
Summer has officially come to an end.

While I love fall as much as the next pumpkin spice-loving, apple picking, boots/scarf wearing, wine tasting, hayride romping gal, saying goodbye to summer is never easy for me. It’s truly my favorite season.

And this summer was one for the record books.

Adventures. Travel. Endless laughter. True friendships. Exciting opportunities. Lots of yoga and teaching. A little bit of romance. A deeper understanding of who I am and what I want. Some much-needed clarity.

This summer held it all.

However, with every season’s end comes a new beginning.

A beautiful, blank slate.

An opportunity to start fresh.

Instead of longingly looking back at summer 2015, I’m choosing to hold the positive feelings from those memories tight, but I’m moving forward.

Looking ahead to what’s to come.

Knowing that the only constant in life truly is change.

Just as the leaves change, so should we.

I learned something beautiful (and scientific!) about fall colors a few years ago- those gorgeous reds, oranges and yellows are really there all year long, even when our eyes can only see green. It takes the right amount of light and water to help bring those beautiful colors out, visible to all, for just a few weeks a year.

Throughout the dead of winter, when we may feel dull, dark and stagnant, that incredible light is still inside of us. And during the bright days of spring and summer, even still, that fall light and energy is still inside of us, too. Just waiting to emerge. Always glowing. Always there.

How wonderful is that?

We can all carry a little bit of fall…and new beginnings with us all year long.

If you struggle with the changing seasons (as I do), know that this is your chance to make a change. To start something new. To tell someone how you feel about them. To take a chance.

Embrace endings, even though it can be sad.

Say hello to new opportunities.

Welcome everything, the good and the bad, with an open heart and mind.

If you’ve been wanting to make a change in your life, take a cue from those leaves and consider doing it now.

I hope your fall is wonderful, inspiring and life-changing.

“Because life is a circle- and nothing can truly grow unless it first dies…nothing stays the same forever- what comes next is often times better than we can even imagine. Because if we let it- life can truly begin all over again in the fall.” -Kate Rose for Elephant Journal

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The post To Autumn and New Beginnings appeared first on Jessica Lawlor.

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