
fail0verflow ::

Excellent demo of how use of a block cipher with a known secret key makes an insecure MAC. “In short, CBC-MAC is a Message Authentication Code, not a strong hash function. While MACs can be built out of hash functions (e.g. HMAC), and hash functions can be built out of block ciphers like AES, not all MACs are also hash functions. CBC-MAC in particular is completely unsuitable for use as a hash function, because it only allows two parties with knowledge of a particular secret key to securely transmit messages between each other. Anyone with knowledge of that key can forge the messages in a way that keeps the MAC (“hash value”) the same. All you have to do is run the forged message through CBC-MAC as usual, then use the AES decryption operation on the original hash value to find the last intermediate state. XORing this state with the CBC-MAC for the forged message yields a new block of data which, when appended to the forged message, will cause it to have the original hash value. Because the input is taken backwards, you can either modify the first block of the file, or just run the hash function backwards until you reach the block that you want to modify. You can make a forged file pass the hash check as long as you can modify an arbitrary aligned 16-byte block in it.”

(tags: crypto hashing security cbc mac sha1 aes)

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