

The boys talk about how every street and business in Atlanta is apparently named Peachtree. They stopped to get directions and a guy told them to go to “Peachtree and Peachtree” and they were like, wait, what?? Jared got a picture of Peachtree and Peachtree lol.

Jensen wouldn’t say no to peach pie.

They are in the middle of shooting episode 250. Peter Roth, the President of Warner Bros. Television, came to Vancouver for the Arrow 100th episode party. Jensen: 100 episode, that’s cute.

They met with Peter and long story short he basically said Supernatural doesn’t have to end if they want it to keep going. Jared: “We’re going forever, guys.” Peter was like, “Listen, if you guys still love it and the fans still love it, then let’s keep doing it.”

The meeting was at 9pm on Friday night. Jared wrapped a couple hours before Jensen, Jensen starts to give him a hard time. Jared: “I stayed awake! I stayed awake. Solidarity.” Jensen: “No, you didn’t.” Jared: “I did! I stayed up, I had a glass of wine, I watched Shark Tank-” Jensen: “I hate you.” Jared chuckles. Basically, they filmed really late into the night on Friday/Saturday morning out in the woods and Jared wrapped before Jensen but stayed up and waited for him to finish. They were still awake and/or filming this time yesterday morning in Atlanta time, so they’re kind of tired lol.

Friday’s work schedule was supposed to be the week prior, but for the first time since the show’s started, they switched the days because of the storm; they flipped-flopped Fridays. They originally had the other Friday off because they were going to actually meet Peter Roth at dinner and “not in our trailer” like they ended up doing.

Supposed to be out in the woods and where they were filming it was huge trees (purgatory) and when the wind (at 60 miles an hour) comes through there it will throw the dead branches and the dead branches come toppling down. They call them widow makers. So they switched the days to stay safe.

It had been raining all week so they were ankle deep in mud and doing fight scenes.

Jared: Anybody else miss the concert last night? Fan: They wasn’t there. Jared: They wasn’t, my fellow Texan right there. Jensen talked about how much Rob and the rest of the cast enjoy being able to do the SNS.

Fan asks about the torture scenes. Jared: the scenes were fun in a sense, he posted a picture of him shirtless with the cuts because of how real the cuts looked. When Jared mentions the shirtless pic some fans were like “Yeah, whoo!” Jared seemed surprised for a second and then put his hands on his hips and started shaking them lol. Jensen: Yeah, you wonder why Peter Roth said we could go forever :P.

Jared starts to say how in real-life the cuts looked incredibly real that if he was walking down the street people would “tackle” him and force him to go to the hospital. Jensen laughs and says yeah, ‘cause that’s what you do. Jared fakes tackling Jensen lol.

Jared mentioned the scenes were taxing. The basement was built on set. Jared was barefooted tackling Toni on the stairwell. Jared praised Elizabeth Blackmore (Toni Bevell) saying she’s amazing, kind, and talented and hardworking, and smart. Impressed with her and how well she did in the fight scenes. His feet got cut up so he was bleeding but said it was fun to “get tied up…” the audience starts laughing suggestively. Jared teasing: How long do you have? I think I need more sleep.

Jared had a similar feeling when they left set yesterday. Says after certain days that are so difficult and so taxing they remember that’s why they do what they do.

Jared turns to Jensen: Mr. Ackles?

Jensen talking about the scene when Dean was looking at the pictures at the end of the ep: Did you see the empty beer bottles? Jared: They weren’t fake. Jensen: I was pretty drunk lol. “Alright, alright, alright” :P

Jared was on set on Thursday during the second ep, they were filming a late night again. The scene happens with Sam bringing Mary tea in the bedroom and Jared gets a text from his real mom saying: You never bring me tea. And then he gets a text that just says, Leslie? Jared was confused thinking she was texting someone else, too. His mom texts: Mary Winchester said she doesn’t know your first crush. Was yours Leslie? Jared: Yes it was. Jared’s mom: Haha, I know you better than Mary Winchester. Jensen: Two points Sherri.

J2 talk about how they first met at the test session. Jared saw Jensen: “That’s a cute little guy. Put him in my pocket.” Jokes about Jensen being 6 foot plus and still being called little compared to Jared. Jared tells the story about when Gen first came to set and thought Jensen was huge and then a crew member was like, you should meet the big one! Gen: The big one?!

Jensen: “The friendship kicked off pretty quickly. There certainly was a comfortability that he and I had with each other right off the bat.” They were very similar - same likes and dislikes, being from Texas, similar upbringings. It translated onto the screen really well. Their working relationship and off camera friendship built from there. They’re very proud of it. Jared hugs Jensen: And then he goes and does something like that lol.

Fan: My name’s Dmitri. Jared: So is Misha’s. Jensen: Do you go by a completely different name? Jared: Do you go by Misha lol?

Dmitri says in Pasadena he came up to them to tell them that them and their characters helped to inspire him to start transitioning. Says it’s now been 6 months since he’s begun medical transitioning on testosterone. Jared: Awesome :) Dmitri was wondering how J2 feel when their fans are “transforming themselves” because of being inspired by the cast and the characters. Jared gives congratulations to Dmitri before answering and says it’s nice to see him again. Jared says he and Jensen talk a lot about the power the show has had. They’re grateful for the conventions because without them they wouldn’t be able to meet the fans like they do to try and grasp the impact it has. Jared brings up his struggles with depression and anxiety and how he’s been public about it. He says he can empathize with the feeling of “living a secret” and being scared to come out about it. He wondered if he would be shunned or judged for letting people know who he really is. Jared says who you are is who you’re choosing to be - like him choosing to open up publicly about his mental health - and like saying, “I’m going to be this person” and finding comfort in being “who you know you are” and says it’s a pretty powerful choice. Jared to Dmitri: Good on you :)

Jensen adds: We’re very grateful and humbled to know that what we do can inspire people to be who they want to be no matter what that is. Or just simply inspire them to be a better person or to do something (whatever inspires them to be who they are). It inspires them to know they can inspire the fans in a positive way. Jared also credits the entire SPNFamily for the support as well.

Jensen: Our professional life is made up of a series of small pranks.

Jared talks about a prank he pulled on Mark with putting salmon in his car (Jensen: was it Salmon Dean? Jared: It may have been. Salmon Dean ended up in the back of Mark Sheppard’s car). Jared was disappointed how quickly Mark discovered the fish lol. They have a prank in progress that whoever the victim is isn’t aware of yet haha.

Jensen says there is an episode coming up that has something a lot of people truly do fear. Dean’s gonna have to face it. It’s not necessarily a monster. Jensen whispers it to Jared. “Yeah, that’s great.”

Jared jokes about his pull-up video challenging Amell and how he beat him in the contest Amell didn’t know he was in lol.

Jared encourages an emotional fan who says she’s struggling with mental health. He brings up his work with his therapist and tells her that if she’s here amongst friends and amongst like-minded people then you have been conquering it. Jared to the fan: Brag about that shit :)

Jared on how AKF started: Amell called Jared and told him about Represent and how it raises money for charity. Jared waited a few months, knew what he wanted to raise money and awareness for and made the decision to go ahead and do it. He had no idea the impact it was going to have.

End of the panel: Jared slaps Jensen’s ass and says, “You can bounce a quarter off that!” Jensen grins.

Info via: Periscope, Fangasm, Sil’s livetweet list

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