
Premium members and NC Mall-lovers, this one's for you! A new FAQ/Help section has emerged detailing a monthly Premium-only NC Collectible item. A new item will be awarded on the 15th of each month to subscribed Premium users, and this month's prize is the Premium Collectible: Taelia Handheld Plushie!

January Premium Bonus Collectible Delivery!, 15/1/2013 12:17pm


The time has come - your Premium Bonus Collectible is here! Well, not here. It's in your inventory... where these things go... you know what we mean.

January's Collectible: Premium Collectible: Taelia Handheld Plushie

Thanks for being an awesome Premium member, and we hope you enjoy this month's collectible!

- The Neopets Team

What is a Premium Collectible item?

A Premium Collectible item is a limited edition NC item awarded only to Premium subscribers because we love them and they are awesome. Members receive this exclusive item on the 15th of every month (as long as the Premium subscription is active at that time!).

Will I be able to purchase Premium Collectible items separately?

Nope! These are limited edition NC items that are only awarded to Premium members. They aren't offered through direct sales or any other means.

How will I know when I've received my Premium Collectible?

You'll get a Neomail once the item has been dropped into your inventory.

I just signed up for Premium. Do I get a Premium Collectible item?

New subscribers are awarded the previous Premium Collectible as soon as the new subscription is processed. For example, if you subscribe on May 3rd, the previous collectible (which would be April 15th's item) will be placed in your inventory immediately (in the NC section) and then you'll be awarded the next collectible (May 15th's item) with everyone else when the time comes.

If I cancel my Premium membership, will I be able to keep my Premium Collectible item(s)?

Yup! Any collectibles you already received while you were a Premium member are yours to keep, to do with as you please. You won't be awarded any future Premium Collectibles unless you re-subscribe.

Are Premium Collectible items giftable?

Yes, like any other Neocash item, they can be gifted via a NC Gift Box if you so choose (one item per box).

Also remember to please model this item (along with any other items we may need) on our Modeling page. You can earn a nifty trophy for your Trophy Cabinet!

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