
A most disconcerting report from Washington
Times and RadicalIslam.org
concerning the Benghazi embassy attack in Libya – now officially designated as BenghaziGate scandal,
here are facts within the fog of cover-up by BH Obama and Hillary Clinton:

Prior to the 9/11
anniversary, instead of improved security that was requested, it was
reduced. Special Forces detachment of 16 personnel were ordered to leave.

No help was sent to aid
embassy officials and requests for support were denied – more than once.

investigators of hearings, FoxNews,
Coren (SunNews, Canada),
Klein (WorldNetDaily),
and Diana
West (syndicated columnist), Frank Gaffney
(Center for Security Policy),
and Clare
Lopez (RadicalIslam.org,
strategic policy-intelligence) are investigating what the Benghazi role
played concerning Obama administration’s Middle East policy of, as Frank Gaffney stated:

…engaging, legitimating, enriching and emboldening Islamists who have
taken over or are ascendant in much of the Middle East.

Another disconcerting revelation: Turkish Consul General, Ali
Sait Akin, suspected of involvement in the plot to attack the US mission
in Benghazi. Associated
Press (AP) reporters were told by Libyans living near the compound
tells a different story than what was released by the White House and the
Secretary of State. In addition, a “mysterious” Libyan
ship heading to Syria has been linked to the US Consulate.

This is an executive administration of the United States
government whose campaign ads have accused Mitt
Romney of wanting to keep America in perpetual war. This is a political
entity in the United States whose political platform is socialism at home and foreign
of appeasement, apologetic
rhetoric abroad that have weakened our status among world nations, as well as
in the eyes of the enemies of the free world. This is the same political
socialist-progressive movement that accused GW Bush of staging the attack of September 11th,
2001 despite expert engineers and analysts at Ground Zero proving that the attack was carried out by Islamic
fascists and the al-Qaeda terrorist organization. It reinforces my statements
that 98% of the time, the American Democrat political party members who accuse others of
scandals and even treasonous acts are themselves guilty of what they are
accusing, either direct lies or through misinformation.

This also reinforces my call for action:

no person who desires to campaign for the
office of the President, Vice President, or member of the US Congress in the
House or Senate should not be considered a viable candidate without passing a
full FBI security screening like any American citizen with access to classified
documents and sensitive material regarding our national security.

Obama and company are prime examples of why this should be
so. When BH Obama, with all of his
ties in the subversive organizations of Islamic fascism, is no longer President
of the United States – is he not a security risk? The President of the United
States has access to every critical document and material that is safeguarded
for the protection of the United States and its people.

As I stated in another article: There is no statute of
limitations for treason.

In a related bit of

Larry Ward at Breitbart
reported that his political message in the form of the following image was
removed from the page and replaced with a notice of violation by Facebook. When re-posted  the same thing
happened again and Facebook suspended
Mr. Ward’s account for 24 hours in punishment. This is a violation of the First Amendment, you know, the one that
progressives love to invoke, but not allow it when others think differently. Facebook is the one who should be punished.

The image below is not anything than a short statement of truth; unlike that posted
by the progressive pundits and bloggers depicting GW Bush as a Nazi, baby killer, warmonger, and destroying the
Statue of Liberty – and, worse, part of a conspiracy that instigated the
terrorist attack of 911.

During the Bush administration there was a myriad of
anti-war demonstrators – but during the four years of Obama and company, none.

War is war, no matter WHO is in office.

Why was impeachment in order for GW Bush for his actions in a war authorized by Congress called for - and no word of impeachment coming from the Congress?

It is because conservatives and constitutional patriots
believe that Islamic fascism is a real and present danger – a threat to the
United States, its people, and valued allies; at home and abroad. Like other places in the
world, the Muslim
Brotherhood obtains a foothold through subversion
of a nation’s infrastructure through “peaceful” fronts
and institutions. Progressives serve socialism; therefore, they must have a
policy of appeasement
and apologetic
diatribe. More questions ...

Why was the meeting with Turkey consul not at Tripoli, where the embassy is?

Why did not the Turkish consul provide warning about the roadblocks by Afghan-dressed armed personnel in the nearby streets of the consulate?

As with the four-year record of this president - too many questions with no answers as well as no accountability

Do We the People want to live by mob rule and the whim of the corrupt media or the Rule of the Constitution?

Fellow Americans who
are undecided or Obama fans: If this does not get your attention and help you
decide who to vote for on November 6th national election – I have
not a clue what would.

Clean out Congress and the White House on November 6th.

American needs constitutional representatives and senators - not unconstitutional, compromising RINOs or Socialists; and a President (and Cabinet) of character, who abides by his/her oath of office. If we are to reform OUR government, we must first reform ourselves.

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