Aspirant Forum introduces a new and convenient product- The Crux- to help the aspirants for the various public services examinations.
The knowledge of the Current Affairs constitute an indispensable tool for all the recruitment examinations today. However, an aspirant often finds it difficult to read and memorize all the current affairs, from an exam perspective. The Newspapers and magazines are full of information, that may or may not be useful for the exams. Thus, a candidate is forced to spend a substantial amount of his time in selecting and maintaining notes for the current affairs.
It is with this problem in mind that we have come up with the GIST of The Hindu and Press Information Bureau, called the “CRUX”™.
The whole concept of the Crux is to provide you with a summary / Gist of the important news and current affairs, from an exam point of view. By reading the GIST of the Hindu and PIB, you will be able to save your precious time and effort, as you get all the relevant matter in a summarized and convenient form.
The Crux™ is particularly helpful for the Civil Services, Banking, SSC and other exams that have a current affairs section.
The material is being provided in such a manner that it is helpful for both- objective and descriptive sections.
Click here to Download The Crux for March 2015
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