
The Hawks win… and Tyler Olson tapped into the buildup with a Students4Olson "CyHawk Challenge" that snared some names for his email list.

Roll Call listed the top eight most fascinating congressional recruits… and of COURSE the list includes Anesa Kajtazovic.

Also in the 1st CD, on the GOP side, Paul Pate and Walt Rogers see an opportunity. That's four candidates. Another convention?

That Republican convention may get moved back to June. Secretary of State pulled the rug out from under GOP chair A.J. Spiker's spurious argument that the state convention couldn't happen until after Big Liberty had enough time to get organized the state canvass. So there's a conference call a week from Monday. While they're at it, could they do something about getting the 2014 caucus date the same for both parties?

Senator Chickenman has a challenger, as Wapello County supervisor Steve Siegel announces for Senare 41. Chelgen, a 10 vote winner in 2010 in a heavily Democratic district, is the Dems' best change to knock off an incumbent next year… unless Kent Sorenson somehow survives his inevitable primary.`Cause you know HE ain't gonna go willingly.

We had an election… my favorite story out of School Election `13 is that Dave Loebsack's 2012 Republican opponent John Archer lost his re-election bid for Pleasant Valley school board. His poor meeting attendance during his congressional run (reportedly about 30%) was a minor issue in last year's race.

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