is implied because Apple is set to open a new plant in Mesa that will employ 700 workers. More from the Arizona Capitol Times:

With its veto request, Apple joins other anti-SB1062 business groups that have asked Brewer to veto the controversial bill. The Arizona Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Arizona Technology Council, Greater Phoenix Economic Council and Tucson Hispanic Chamber of Commerce came out against the bill the day after the Legislature passed it. The influential Arizona Chamber of Commerce, Greater Phoenix Chamber of Commerce and Greater Phoenix Leadership have since sought a veto from Brewer as well. The chorus of anti-SB1062 businesses kept getting louder on Monday as 83 companies, trade organizations and other business groups signed onto a letter, originally sent on Friday by the Arizona Technology Council, urging the governor to veto the bill. The additional signees included several major hotel chains, tourism groups, corporate giants like AT&T and other technology companies.
(Tipped by JMG reader Jeff)

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