
I keep wondering when this slide up the scale is going to stop. Apparently NOT in October. The scale numbers are not good ... intake was down a little, but so were workouts. STATS: Started the month at 171.6. Ended it at 177.8 ... it's not really fair to end on a Monday, because that's always the highest. That WAS the highest reading too (perspective, the final Friday of the month had an official weigh-in of 172.7). The low was 170.9, and the average for the month was 173.10. Average Intake was 2192. Average Daily Burn was 2759. Supposedly, there was a deficit for the month (-8295). 20100 was the step average. 100min with weights, 3450 cardio minutes, 312.49 exercise miles. FITNESS: Got in my hour of elliptical 22 days this month. 20 Zumba classes, just twice on the treadmill (but one tennis time), five bike sessions, only three weight workouts.

*** JenB's Journal ***

1001 (Saturday) 171.6. Steps 17883. Total Burn 2523. Exercise Burn 650/726 (60minElliptical). Calories in 2750. My Swig Sugar cookies have been calling ... and I've been answering. I got in my hour of elliptical today. #5 had three games as usual. I skipped the first one in Lehi (where they got their first win) and met them at SoJo Middle for the second game. We got blown out by a really good team. Then he played with his 5th grade team. Started slow (only three points in the first half) then my little guy went off and got 10 points in about a minute, bringing us ahead for an easy win in the end. Three games in four hours though ... Hubs was gone all day "catering" a wedding with our two (or now three) chocolate fountains. The white chocolate and caramel didn't work well though and he was frustrated with that. It was a loooong day for him. Homecoming day for #2. They did breakfast, then went paintballing, then dressed for dinner and dance, with pictures before. Classic afterward for skating and bouncing.

1002 (Sunday) 171.7. Steps 9997. Total Burn 2116. Exercise Burn 320/315 (20minElliptical, Bike). Calories in 2000. First thing, Hubs started cleanup on the fountains, which he'd been too tired to do last night (understandably). I made breakfast, even making the waffles from scratch, which I usually leave to Hubs or #3 (I did ask #3 to do it, he was just uncooperative). Just regular fried bacon and blueberry sausage. I pulled all the pictures from the homecoming activities off #2's phone (and had gotten some from one of the other moms who was there taking pictures). Lots of fun photos. Conference Sunday - a traditional lunch at Pammy's house (we had to skip out on the monthly gathering with my side of the family as this was scheduled before). Also tradition, I generally stay home and enjoy the empty house. I had been thinking about attending, but I guess it's just expected that I stay home, so I did. Feeling off and sad though, then compounded by hearing that one of #1's friends in the neighborhood had just died. No details. He had been struggling with drugs and some mental issues for a while, but I'd seen him a few months ago and we'd had a nice chat and he seemed to be doing better. Sunday is usually my rest day, but I felt I needed some of my exercise endorphins. I hit the elliptical for 20min, to finish up my episode from yesterday (The Last Resort) and also did 30min on the bike. Hit the store to restock for lunches, but Smiths was OUT of everything. No strawberries, no bananas (just the more expensive "organic" ones), had to buy a different brand of ham. Not a great day ... although I did indulge in my Swig and breakfast, I then seemed to lose my appetite for the rest of the day, which at least kept calories in check.

1003 (Monday) 170.9. Steps 22810. Total Burn 2907. Exercise Burn 1275/1122 (80minElliptical, Zumba). Calories in 1700. I don't like it when my Fitbit says I've slept good when I know I haven't. Just because I'm laying and not moving doesn't mean I'm sleeping. Dragging today. I got in my two morning elliptical sessions while I got the boys off to school. #4 is trying hot lunch today ... unheard of for him! Zumba with Southziders. I was dragging SO much, I even thought I'd mention to Nina that I was too off to lead, but I didn't get around to it. Then Nina put on "Terrible" which is one of mine that requires a lot of energy. I pushed through, and it helped get my heart rate up anyway. Felt a little better even, and ended up getting decent stats for class (6720 steps, 3.07 miles. Fitbit calorie estimates 419/443. avHR114, high 141, in zone 16 of the 63 minutes. Scosche said 544 calories, avHR117, high166, in zone 24minutes). Didn't accomplish a lot during the day - I should have stopped at a store for strawberries and bananas, but just didn't have it in me. I did clean the master bathroom, did laundry and dishes. Got in my additional elliptical. Made tomato soup, a recipe from my SIL's that #3 has been raving about forever. That and toasted cheese sandwiches was dinner. I don't eat the soup, but I had a sandwich. #3 had a "Driver's Ed" presentation in the evening. Instead of being at our local high school, it was out in Herriman. I convinced Hubs since I had done it for the first two boys, it was his turn. I wondered if it might impact him at all too (seatbelt use, no texting while driving). I was just glad I didn't have to drive that far, in the dark ... and the whole people in a crowd thing. Showered and in jammies! I might have hit the bike for some reading and riding, but #4 ended up in the gym watching ESPN.

1004 (Tuesday) 170.9. Steps 29719. Total Burn 3327. Exercise Burn 1600/1531 (80minElliptical, Zumba, Bike, 2milesTreadmill). Calories in 1850. A little disappointed in the scale reading this morning. Same as yesterday. Often I have a decent drop after a good Monday. Not that yesterday was that good, I didn't get in my usual crazy Monday workouts, but still hit a little over my minimum, and more importantly, kept calories in check. Well, I guess I didn't get some of the ups I was expecting last weekend either. Silly scale. Still tried to stay on track. Did pretty good on the eating today, although I did cave and have a Swig cookie. Dominos dinner. I got in four 20min sessions on the elliptical (still watching "The Last Ship") and another while on the treadmill. Caught up on TKAM (To Kill a Mockingbird) to discuss with #3... reading while riding the stationary bike of course. Need to start reading "The Great Brain" to discuss with #4 as he reads it. Got a couple blog posts up. Hubs had a derby in the evening and #4 went to help (the church was a gym again! He wants it to be a poke-stop!) as the older boys had clinic. I had to drive #3 as #2 was heading there from a friend's house. I was out again just before 7:00 to drop #5 off at his practice, then again at 8:00 to pick him up. The older boys got out at the same time, and #2 did drop #3 off home, but I should have (and would have) grabbed him, as I was right about there anyway (the middle school and high school are close together). I'd gone to bed, and texted #2 to come home as it was a school night, and he texted back "I am home" ... funny, he'd come in right as I closed our bedroom door so I wasn't aware he was here.

1005 (Wednesday) 171.4 Steps 26731. Total Burn 3129. Exercise Burn 1110/1323 (60minElliptical, Zumba). Calories in 1900. Weight up again? I'm being good! Got the boys off to school, and got in two 20min sessions on the elliptical while I did so. NOT feeling motivated, and could feel myself attempting to talk myself out of going to Zumba, but I went. I had to stop at a store afterward ... I've also been talking myself out of that, but we were almost out of milk and other necessities. So, Sam's stop, but they don't have everything (or at least not in usable quantities) so I'll need to make another store run tomorrow too. I didn't get much accomplished during the day. Some laundry, dishes, working my way through basketball clips. Finally got in another elliptical session, to get to an hour anyway. Saw duckies at the canal when driving #5 home from school, so I took a walk to see them. Hubs had packed away most of the feed when he cleaned up the shed a bit ago, but I still had some floating food and took some of the cherry tomatoes. But ... couldn't find the duckies when I walked back. The water is so low, almost gone ... and it's all rather stinky and soggy now. I mowed the front lawn. We'd at quite the thunderstorm earlier in the day, but it had dried up and the sun had come out ... or so I thought. It started to rain again as I was mowing, but it just stuck with sprinkling, and I pushed through. Can't leave the lawn half mowed! Only did the front though. Hubs was out and about in the evening, prepping and packing for his trip. He's leaving to Seattle, meeting up with siblings for the Fall Food Tour there (they did this last year too).

1006 (Thursday) 172.7. Steps 23156. Total Burn 3052. Exercise Burn 1124/1262 (60minElliptical, Zumba). Calories in 2100. And up again! Discouraging. I'll admit I had a case of the "why even try" today. Still got in my hour of elliptical, and had a good Zumba class with MountainView. Marian was gone, so I was in charge of the playlist, with Christa and Amanda helping out. Good thing I had my little cord, because the sound box wasn't in the closet. I stopped at Reams afterward to grab some bread and bananas. I pikachu appeared on the PokemonGo phone, and I caught it! My first pokemon catch! #4 was pretty impressed, he says they can be a little tricky (it did take me more than one try, but just a plain poke-ball, as I don't know how to switch to the ultraballs or entice with razzberries). Bit of a blah day. I got a blog post up, and finished up a highlight reel for #5's basketball. I also contacted the company whose software I use (Muvee) with a solicitation for a donation for the upcoming auction for the high school team. Each parent must donate $100 in product (per kid, and I'll probably have two on teams ... sophomore team still has tryouts but I'm fairly confident). They answered back with an affirmative, so that is great! #2 had two games in Lehi today (won one, lost one) and #3 went over to the high school to support girls volleyball. Hubs came home from work early to finish up his packing. Left for the airport at 4:00 for his 6:00 flight. Arrived in Seattle at 8:30. Some nights when Hubs is gone I'll stay up late, getting in extra exercise or computer time ... tonight was NOT such a night. So tired.

1007 (Friday) 174.7. Steps 16141. Total Burn 2607. Exercise Burn 845/808 (80minElliptical). Calories in 1900. Slept in a little this morning. Late start at the middle and high schools, but moreover, it was that Hubs wasn't around getting up early, which is usually what wakes me. Got elementary and high school off, while getting in a couple elliptical sessions. Last week one of the other moms drove Friday. She volunteered again today, so I took her up on it. Whereas #4 seemed to handle it fine last week, he seemed off about it this morning. I could have/should have hit MZL Zumba. I would have been a little late, but still probably would have gotten most of the class. But ... I've just been dragging, and had actually been looking forward to a break today. I didn't go. I also admit to being quite down about the weigh-in this morning. Why even try? I made chocolate chip cookies in the evening. I needed to take some to a funeral luncheon tomorrow, gave some to #5's ride as they took him to practice, and let #3 take some to friends as I dropped him off to hang out. Luckily #2 was willing to do the pickup, because it was late and I was so tired.

1008 (Saturday) 174.7. Steps 13864. Total Burn 2429. Exercise Burn 600/626 (60minElliptical). Calories in 2400. Got in some elliptical. Dropped off the cookies, and dropped off #3 to hang out with friends. #5 had a game at 5:00. They lost. His 5th grade team was playing at 5:30, but we had to miss that one, as the games overlapped (they got the win without him). He had another game at 7:00 in Lehi, and I just sent him with teammates, as I dislike the drive and the venue. They lost that one too. I did catch up on highlight videos from other 5th/Lehi games, so now I just have the 6th grade Gene Fullmer games to go through.

1009 (Sunday) 174.7. Steps 11169. Total Burn 2178. Exercise Burn 600/361 (60minElliptical). Calories in 2700. Made pancakes for breakfast. #2 had actually gotten up early and hit the gym. He was in rare form this morning teasing his brothers and being silly (usually I've just dragged him out of bed to join us and he's still half asleep). Hubs has been checking in during their "Fall Food Tour" in Seattle. Seriously though, I don't even recognize half the stuff as food! I'm not at all adventurous, which is why he's off with family doing this and I'm at home (that, and someone has to stay with the kids and feed the cats). Lazy day, although I did hit the elliptical a few times.

1010 (Monday) 175.5. Steps 26153. Total Burn 3135. Exercise Burn 1290/1312 (80inElliptical, Zumba). Calories in 2100. Back to the routine. With Hubs gone, I was actually relying on my alarm for the 6:00 wakeup. Got the boys off to school, getting a couple of elliptical sessions in between car rides. Four 20min sessions during the day, catching up on some of the new shows this season. Zumba with Southziders. Unfortunately, there were a ton of chairs up in the gym. Normally, the ward that just finished sitting in said chairs has the responsibility of putting them away. At least that's how it always was, and what makes sense. I guess in this stake, they ask the ward with the middle meeting schedule to come back a couple hours after they've gone home, to put the chairs away. Obviously, it isn't working, as it's happened so many times in this building. Our 9:30 Zumba didn't start until 10:00. On the way home, I stopped at Maceys for groceries. Shopping steps, and steps putting everything away. Hubs was coming home today, so I spent some time cleaning up the kitchen, vacuuming, etc. He'd mentioned lemon jello cake on Facebook, so I made that too. He got home a little after 5:00. Nice to have him home.

1011 (Tuesday) 173.4. Steps 25874. Total Burn 3119. Exercise Burn 1150/1309 (60minElliptical, Zumba, Bike, Weights). Calories in 1700. Usual morning getting the kids off, getting elliptical in. Zumba with Marian, I walked to the church and back. Also got in additional elliptical, bike and weights. On middle school pickup duty. #2 had basketball games in American Fork (won them both). #5 had practice over at West Hills. Pot roast for dinner. Hubs experimented with some green beans, trying to recreate a dish from is recent Fall Food Tour. Even with a major overindulgence of candy corn, I kept calories in check.

1012 (Wednesday) 172.5. Steps 30014. Total Burn 3201. Exercise Burn 1300/1396 (80minElliptical, Zumba). Calories in 2200. Bad night, I have no idea why. I just could not sleep. Fit in two elliptical sessions between the three school dropoffs this morning. I'm on for three pickups this afternoon too, as #2 (who usually brings #3 home from the high school) is off on a college tour, and the usual Wednesday carpool asked if I could cover. Hit Zumba with MZL (6357 steps, 2.81 miles. Fitbit calorie estimates 348/429. avHR103, high134, in zone just 1 of the 63 minutes. Scosche said 423 calories, avHR103/high159, in zone 6min). There were some new people there, and they were in "my" spot (they were on time, I was late) but that throws me off a bit. Also ... I admit the PokemonGo stops may be distracting me a little. Stopped at Sam'sClub on the way home to grab some groceries. Got them put away, straightened up the kitchen, did dishes and some laundry. Got in additional elliptical. Did the after school pickups, then mowed the lawn. #4 was walking the canal and sent me a picture of duckies (one of them being one of our duckies) in one of the puddles ... the canal is basically dry. I grabbed some food and went for a walk on the canal myself to see them. While the cool weather is more pleasant, the canal itself ... stinks! Muddy, soggy, swampy goo in the bed. I felt awful for the ducks, the water was so disgusting. There are bigger canals that still have water. There is Daybreak Lake. Or ... fly South little duckies. Two flew as I approached, they are very skittish. Antonia and another stuck around, but did end up flying off, although they circled back to the canal, so I crossed paths with them again as I walked back. I sure hope they are ok! The older boys had basketball clinic, I drove #3 there as #2 was already at the high school. Actually, we had #3 drive, gotta get those practice hours in. He's 16, and will be finishing up the driver's ed course within weeks. The song "Car Crash" came on the playlist during the ride there, and #3 muttered "I really don't think that's very appropriate" ... correct! I forwarded to the next song :) Happily, #2 was able to bring him home though. Good, as I was pretty tired. I'd done okay during the day, not really dragging or sleepy after my bad night, but I could feel it as the evening went on. Of course Hubs (up early every morning) still beat me to sleep.

1013 (Thursday) 172.9. Steps 24090. Total Burn 3020. Exercise Burn 1211/1301 (80minElliptical, Zumba). Calories in 2200. Normal morning, with three trips to school and elliptical sessions in between. Caught the latest episode of "This is Us" in the morning, and "Designated Survivor" later in the day. Am I using TV to entertain me while I elliptical, or ellipticalling as an excuse to watch more TV? Good question! Zumba with MountainView. STATS: 6764 steps, 2.97 miles. Calorie estimates 421/487. avHR 116/high135, in zone 15 of the 63 minutes. Scosche said 558 calories, avHR120/high154, in zone 24min. Pretty good stats, as I was feeling tired, which was ironic because I had slept good last night ... didn't feel tired yesterday after a crappy night. #3 had "roads" today, so I drove him back to school (or accompanied him as he drove rather) and then both older boys had basketball clinic, so I didn't have to go back to pick him up. Hubs and #4 did a derby ... finally the church was a poke-stop rather than a gym, so #4 got some swag while he worked. A little down as basketball schedules for Saturday were posted and there are scheduling conflicts again. Compounded by my anxiety issues about driving complicating matters, as the games Lehi require a ride. I should have hit the bike for some reading but sometimes something this simple starts a spiral sending me into fetal position. Ended up discussing "To Kill a Mockingbird" with #3 when he got home (as we finished the book and he has language arts tomorrow). There were tears ... although that's nothing new, everything has been bringing me to tears lately, but usually not in front of people.

1014 (Friday) 172.4. Steps 18187. Total Burn 2705. Exercise Burn 870/900 (80minElliptical). Calories in 2100. Went ahead and slept in a bit this morning. Also didn't have middle school drop-off, but still didn't make a Zumba or accomplish anything much. This basketball situation on Saturday has me completely stressed and down. In emailing with Hubs, he committed to being our Uber, thus giving us a choice as to when we leave between to two overlapping games. That did help a bit. Early out at the elementary. Middle school carpool was late, something which is really hard on my #4 anxiety child. #5 had basketball practice, and the older boys attended the football game at the high school. Afterward, #2 and friends (girlfriends too) came over for some pumpkin carving.

1015 (Saturday) 173.3. Steps 12786. Total Burn 2355. Exercise Burn 425/572 (20minElliptical, Tennis). Calories in 2200. Awake fairly early ... so much for Saturday sleep in. I hit the elliptical for 20min, but then didn't make it down to the gym again. #4 and I went to the park though, and tried a little tennis. It was his first time, but he wasn't too bad! We stayed active enough that it registered on my ChargeHR anyway. Hubs was gone to work for the morning. He was going to meet us at the school at 5:30. If the 5:00 game was a blowout (either winning or losing) we would leave to Lehi for the 6:00 game, but ... if the game was tight, we'd stay until the end. So that was the plan. The munchkin and I hitched a ride to the 4:00 game so we wouldn't have two cars. The 4:00 game didn't go very well. Our boys kept passing to the other team! Not a great game, a loss. Game two stayed pretty neck and neck. #5 made a great deep three buzzer beater at the half. It was close though, so we stayed. We rushed out as it ended and Hubs drove us to Lehi. We made decent time, making there for the second half at least. It was a blowout (we lost) but they were a 7th grade team filling in as the team we were supposed to play was a no show. Afterward, we played the top team in the 6th grade (ranked in the top10 nationally) so again, it was no real match-up, but our boys played well and seemed to have fun. Maybe with some pressure off (there was no way we'd win against these guys) they just played. Hubs had stayed for a bit, but not for both (one and a half) so the boy and I caught a ride home.

1016 (Sunday) 171.3. Steps 7334. Total Burn 2042. Exercise Burn 200/224 (20minElliptical). Calories in 2500. Slept in a bit better this morning. Hubs had been up early, prepping dinner, smoking brisket and prime rib. We did our Sunday Circles breakfast. That's always a big meal, but dinner was a huge meal! We'd invited the grandparents over, but with the late notice (and Maga was a big preoccupied as her kitty was having kittens, again). I had a food baby! My belly was big.

1017 (Monday) 174.5. Steps 25456. Total Burn 3270. Exercise Burn 1427/1453 (80minElliptical, Zumba, Bike). Calories in 1700. Back to the routine. Still up at 6:00 this week, we'll see if I can keep it up when #3 no longer has early morning driver's ed. I thought it was a B day, so I made lunches (#2 doesn't take them on A day, and #3 just wants partial) ... it was an A day. Got the boys off to school, getting my two elliptical sessions in-between drives. Zumba with Southziders. 6590 steps. 2.95 miles. Fitbit calorie estimates 431/488. avHR116, high138, in zone 19 of the 68 minutes. Scosche said 621 calories, avHR120, high164, in zone 29min. Even though we are out of Nutella (to go, for lunches) and orange juice, I just didn't have it in me to go shopping. The kids will have to suffer for a few days without. Back at home I got in additional elliptical, a couple blog posts, laundry, dishes. After school pickup, then dropped #3 off at his old middle school for open gym there (the sophpmores like to come back to the old stomping grounds, it's tradition). I had to pick him up from there, then home to grab his stuff, then drop him at a teammates to catch a ride to the game in Lehi. Two games were on the schedule, but they did divide the team up, and he was just scheduled to play the 8:00 game. #2 had a 9:00 game, and carpooled with friends. Hubs asked if I wanted to go ... I hadn't planned on this one, and it was so late (wouldn't get back until almost 11:00, on a school night, and I always have trouble getting to sleep after late games) ... we didn't. At 9:30 when Hubs was asleep I'm sure he was glad. I got in a session on the bike before bed. The boys both won their games.

1018 (Tuesday) 171.3. Steps 25270. Total Burn 3138. Exercise Burn 1450/1355 (90minElliptical, Zumba, Weights). Calories in 2100. Got in two 20min elliptical sessions in between school drop-offs, then headed to Zumba with Marian. It was a little cool, so I drove, even though it's walkable. Very fun class today, and my stats were good. 6615 steps. 2.91 miles. Fitbit calories 457/496. avHr120, high145, in zone 34 of the 65 minutes. Scosche said 663 calories, avHR131, high156, in zone 45min. I got additional elliptical in and did weights. Apparently #2 went to a school activity (cheering on girls soccer at state) which left #3 stranded at school ... on the day I have middle school pickup as well. I was trying to make arrangements to grab him but he said he'd just stay and watch the volleyball game. So I picked him up at 6:00 instead ... he was HUNGRY though, but while we have a ton of yummy leftovers, nothing appealed to him. I ended up making him Nutella pancakes. I had a small one, pushed me over goal on calories slightly (that ... or perhaps it was the salted caramel I shouldn't have eaten ... or the candy corn). Hubs had a derby in Farmington, as he works in Davis County, he'd just taken the trailer with him and went straight. He doesn't have one of the boys to help him, but a friend came and lent a hand. #2 had a couple basketball games up at UVC, they won one, lost the other in overtime. He didn't get home until after 11:00.

1019 (Wednesday) 170.9. Steps 26584. Total Burn 3035. Exercise Burn 1235/1255 (80minElliptical, Zumba). Calories in 2100. Pulling the kids out of bed with promises of "you can sleep in tomorrow" and also anticipating that fact for myself. Last day of early morning driver's ed! Yea! I so dislike driving in the dark (who am I kidding, I dislike driving all the time, but the dark is not good). Got in a couple elliptical sessions while getting the boys off to school. Resetting my reminder for early out at the elementary today! Went to Zumba with MZL. 6228 steps. 2.85 miles. Fitbit calorie estimates 357/402. avHR107, high132, in zone 3 of the 60min. Scosche said 425 calories, avHR106, high139, in zone 5min. Not sure why I wasn't getting the HR up today. After class I stopped at Sam'sClub to grab some groceries. Funny to see several other women in their workout wear ... I'm not the only one who stops while already out and about. Mowed the lawn ... it's getting to where it doesn't need it as often. Hubs was home early, and off to a derby. #3 had gone to a friend's house after school, and Hubs picked him up from there to help. #2 was off to the final football game of the season.

1020 (Thursday) 171.2. Steps 18529. Total Burn 2680. Exercise Burn 836/914 (40minElliptical, Zumba). Calories in 2350. Fall break ... to sleep in time. Not for Hubs though, he was up uber early. The kitty tried to run into the room, but Hubs grabbed him and kept him out ... as much fun as a snuggly kitty is, it actually keeps me from sleeping. I didn't get any elliptical in before hitting Zumba with MZL at 9:00. I was a little late, as #2 had requested I wash his work clothes, and I'd stuck around to make sure they were put in the dryer before I left. Class stats were 6267 steps, 2.72 miles. Fitbit calorie estimates 401/439, avHR121, high149, in zone 30 of the 57 minutes. Unfortunately, I forgot my Scoshe. I'd had it laid out and everything. After class, I stopped at Dunford Donuts, grabbing some of their Halloween donuts, and a regular dozen. We were having the bishop over in the evening for #3's setting apart as a priest, so I spent some time cleaning up. #5 had been invited out to his cousin's birthday party (they had a cancellation and needed a body to make sure there were even numbers for flag football). I was a little stressed, with my driving issues, hitting rush hour, and just if I'd have the time to make the trip, trying to prep for tonight. Luckily my other SIL was taking her son to the party and said she stop and grab mine on the way. Maga brought him back after, as she was coming out to our house anyway.

1021 (Friday) 172.3. Steps 20914. Total Burn 2810. Exercise Burn 1185/1005 (80minElliptical, Zumba). Calories in 2500. Got up early enough to get in one session on the elliptical before heading out to Zumba. Went to Debbie's class in Daybreak at 9:00. I was a little afraid we were going to get kicked out, as people were coming in to set up for a wedding. My pet peeve ... if you reserve the church from 5:00-10:00, that is when your reservation stands. If you are planning on setting up hours early, then reserve it for the set up time too, and check to see if there is already something on the schedule! Class stats ... 5361 steps, 2.34 miles. Fitbit calorie estimates 303/363, avHR101, high120, didn't make it into the cardio zone at all during the 60min class. Scosche said 340 calories, avHR99, high 127. I had brought my weights, and we do some toning in class. It just doesn't get my heart rate up. #3 asked me to take him up to a friend's church so they could play basketball. I had him drive there and back (a couple hours later for the pickup). The little boys just played around home all day ... bottle flipping, Minecraft, Clash Royal and basketball. I finished up "The Great Brain" ... a reread for me, one #4 just read and needs to do a book report on due Monday. #5 had basketball practice in the evening, and both #2 and #3 went to haunted houses with their friends.

1022 (Saturday) 173.4. Steps 13240. Total Burn 2361. Exercise Burn 640/561 (60minElliptical). Calories in 2300. Hubs was up and off to work early. I got up and said "hello" to him when he was in the shower ... scared him! I laughed (and laughed). I was a little sad I didn't get my Saturday sleep in though. I did get in three 20min sessions on the elliptical. #5 had a basketball game at 2:00 in Lehi. we caught a ride with teammates. It was the only game going, so I wasn't sure why they had it on the court with the glaring sunlight. I also didn't understand why the kids coming in for the game after had to shoot on the basket behind the court with the game in session (where I was standing attempting to get video, which was hard with them there, and with the bright sun spots) when there were two full courts open. The game ended up in overtime, and our boys got the win! I really hope we don't do the Lehi league again though. I didn't care for the building (no spectator spots), the driving distance, or the lack of information (no schedules, we'd only find out game time a day or so before). #3 went to a corn maze with friends, and #2 was able to pick him up after so Hubs and I could go to bed.

1023 (Sunday) 173.9. Steps 7719. Total Burn 2062. Exercise Burn 219/256 (20minElliptical). Calories in 2400. Did get my sleep in this morning. Hubs smoked bacon and made waffles for our big breakfast, then made dinner ... smoked brisket and mashed potatoes. I made rolls ... got Rhodes rising and made Brazillian Cheese Rolls. We had some of his family over. I squeezed in one session on the elliptical during the day, not sure why if feels SO much harder on the weekend! I rested here and there during the day, but never actually got a nap in.

1024 (Monday) 176.2. Steps 30173. Total Burn 3291. Exercise Burn 1600/1480 (90minElliptical, Zumba, 2.5milesIntervals). Calories in 2500. Well there is my bad weekend showing on the scale this morning! Yikes! Highest high in a long while. I was a little surprised yesterday's hadn't gone up, as Hubs made popcorn Saturday night. Yesterday was not good for eating or exercise, so the scale shift isn't surprising nor undeserved. But hopefully today will turn it around a bit. I still got up at 6:00, even without the early morning driver's ed. I hit the elliptical at 6:15 for my first 20, then made lunches, then hit it for 10min before middle school carpool. Had a little stress as #2 took off in the morning (a basketball buddy's birthday, so they kidnapped him and took him to breakfast) but today I needed him to take #3 to school. I can't do it because the middle school carpool is at the exact same time. He made it back, but was late. I got in another 20min before taking #5 to elementary. I had more steps by 8:30 than I did the entire day on Sunday. That's how it goes. Went out to Draper for Zumba with Southziders. Class Stats: 6672 steps. 2.95 miles. Fitbit calories 406/431, avHR108, high140, in zone 8 of the 65 minutes. Scosche said 516 calories, avHR112, high157, in zone 14min. They were going to cancel class next Monday (Halloween) as Nina and Cassie have costumed kid parades at school. Christa and I said we could handle it with Debbie, so I guess we'll be on. Hubs had done some shopping over the weekend, so I didn't feel the need to stop at a store on the way home. Got in some additional elliptical, and even hit the treadmill (watched TWD, the episode everyone is talking about, I had heard/seen some spoilers so it wasn't really a shock although it was graphic and sad). #3 had roads after school, and then headed to the middle school for the open gym there. I picked him up at 6:00. Hubs and the littles headed out to see their cousin in a play, but it was sold out. They stopped at In&Out instead.

1025 (Tuesday) 173.8. Steps 27069. Total Burn 1350. Exercise Burn 1350/1302 (80minElliptical, Zumba, Bike, Weights). Calories in 1900. Glad the scale reflected me trying yesterday. Or regular fluctuations ... whatever. Got the boys off to school and got in some elliptical in-between. I walked to Zumba, it was 59° and nice, lovely leaves fallen all around. Caught a couple Pokemon on the way there and back too. Zumba stats ... 5786 steps. 2.5miles. Fitbit calorie estimates 358/406, avHR110, high133, in zone 10 of the 59 minutes. Scosche said 483 calories, avHR115, high146, in zone 15min. At the church, I attempted signing into the wifi, but PokemonGo wouldn't work, it had been blocked. So, gotta use data to get the stop. I checked back at home though, and all reports indicate that it doesn't use that much ... but Hubs said we were over last month, mainly because of "The Family Phone" (which is the PokemonGo phone). I got in some additional elliptical and did weights. I was on middle school pickup. Hubs had a derby, and #3 went along, even though there was open gym at the high school. I dropped #5 off early for his practice. It was tryouts for grades 6-8 over at the high school too, but we discussed it and decided we are happy with the teams we are on now. I would have liked him to have the experience of the tryout ... but didn't want him to make a team! Picked him up at 9:00, getting in a session on the bike to keep me awake until then.

1026 (Wednesday) 172.3. Steps 25685. Total Burn 3039. Exercise Burn 1287/1233 (80minElliptical, Zumba). Calories in 2500. Another little scale drop. I keep thinking it might motivate me on the eating, but I was super hungry and snacking today. Got in early morning elliptical. #4 was complaining of a sore throat though, and when I came up to take him to school he was in tears and said he didn't feel well enough. One of the other mom's was able to take over carpool at the last minute and I got him settled with some ibuprofen and a blanket. He was running a slight fever too. Got #5 off to elementary. Still hit Zumba and a quick stop at Sams (#4 wanted orange juice). Sicko was never too bad, not demanding at all, but I still didn't feel like I got much done today. I did pull out the garden plants for the green waste which will be ending soon. Didn't mow the lawn though, it hadn't grown much. Maybe Saturday. After picking up #5 from school, I decided to run #4 to the Kid'sCare, just to see if it was strep or not, and get on antibiotics if it was. It wasn't. Viral. But I was pretty pleased that it was just a $25 copay (I was thinking the location qualified as an Urgent Care, which is a $40 copay). We also were in and out within an hour. That wasn't much comfort to #4 though, as he was emotionally drained and his anxieties were kicking in. He was in meltdown mode a few times. There were tears. I had brought along the PokemonGo phone though. He would turn it off, but I turned it back on in case something showed up, and a few did appear during our wait ... including a Gengar, which is one he was really wanting. So ... worth it? I didn't see #3 all day! He went straight from school to the middle school, for the open gym there. Then he went back to the high school for the open gym there. It is walkable between the two schools, but there was a two hour break. I offered to come grab him and take him back ... and FEED him. I asked him what he was doing for food but he said he wasn't hungry. Crazy kid! I didn't see #2 most of the day either, although he did make a quick stop home for some dinner and to put in a request for his laundry to be done (I'll accept that during "business hours" ... not so much when he texts me at 10:00 at night saying he needs it by morning ... yes, that happened last week!). I didn't see Hubs all day either! He'd had an uber early morning (about 3:00) and then went straight from work to a derby, not getting home until around 9:00.

1027 (Thursday) 173.9. Steps 25114. Total Burn 3068. Exercise Burn 1274/1285 (80minElliptical, Zumba). Calories in 2300. Upon the doctor's recommendation, I didn't even ask #4 about school, but just let him sleep in. Got the other boys off. Hit MountainView Zumba (6009 steps, 2.59 miles. Fitbit Calories 386/440. avHR115, high135, in zone 15 of the 60minutes. Scosche said 556 calories, avHR122/high154, in zone 27min). Melanie came back to visit and did some Halloween numbers. After class I stopped by Big5 and grabbed some new basketball shoes for #5, the stopped at Smiths to pick up #4's prescription and a few groceries. #4 just rested most of the day. #5 had awakened with a coughing spell that had me concerned, but he made it through school, but was sporting a fever by the end of the day. Sigh. A bit of frustration after school as #3 had an ortho appointment. I'd told #2 if he didn't have him home by 2:50, to just drop him off straight at the dental office (very close to home, appointment was at 3:00). #2 shows up at the house about 2:50, friends in tow, no #3 ... but #3 has NOT been dropped off, he was left at school! What??? Come on children! And #3, even though I reminded him, doesn't seem to realize anything is wrong, still at school just chatting it up with friends. #2 went back and grabbed him and dropped him off while I called the office to explain he was late and ask if they'd still be able to squeeze him in. They accommodated. #3 then wanted to go back to the high school to watch the final volleyball games, senior night. With the littles sick, and #2 at a dance (that's why friends were over, to look through our costumes) and #3 at said games, Hubs didn't have any help for his derby that night.

1028 (Friday) 172.7. Steps 19051. Total Burn 2713. Exercise Burn 1002/919 (60minElliptical, Zumba). Calories in 1950. Slept in a little ... not just because of late start, but because the high school and middle schools were out. End of quarter. I wasn't sure what to plan on with #5 ... elementary still had school, but he'd hit 102+ last night. I didn't want to wake him up if he wasn't going to go to school. He did wake when I checked on him and said he wasn't feeling up to it. I gave him some medicine, and it must have kicked in, because a bit later, he said he WAS going to go to school. I dropped him off and then hit Zumba with Debbie in Daybreak. Being close to Halloween, it was suggested we wear costumes. I'd considered being silly and showing up in the Whoopie Cushion costume #2 had on last night ... but #2 never came home (he'd texted requesting a sleepover) so I didn't have the costume on hand. I had a t-shirt which said "I don't do costumes" and that was a backup, but then I tried on the convict costume and went with that. I could even put the little striped hat on over my usual Zumba cap. Class was fun, there were a few others dressed up too, and we got a picture afterward. Quite a few Zumba songs, which I don't know that I'd put the effort into if I was an instructor. It takes so much to learn new choreography and if you're only doing them once a year ... anyways. Class stats 5385 steps, 2.46 miles. Fitbit calorie estimate 343/400. avHR109, high135, in zone 8 of the 60 min. Scosche said 460 calories, avHR111, high159, in zone 12min. I'd also hit over a dozen pokestops (there was a park with a ton) on the way there and back, and the church was one too. But data ... Hubs said that phone has already used up a lot and we're only a little ways into the month. Back at home, #3 had friends over all day long. It was a little loud! Once they left, he and I had quite the conversation (via text, as he was too embarrassed to talk face to face) and apparently ... he has a girlfriend! He IS 16, but still, I hadn't even suspected. Arrgg! #2 has been going out with the same girl since Homecoming too. Girlfriends! It's a little more stressful than when they are just hanging out with friends. #5 made it through school, but we decided he should probably sit out practice. Didn't want to run him down, nor pass it on to anyone. We'd have "fever competitions" between the two boys, to see who was higher. Usually #5 was, but it's #4 who just looks really sick. Red and sweaty face and glossy eyes. Poor kid. At least #5 is having success at swallowing pills, easier than liquid medications (#4 learned to swallow back in 2nd grade). Both bigger boys were out with said girlfriends in the evening. #2 agreed to pickup #3 for me, as I was tired and heading to bed. Hubs had gone from work to a work party ... and he was really late. Missed HIS curfew!

1029 (Saturday) 173.7. Steps 10113. Total Burn 2207. Exercise Burn 350/395 (Zumba). Calories in 2300. Not much sleep last night, but I got up and hit Zumba at 9:00. Thyrve was offering class for free. I picked up my Zumba buddy Denise and we went together. Class Stats: 5461 steps, 2.35 miles. Fitbit calories 334/347. avHR105, high129, in zone 1 of the 58 minutes. Scosche said 383 calories, avHR106, high139, in zone 3min. I dropped #2's Fitbit off at the UPS drop nearby. It hasn't been syncing and is out of Fitbit's warranty. I had purchased an extended warranty (for $4 for that 2nd year) so I'm sending it in and will get my price paid (for the Fitbit) back anyway. #2 was only wearing it for me watching his feedback, he doesn't care. I haven't been keeping tabs on the kids or Hubs lately though, so maybe he'll just be Fitbitless. Both little were still feeling sick. #5 had two games today, at 4:00 and 5:00, but he just wasn't up for even attempting it. His 5th grade team lost, but his 6th grade team got an easy win. Hubs grabbed a movie (Money Maker ... one I had been interested in but, ehhh) and made popcorn. #2 was working and #3 went to hang with friends (sans girls tonight).

1030 (Sunday) 173.7. Steps 10252. Total Burn 2145. Exercise Burn 420/285 (40minElliptical). Calories in 2400. Better sleep with all my guys home at reasonable hours. Hubs smoked bacon and made waffles for our big breakfast. We had a brainstorm session with #3 about a "pumpkin catcher" for his Physics class (I remember our last "family homework" with his Rube Golberg contraption). A little nap time. I did get in a couple sessions on the elliptical. Hubs and the boys went to Maga's to see the kittens. It was the first time out of the house in a few days for #4.

1031 (Monday) 177.8. Steps 22018. Total Burn 2940. Exercise Burn 930/1114 (40minElliptical, Zumba). Calories in 2400. Lousy sleep. Just some bad dreams and such. Not a good way to start the week, nor was stepping on the scale. Ouch! The boys all went to school today, although I dosed the littles with medication before sending them off, and I was halfway expecting a call during the day (but they made it). Halloween parade and party for #5, he went as a "chick magnet" for lack of a better costume. He said he didn't care if I came and watched the parade, so I hit Zumba. I was in charge of Zumba in fact, as Nina and Cassie did have kids who cared if their parents came to their parades. Getting to pick the playlist and being up front much of the time, I got good stats. 6639 steps, 2.92 miles. Fitbit calorie estimates 483/517. avHR125, high153, in zone 43 of the 65 minutes. Scosche said 774 calories, avHR141, high198, in zone 58min. I did a stop at Smiths on the way home to pick up some candy to pass out tonight. I was hoping to grab some pumpkins too, to test out the pumpkin catcher, but alas, none to be found. I should have checked to see if they had a tarp there (I was at the SmithsMarketplace), but had to make a separate trip to Lowes later in the day to grab that. Hubs and #3 worked on it in the early evening. It's supposed to be a group project, but ... I was feeling a bit blechy. Not sure if it was me catching what the boys had, or the lack of sleep, or the fact that all I ate all day was candy ... Hubs said he was feeling a bit off himself. I dropped #3 off at friend's to hang for the night then took #5 out trick or treating. Too bad we didn't arrange something with friends, he would have had more fun ... but after being sick over the weekend I wasn't even sure he'd be up to going out at all.

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