
INFORMATION AND LIBRARY NETWORK CENTRE(An Inter University Centre of University Grants Commission)
Post Box NO.4, INFOCITY, GANDHINAGAR : 382 007.
Web site: www.inflibnet.ac.in

Advt. No. 04/2015
INFLIBNET Centre is an autonomous body of the University Grants Commission with its head-quarters at Gandhinagar, the capital city of Gujarat State in its IT Hub, INFOCITY with world class premier institutes of higher learning and IT corporate bodies. The Centre has taken up major programmes for modernization of libraries and information Centres in universities, colleges, institutes of higher learning and R & D institutes in India with application of computer and communication technology.

Some of the major programmes being executed by the Centre include UGC-INFONET Digital Library Consortium, Shodhganga, Shodhgangotri, OJAS and N-LIST etc. The Centre invites applications from Indian Nationals on direct recruitment basis for the post of Helper reserved under Other Backward Class(OBC) non-creamy layer category.

ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATION AND EXPERIENCE: 8th Class Pass plus 3(Three) years experience.

Pay in Payband : Pay Band -1s of Rs. 4,440 – 7,440 with Grade Pay of Rs.1,300/-
Maximum Age Limit : 25 years. For Central & State Govt. autonomous bodies, universities employees 35 years.
The applicant for the post of Helper/Auxiliary Staff-I should send duly filled in application alongwith all testimonials, to the above address within stipulated time, late received application will not be

1. Candidates with requisite qualifications acquired from recognized school/board/ university/institution need only apply.
2. Only post qualification experience will be counted.
3. Only Indian Nationals are eligible to apply.
4. OBC (non-creamy layer) Certificate should be of current validity(i.e. issued after 01.04.2015), mentioning OBC(non-creamy layer) for employment in Govt. all over India is only valid otherwise application will be rejected outright.
5. Candidates should have good communication skills and should be able to work on computer.
6. Candidates should possess the essential qualifications as on the closing date of application.
7. Application received after the closing date i.e. 16th October 2015 will not be considered. The Centre is not responsible for postal delay.
8. Unsigned/incomplete application will be rejected.
9. Self Attested copies of all relevant certificates, degrees, testimonials etc. should be attached with the application and the originals must be produced at the time of interview.
10. The post carries usual allowances as per Govt. of India rules as applicable from time to time.
The selected candidate will be covered under New Pension Scheme only.
11. At present the place of posting is at Gandhinagar but the selected candidates are liable to be
posted for work anywhere in India as and when required.
12. Candidates working in Govt./Govt.Undertaking/Autonomous bodies/Universities must forward
their applications through proper channel.
13. Incomplete applications shall be summarily rejected and no interim correspondence will be
14. Outstation candidates called for interview will be paid 2nd Class /Sleeper railway fare by the
shortest route, on production of photocopy of tickets as a proof of Journey.
15. Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification.
17. In case of highly deserving candidates, conditions may be relaxed at the discretion of
competent authority.
18. Age relaxation in case of reserve category/Govt./University/Autonomous body employee as per
Govt. Of India Rules as applicable from time to time.
19. Age will be determined on the last date of receipt of applications.
20. Only short listed candidates will be called for interview as per the criteria set by the Screening
Committee depending upon the relevant experience etc. and number of applications received.
21. Centre reserves the right to raise or lower the minimum eligibility criteria depending upon the
number of candidates to be called for interview/test.
22. Mere fulfillment of requirement by itself as laid down in the advertisement does not qualify a
candidate for written examination/interview/appointment in the Centre.
23. Centre reserves the right to fill or not to fill any post or cancel the advertisement without any
Candidates must read the advertisement carefully and candidates fulfilling the eligibility criteria only
should send their duly filled application with attested copies of certificates so as to reach to the
Administrative Officer(PA&F) at the above address on or before 16th October 2015. The Centre
reserves the right to reject any application without assigning any reason. No interim correspondence
will be entertained. Online application form is available on our website: www.inflibnet.ac.in

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