A great debate that asks the question- Can you be Gay and Christian? The Gay Revolution has made head way in its long fight to be accepted as equals in this country. The Revolution has shattered every conceivable barrier that Christianity had erected. Some people argue that love is love no matter how you see it. What is the big deal if they if the same sex want to marry? They deserve every right just like any married couples of the opposite sex. Like any other couple they can live they want to live, but can they be a Christian if they are Gay? If the Bible condemns it as Sin than that is what it is? It’s no difference if a man is married and sinning in his life, while having an extramarital affair. We can’t keep sinning if we are walking a path with God. God makes it clear about that. Watch the Youtube video and listen to the debate and see why it not possible to be gay and Christian.
BARBWIRE.COM: Moody Radio asks:
Can you be gay and Christian? Matthew Vines says you can and he’s created a viral video and best-selling book defending his view. This Saturday on Up for Debate, Vines joins host Julie Roys to debate author and leading evangelical apologist, Dr. Michael Brown. Is gay monogamy an option for Christians? Is it unloving to reject gay marriage?
Watch as BarbWire contributor Dr. Michael Brown debates self-described “gay evangelical” Matthew Vines, one of America’s leading false teachers of “gay liberation theology.” The question (as if there were one) is whether God blesses sodomy-based “gay” relationships READ MORE: http://barbwire.com/2014/06/29/great-debate-dr-michael-brown-dismantles-gay-apostate-matthew-vines/#Sb6XCCum1XygoHbQ.99