












This makes me so angry.

If you work in a movie theater and you do this I have no respect for you.

My younger brother is Type 1 Diabetic.

When we go to a movie theater, we always get him diet soda. If he were to get regular when we asked for diet, we would not give him the insulin he would need for it. If that happens, his blood sugar level could go so high he could go into a coma, go blind, or even die.

If somebody gave him regular soda instead of diet without telling us, that person could be responsible for a nine-year-old being killed or blinded.

Just thinking about that makes me so angry. I get scared every time we take him to a movie in case the people working there saw this picture and decide to do the same thing.

Please signal boost this so people know.

This also applies to baristas

Fun story about the baristas doing this kind of shit.

I am very sensitive to lactose, not Lactose intolerant but because of stomach ulcers that are still healing. A couple years ago I went to Starbucks right after my classes with some friends and asked for a green tea latte with soy milk. The barista, for some reason out of malice and/or hate for her life so she took it out on me, gave me whole milk in my latte.

5 minutes after my first sip of latte, my stomach cramped BAD. Not the “Oh! time to poop!” kind of cramp but it felt like someone had stabbed me with a knife and twisted it. Now I’ve had this happen before so I knew the cause of it. I went up to the barista clutching my gut screaming at her that she put dairy in my latte rather than soy LIKE I REQUESTED. She denied it and called me a “pretentious white girl for wanting soy”and so my friends got the manager. I had to explain that I had stomach ulcers that were still healing and if I were to go to the hospital for this incident, they would be responsible for it.

Manager flipped his shit and the barista was terrified out of her mind. Pretty sure both thought i was gonna sue. Manager actually fired her on the spot because of the negligence. My friends managed to get me home in one piece while I stayed home for 3 days in absolute agony and missed my midterm.

So remember kiddies, if someone is asking for Diet or “Skinny” or “soy” or anything that is not regular, give them what they requested because it may not be them being healthy, but a dietary need that can possibly be life or death

also if they ARE trying to be healthy you should give it to them to!! Its not your decision to police or question others food choices!!!

also im lactose intolerant AND ive had stomach infections/ulcers so i feel this.

I have Celiac Disease, so I’m very gluten intolerant. When I go out to eat at restaurants a lot of people just assume that I asked for my food gluten free because of the gluten free diet fad (which is usually a bullshit diet btw).

Last month I went out to dinner with a friend at an italian restaurant that had a small gluten free menu. I had been there once before and had their gluten free pasta and it was great! I think one of the managers had been there and was super helpful when taking my order to make sure that everything was gluten free for me. When I ordered the gluten free pasta again this time though, the waitress who took my order all but rolled her eyes at me. I didn’t think much of it at the time, because the restaurant was so accommodating before, I just assumed it would be the same this time.

But sure enough, they brought out my pasta, I ate it, and about an hour later I had extreme stomach pains and was throwing up (in a movie theater no less).

Barfing and agonizing pain aside, eating gluten when you have celiac causes a lot of internal damage that’s hard to notice. The biggest thing is that it damages your intestines, preventing your body from absorbing nutrients properly, which can take months to heal.

So PLEASE, if you work at a restaurant or anything with food and someone asks for something a certain way, please listen to them and don’t just disregard someone’s order. It’s not funny and it can have serious consequences.

I will reblog this with every single story about someone getting sick because of an asshole giving them the opposite of what they ordered until it sinks in for everyone.

Recently on the news a 16 year old boy with a dairy allergy had gone to eat at IHOP with his family. The specifically asked if they could make dairy free pancakes and they said yes. Not too long after he had a reaction and was rushed to the hospital. This kid died because the was dairy in his pancakes that they asked for no dairy. His epi pen that his mother had wasn’t enough to help him. I know working in fast food or any job that’s serves food and beverage sucks but not as much as causing someone to get sick over negligence.

i have anaphylaxis in response to nuts. when i was 8 years old i was in florida and we made sure that there was no nuts in the key lime pie. we asked numerous times and the waitress even went in the back to “ask the chef” who confirmed that there wasnt any nuts. after she served and i ate the pie, my throat started itching and i started shaking (thats how my allergic reactions start) and the waitress came out running from the kitchen screaming that there was walnuts in the pie. she apologized frantically that she didnt understand the severity of my allergy (even though we explained it) and that she didnt actually ask the chef earlier because she forgot. i was rushed to the hospital by my parents and the hospital was far away. i couldnt breathe and i was going in and out of consciousness. when we arrived at the hospital, it took hours to stabilize me and the initial allergy triggered an asthma attack about an hour after we left the hospital. i almost died due to a waitress being too careless to ask a chef if there was nuts in pie even though we made it extremely clear that i had a life threatening allergy to nuts.

^^^all the above is really important. I cannot stress how important it is to respect other people’s food choices whether it’s because of allergies or religious purposes. If someone is vegan, don’t put meat in their food. If someone tells you they don’t eat pork, then don’t give them pork. I cannot tell you how many times I have had to have food sent back at a restaurant because I requested something without bacon in it and I end up getting bacon in it. Don’t assume that a customer’s request is for a pretentious reason. This should be taken seriously when it comes to food.

I will never understand why some people think someone else’s dietary choices are any of their fucking business at all.


I will always reblog this. Because this is the reason I don’t go out to eat anymore. I only JUST got an epi-pen cause antihistamines aren’t cutting it anymore if I accidentally get an allergen. And I just don’t trust anymore. And outside of family there’s only two ppl in the world I feel safe enough with, should something happen while eating out, and even then there’s a lot of tension about it.

And it’s all ever since  about two years ago I came across Martha Effing Stewart telling ppl that asking about allergies for holiday and special occasion meals isn’t a host’s priority and if a guest can’t eat something they should just be hungry quietly. That is is in fact RUDE to ask, is there x in y?  And then there was a flood of comments of people talking about how they’ve ALWAYS gone ahead and DIDN’T honor allergy requests because holiday cooking is so much trouble anyway and obviously people were just being difficult and pretentious and how no one got sick at their parties.

And I just ended up thinking; like they’re going to tell you if they have sudden crippling stomach pain? Or used the bathroom and saw blood? Or vomited in the bathroom? Or they’re going to try to find the best time to leave quietly and be upset thinking they just discovered a NEW allergen? Or they just realized the host lied and can’t be trusted and needs to be dropped sharp-like from their lives.

Like the stories about above a properly dramatic. And the point is still respect because it’s none of your business and someone else’s body.

But I can’t help thinking about the people stuff doesn’t hit until an hour later, or if it fogs their thinking and unknowing they get behind the wheel of a car, or if they don’t quite recognize where the migraine is coming from and get sicker by the time they get home.  That all this proof of ‘not immediately sick means it wasn’t real’ isn’t proof at all (I say to various assholes). And in the meantime you’re poisoning someone. Someone’s determined x isn’t good for them and you violate them and give it to them anyway.

I just, this is why I can’t trust people. Cause they’re so much damn body, health, eating shaming, that I feel some folks would be nasty enough to both spit in the meal and have it be NOT what was ordered.

ETA: And ppl already have so much difficulty understanding ‘no cross contamination’ that they’ll cut a brownie w/ nuts and a nut-free cake w/ the same KNIFE and then be alarmed/confused when someone starts reacting in their restaurant to what they say was ‘a nut free item’.

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