
This Easy Lentil Soup is loaded with delicious spices and very simple to put together. It tastes wonderful alone or as a side dish and is vegan, gluten free and loaded with whole food ingredients.


I’ve never been much of a soup person, but since 2017 that has changed quite a lot. In the last three weeks I’ve made cauliflower soup, even more vegan chili, and now this Easy Lentil Soup. Soup has become a staple ingredient for me weekly, and this soup definitely is in the top 5 soups I have had in ages. It’s chockfull with a divine list of vegetables, is perfectly spiced with indian spices, and is very filling. This soup can do no wrong in my books.

Funnily enough, this idea for this soup came out of necessity. After making all that broth for my me homemade vegetable broth post (and because life), I had loads left over. The meals on this week’s meal prep list did not include any veggie broth required recipes except quinoa. This left me with uh, 8 cups of broth. YUP. So what’s a girl to do?

Dig through her pantry.

I knew I wanted to make a soup. What I came up with was some lentils from my Vegan Meatloaf post tied up and waiting to be used. I’ve never made lentil soup on the blog and I have been trying to incorporate it into way more posts. It’s loaded with protein and unlike most legumes, it kind of seamlessly blends into whatever you put it in. Check, and check. Let’s make lentil soup!

The process for this soup came about from my cauliflower soup. I am obsessed with blended soups (tomato bisques are my weakness) but I knew I couldn’t blend ALL of these veggies down. I wanted the veggies to shine through, but I still wanted my blended-ness (Is this a word?). So, why not blend some of the soup? Fortunately my little experiment worked out beautifully – you get a beautifully loaded lentil soup with all the veggies, but it isn’t thin at all. I love it. As for the veggies, I literally just used up what I had in my fridge. Er, don’t ask what I have 26 ounces of tomatoes in my fridge. I love tomatoes.

After perusing this post by Bon Appetit (and my perusing I mean taking notes because yes I do that on learning food sites still like a little nerd) I felt inspired to take an Indian spiced approach to this recipe. Which is where I took some knowledge from my coconut chickpea curry recipe and added garam masala. It’s the only powdered spice in the whole recipe, but it goes such a long way. It brings out all the flavours, without making this taste like a curry soup. Also, because I know how amazing tomatoes are for texture, and lime for bringing out even more flavours, I added those in too.

Uh, this is going amazingly so far.

My last step to the soup would be add in ALL that veggie broth. That’s where we started, remember? Using a WELL flavoured veggie broth is an amazing idea for this soup. For that reason, I say after everything is said and done, taste it to see if you want more salt. It’s a LOT of lentil soup, but works so well if you’re meal prepping or serving a crowd.

Well, I can now tick that off of my vegetarian blog necessary list. Add some crusty bread to this to soak up some of that divine flavour, and some red pepper flakes for a lovely kick. You will not regret devouring this!

P.S. Here are some of the items I used to make this recipe if you’d like to use them too:


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Easy Lentil Soup (Vegan & Spiced)

20 minPrep Time

40 minCook Time

1 hrTotal Time

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Lentil Soup

3 tablespoons olive oil

1 large red onion, diced

4 stalks celery, diced

1 large carrot or two medium size carrots, diced

5 cloves garlic, minced

26 ounces/737g fresh tomatoes, chopped - you can always use a 28oz can diced tomatoes and drain the liquid

1 cup (7.1 ounces/200g) brown lentils, picked over, rinsed and dried

1 tablespoon garam masala

salt & pepper to taste (I use 3/4 teaspoon sea salt and 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper)

6 cups
vegetable broth

2-3 sprigs thyme, to be removed at the end

1 cup kale, roughly chopped

Juice of two limes, about 2 tablespoons, squeezed over


Oil drizzle, red wine vinegar, red pepper flakes, parsley, and/or sprinkle of za'atar

Crusty bread


In a large, deep pot over medium high heat, add half the olive oil (1.5 tablespoons) to heat.

Add the onions, celery, carrot and minced garlic. Stir together and allow to sweat for about 8 minutes, to soften and release natural juices from the veggies.

Add in the tomatoes, brown lentils, garam masala and salt and pepper. Stir together.

Pour in the vegetable broth, and add the thyme and stir again.

Bring to a boil, and then to a simmer for 30 minutes, until lentils are fully cooked.

Add in kale and lime juice and stir to combine.

Remove the thyme. Scoop out two cups of soup (with liquid) and pour into your blender. If you have a glass blender, ensure it cools down a bit first!

Press the soup setting or blend until fully blended out. Pour back into soup pot and blend one more time.

Serve the soup and top with your favourite toppings and enjoy!


This soup lasts about 4 to 5 days in the fridge. It freezes very well. To freezer allow to cool completely. You can freeze in a freezer safe tupperware container, or flat in one serving portions in a freezer safe zipped plastic bag. It will last at least 2 months in the freezer.


Recipe from Jessica in the Kitchen. All images and content are copyright protected. Please do not use my images without prior permission. If you want to republish this recipe, please re-write the recipe in your own words, or simply link back to this post for the recipe. Thank you.

If you try this Easy Lentil Soup (Vegan) please let me know in the comment section below, or tag me on instagram with the hashtag #jessicainthekitchen! For more exclusive recipes follow me on Instagram AND on Snapchat: jessinkitchen.


Coconut Chickpea Curry

Roasted Cauliflower Soup

The post Easy Lentil Soup (Vegan & Spiced) appeared first on Jessica In The Kitchen.

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