
This week not only am I still feeling super positive but I have a great story to share with you. I think most people find that last stone and half to lose the hardest or alot of my friends say I just need to lose 1 or 2 stone then I will be happy rather than huge amounts. These stories always seem to get ignored and everyone focuses on the huge weight loss stories.

Today I am sharing the advice of burlesque beauty Amy aka Brazen Bijoux. This has been great for me as Amy believes weight loss is all down to eating where as I am a real mix or exercise and diet. She also uses the "5:2" method mid way through her journey which is something that terrifies me so it has been really good for me to expand my knowledge. I also LOVE the fact that Amy is a real believer in how you look in mirror and how you feel as opposed to your dress size.

I have gone with a q & a type format this time. And my results of the week will follow on from the story. Enjoy.

What made you decide to lose weight?
I've spent the best part of my 20's yoyo dieting and trying to lose weight. fad diets, excessive exercise etc sometimes succeeding and sometimes giving up. I think as I've got older I've finally started understanding my body better; what i can realistically achieve, where i'll always carry weight and learning to accept my body type which will always be big boobs a bit of a belly and more than a handful of butt. I was at a place where i was comfortable with that however i knew that i was carrying a little more weight than i should do for my size and build so decided to shift the weight.

Did you have a goal in mind? what was it?
I don't think I had a set goal and a final deadline. I just wanted to do it for me so I would feel comfortable with myself. I naturally started on New Years day like the rest of the nation and joined weight watchers.

How much have you lost? How long did it take?
I started at 11stone 11b and finished off at 10stone 1lb. I am 5 foot 8 which is quite tall so any lower than this and I would have started looking a big gangley. It took me until the beginning of May so 5 months in total.
I was a large size 14 and finished off at a small size 12. yes you would think I would have been a 10 but like I said my frame isn't that small so even though I looked quite slim I still needed the size 12 jeans etc. Just goes to show clothing size doesn't really mean much, its what feels comfortable and looks best!

Have you dieted before? Why has this time been different?
As mentioned yes, many times. Mostly they were silly diets which would be impossible to sustain if you stopped doing them or excessive exercising which means you just don't have much of a life. I was looking to do something that I could stick to and maintain and had heard a lot of good things about WW (weight watchers).
The reason I stuck to this diet is because it was so easy to fit into your everyday life. It becomes your lifestyle and in the end you don't have to think about it. it became the norm.

How did you do it? Exercise/diet?
Although I would never promote not doing any exercise. I lost ALL of my weight on no exercise at all. Back in the days when I was constantly down the gym but with a poorer diet it took me double time to lose the weight than if i had just eaten healthy. Exercise is great for toning and fitness but for me the weight loss was on diet alone.
I followed my daily points and used my bonus points for nights out. I learnt when to say no to food, when to make allowances and really prioritize your food. That is what WW teaches you.

Did you have any weeks where you stayed the same or put on? How did you recover?
There were weeks when I would only lose 1/2 a lb and it was so disheartening as I felt I really put the effort in for nothing but a week or two later I was always rewarded with dropping those extra lbs I didn't get the week before if you stick to your diet so you really have to keep that as your focus. It WILL come off if you keep at it. its literally just trying to not let it affect you too much and carry on. It's all will power. I only ever put on 1 week and that was my birthday week, I managed to put on 3lb so was quite a good effort but I was straight back on it afterwards.

Here is the next part which may or may not seem controversial. I started adding in intermittent fasting. Basically the further into my diet I was getting the more my weightloss would slow down so I introduced intermittent fasting which was for 2 days a week. I would eat 500 calories or less. this was helped me reach my final goal and lose that last half stone. and it is still a method i use even today. if you know you have a busy social week ahead. i will do this twice in the week ( non consecutive days)and it helps to maintain my weight. This is entirely mind over matter - you won't starve to death, you won't keel over and die. you may have a tummy grumble here and there but your body gets used to it. keeping busy, drinking water and carefully planning how and when you eat your 500 calories make it all perfectly achievable.

I am terrified of the 5:2 diet, surely you would be hungry on 500 calories? What would you eat on a 500 calorie day?

A typical day would be cuppa tea and grapefruit for breakfast
Lunch a small bit of sushi or a light soup. Dinner would be a WW ready meal or the similar. It would always be around 500 cals so you can eat whatever you want when you want but when the cals are gone their gone. You do get hungry but it's all mind over matter. You won't die or keel over you just have to keep busy and it actually does eventually pass. Drinking lots of water usually helps.

What advise would you give to someone who is trying to loose weight?
Do it for you, no one else. Find the right diet for you whether its ww or slimming world or just plain healthy eating. Commit to something and look to achieve something in line with your body type don't go trying to look like kate moss if you are built like kelly brook, you have to be realistic. Try and set mini goals along the way so you have a focus and above all don't quit if you have a slow/bad week because they will happen! you have to just push through and think about the final goal.

Best motivational tip?
I took photos so when on week 4 I might not be feeling much different if I looked at a picture of week 1 you can see the changes. I did this right up to when I finished. The same underwear set taken at the same time of day front, side and back and its these that helped push me through!

Every 3 weeks or so along with measurements and they will tell you more than any scales will.

I also started a blog! I got as many people as I could to follow my weekly journey and I would update them every week with my weight losses, my struggles, my mini goals, pictures etc. It really felt like you had dozens of watchful eyes over you and it kept me motivated. I didn't want to let anyone down!

Anything else you feel was key to your success?
Don't let people sway you or make you feel guilty for saying no. even if they call you boring etc remember you are doing it for you and it will only be you who feels let down if you cave under pressure. be proud of the fact you are saying no. the next morning when you wake up and you can see that little halo on your head will really make you feel proud for sticking at it!!

I think you will all agree Amy looks fabulous and has shared some great tips. It definitely has opened my eyes to the 5:2 diet although I am not quite brave enough to try it yet it may be something I consider.

So how have I done this week. Pretty darn good. I haven't had any takeaways. I did have a couple of glasses of rose at Essex Fashion Week. My only downfall was lack of exercise as I wasn't feeling 100% last week and was soooo tired I just couldn't face my normal exercise regime but I am back on form this week starting with dancing and swimming.

This week I have lost;


yay I finally feel satisfied with thwse smaller amounts and "dieting" isn't a chore its a lifestyle.

As always I would love you to come chat to me over on my twitter, instagram & bloglovin. I am also vlogging weekly as well as other fun videos (most recently Essex Fashion Week) so be sure to subscribe on my Youtube channel.

Lots of slim thoughts & love
Jen x

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