
Hello everyone! Hope all those who celebrated Thanksgiving yesterday enjoyed their day! Today is leftover day for most of you. I love leftovers from Thanksgiving, plus it gives me a day off from cooking.

I’m not even going to mention that crazy thing called Black Friday. Okay I did mention it, but only in passing. Now let’s get into the fun stuff!

I finished NaNoWriMo on Tuesday, a whole 4 days early! Whew! I didn’t post much on my project this year as I did last. I’m sorry about that, but it was a bit emotional as it was autobiographical in nature. Some of it was very difficult to write so for now I’m leaving it off here. Maybe as I edit and refine the wording more I’ll post some snippets. If any of you are interested that is.

For right now it’s Friday and you all know what that means! Well besides the weekend coming. Friday Fictioneer time! On with the show!


Write a one hundred word story that has a beginning, middle and an end. (No one will be ostracized for going a few words over the count.)


Make every word count.

If you want to read more stories based from the same photo go visit our supreme hostess Rochelle Wisoff-Fields blog and feast till you burst. (Sorry still in Thanksgiving mode)


Copyright – Ted Strutz

Genre: Mystery (99 words)


She came out of the ladies’ room smiling. Her lucky day she thought, no waiting line and her husband surprised her with a mystery cruise on their vacation.

Her smile wavered, disappeared as she looked at the empty boat. Where was everyone? It was eerily quiet as the boat slowly made its way over the water, empty, hollow.

She ran to where she had left her family. Nothing, all the tables empty, no sign of life but her own. From the seat peeked out a  colorful brochure.

“Take a cruise into the Bermuda Triangle. A trip of a lifetime.”



Filed under: Blog challenge, Blogging, Fiction, Friday Fictioneers, Photo Challenge, Photo Challenges, postaday, writing Tagged: Blog, fiction, Flash fiction, NaNoWriMo, postaday, Short story, write, writing

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