
The Deeth Blog is live and in business at 10:54 AM from the Kirkwood campus in Cedar Rapids. We're about 2 hours from the President's arrival here but he's on the ground in CR getting greeted by local officials.

We've got live rally music with our own Diplomats of Solid Sound as the local press trickles in. The hall is small; we're hearing about 2000 tickets. Those were gone in about 6 hours Saturday and despite rumors that HQ was holding tix for people that wasn't my experience; I showed up at noon like everyone else to get them for my family.

Looks like we'll have two presidents here today as Abe Lincoln is in the front row. Nice to see a prominent Republican here. The guy is Lincoln tall, plus the hat, so why he's in the front row I can't figure. Abe seems to be getting more than his share of getting his picture taken so I'll pass for now.

Speaking of prominent Republicans, the timing couldn't be worse for poor Rick Santorum and his previously schedules "thank you tour." Any GOP "equal time" will likely be expended on RNC chair Reince Priebus who was on campus earlier. (As a one man operation I can only do so much)

Right on time the campaign hits my inbox with the story of the Typical Family that Obama is visiting right about now (11:19)



July 10, 2012

Dateline: Cedar Rapids, Iowa

is the Principal of Central City High School in Central City, IA, and
Ali is an account manager for a document scanning company. They have a 4
year-old son, Cooper,
and Ali is pregnant with their second child due in September.

a result of the tax cuts President Obama has signed into law, the
McLaughlins will have received a total of about $4,900 in tax relief
over the president’s first
term. That includes $800 in both 2009 and 2010 as a result of the
Making Work Pay tax credit President Obama signed into law as part of
the Recovery Act, along with about $3,300 from the payroll tax cut in
2011 and 2012. President Obama has also committed
to extending the middle class tax cuts that expire at the end of this
year– if these tax cuts expired, the McLaughlins could face a tax
increase of about $2,000.

Romney has proposed $5 trillion in tax cuts, weighted to high-income
taxpayers, and says he would pay for them by eliminating tax deductions
and other benefits
for the middle class.  While Romney has refused to say which deductions
he would eliminate, independent analysts have said that he would have
no choice but to reduce or eliminate middle-class provisions such as
deductions for mortgage interest, charitable
contributions, and state and local taxes and exclusions for retirement
and health care. Romney’s plan could be a large tax increase for the
McLaughlins, who deducted about $7,500 for state and local taxes in 2011
and over $7,000 for mortgage interest

McLaughlins consider themselves fortunate to receive this tax relief
and use that money to help pay bills and to cover everyday expenses,
like day care for their
son Cooper. Ali says that if this tax relief were to be taken away, it
would negatively affect their overall economic situation.

Contrasts with the last time I saw El Presidente in April. That was a presidential event,this is a campaign event. So the podium is decorated with a FORWARD slogan rather than a presidential seal, we get the rally music, etc. And the sound is infinitely better than at the concrete echo bar that is the UI Fieldhouse. We're in a small gym, probably used for practice. The media rooms are re-purposed; our local room looks like a handball court while the national folks have to share space with treadmills.

It's 12:10 now and I was battling with the internet the whole time. (how can we announce we're off the air when we're off the air?) My pal Kirsten Running-Marquardt, who describes herself as a "middle class mama" but is also a legislator, just wrapped up. The other politicians have filed in from what we insiders call "the clutch event" which means the president is on site. I see Dick Myers Bob Dvorsky Tom Miller Todd Taylor Rob Hogg Kay Halloran and Dale Todd among others. Liz Mathis is on the stage; her daughter sand the national anthem.

Andrea Nemecek, our youngest national delegate, is speaking now, and longtime Linn County activist Peggy Whitworth is handling introductions. Speeches in general are hitting the major issue talking points: education costs, equal pay, the working class cluster of issues.

Big selling point for CR HQ: next to Dairy Queen! (But Johnson County's is a block from Hamburg Inn...)

Lull between speakers as the rally music resumes with that Obama standard "Let's Stay Together." A laugh of recognition then hand clapping in rhythm. (The Diplomats wrapped about the time my internet died. The band members are stiicking around and are right in front of local press table. )

Not sure what the plan is from here since the local pols are in from their event (I get a thumbs up on it from one of them). Maybe the big guy needs lunch or has to do some presidenting.

We now have The Happiest Song In The World, ELO's "Mr. Blue Sky." Sound is still good with the house now full. Presidential backdrop is the large F O R W A R D banner with an Obama logo for the O. Mercifully, Honest Abe has removed his hat, but he's still up front.

No national press yet at 12:27. One of the folks in the back of the Mosh Pit (the floor area) is trying to get a chair to stand on.

Checking the inbox I get talking points...

Obama believes our economy grows from the middle out. That’s why
yesterday, he called on Congress to immediately extend the middle-class
tax cuts scheduled to expire at the end
of this year and prevent a tax increase on the 98 percent of families
who earn less than $250,000 a year.  That action would prevent a typical
middle-class family of four from seeing their taxes go up $2,200. As
President Obama made clear, if both parties
agree that middle-class families shouldn’t face a tax increase, there’s
no reason to delay providing them with the certainty that they won’t
see a tax hike. At the same time, under the President’s plan the tax
cuts that benefit only high-income taxpayers will
expire. These steps are part of his plan to cut the deficit by more
than $4 trillion by ensuring that everyone pays their fair share and
cutting waste, so that we can invest in what we need to grow our economy
and strengthen the middle class, like education
and clean energy.  President Obama has already cut taxes for a typical
Iowa family by $3,600 over four years, helping families afford to send
their children to college, buy their first home, pay for health care and
child care.  These tax cuts also helped the
economy recover from the worst financial crisis since the Great

... and the word that Jason McLaughlin, the guy who got the presidential home visit, is also doing the intro. In April he was in campus mode with an all student loan message. I used to teach here at Kirkwood; wouldn't it just be weird to have a class this afternoon?

The crowd starts "Four more years" chant alternating with "Yes we can." Back and forth between the cheap seats and the most pit, in best tastes great -- less filling fashion. Now 12:39. SS guy checking out press section; I didn't do it not my fault. Looks like national cameras get a straight shot of POTUS while locals will get the right profile. Now the music gets all classic rock with "Roll With The Changes." Hey, REO Speedwagon was an Illinois band... but "if you're tired of the same old story, turn some pages" doesn't seem very RE-election-y. Woulda worked better in 2008. Oh, OK, now we have "Keep on rollin'" which works.

Crowd now on to the "Fired Up Ready To Go" classic. Acoustics still good, not the usual deafening roar you get minutes before the arrival. This should look really good on TV. 12:47.

Several politicians demand I put on the beret so I do. Just when I thought I was out...

UPDATE from the in box: 



Kirkwood Community College

Cedar Rapids, Iowa

12:47 P.M. CDT

PRESIDENT:  How’s it going, Iowa?  (Applause.)  Well, it is great to
see you guys.  It is good to be back.  (Applause.)  I’m not going to
give a long speech because I’m going to
give a long speech there.  But I just want to say, first of all, all of
you guys who were involved four years ago  -- thank you.  (Applause.) 
For those of you who are getting involved for the first time --

     This is going
to be a close election.  But I have so much confidence whenever I come
to Iowa, because I remember four years ago, even when the national press
was writing us off, we would come here, Michelle
and I, and we would talk to folks and we would sit in people’s living
rooms, and drop by a diner or a VFW hall, and everywhere we went we were
reminded of the strength and the decency and the values of America --
because nobody represents those values better
than the people of Iowa.  (Applause.)

     We’re going to
have two choices in this election.  And one choice is to take us down a
path of top-down economics and an approach that says if we do good for
folks at the very top, somehow everybody benefits

     AUDIENCE:  Booo --

-- and my vision, which says, when we grow best it’s because our middle
class is doing well and everybody who’s fighting to get into the middle
class.  (Applause.)  And this debate we’re
having right now about taxes -- where we want to go ahead and just make
sure that 99.9 percent of the folks here, I suspect, would get the tax
break that they need to help provide for their families, and folks like
me, we can do without, and we can lower our
deficit, rather than give more tax breaks to folks who don’t need them
and weren’t even asking for them -- that tax debate is representative of
the kind of debate that we’re going to be having on a whole bunch of
issues all throughout this election.

     So the bottom
line, though, is I’m going to need your help.  (Applause.)  And all of
you are going to be bombarded with all kinds of negative ads, and it’s
going to be non-stop.  But the thing you guys
taught me four years ago is that when you have grassroots folks who are
energized and enthusiastic, nobody can stop you.  (Applause.)

     So I hope you
guys are ready to hit the streets and knock on doors, and make phone
calls, and talk to your friends and talk to your neighbors -- because if
you do, we’re going to finish what we started
in 2008 and remind everybody just why it is America is the greatest
country on Earth.

     Thank you, Iowa!  Love you, guys.  (Applause.)  Hope you’re still fired up and you’re still ready to go!  (Applause.)

                             END                12:50 P.M. CDT

12:51 national press files in Also James Lynch who appears to have been the Pool Guy. Where's my advance text? Am I gonna have to listen? :)

12:54 and the intro starts: "Our nerves turned to ease pretty quickly" says McLaughlin. "Middle Class Values." We'll be hearing that a lot. Also "Middle class tax cuts" and the applause line "everyone pays their fair share" OBAMACARE also popular.

HERE HE IS 12:58 working front row of crowd

Now at podium. Shout outs to several in crowd ending with Abe, "my homeboy from IL"

"I'm betting that you are going to be as fired up as 2008."

"What's at stake is two very different visions for our country." I'm moving around for pics, I positioned myself poorly.

We get a "Love ya back" so everybody drink. "This is a state that gave me a chance when nobody else would."  Stories asbout how meeting people on Iowa campaign trail not that different from Chicago, not that different from he and Michelle. "Our lives were a testament to that fundamental idea: no matter where you come from, America is a place where you can make it if you try. (applause) And I heard that same story from you guys."

First health care reference also gets big applause.

"For too long that basic bargain had been slipping away from too many folks." Says solving will take time but we didn't count on recession. "We still know what makes us great, the vision of a strong middle class is what we're fighting for."

"Our mission is to reclaim the basic security that so many Americans have lost."

This speech is Big Picture, so different from the nuts and bolts of the April student loan speech. LONG long applause.

"What's holding us back from making even more progress" crowd shouts REPUBLICANS - "is a stalemate between two different visions. This election is about ending that stalemate."

"My oppionent and his allies in congress believe you create prosperity from the top down." Crowd yells no, and there's a cadence-list of issues and crowd response. "And I think they're wrong."

"We tried it their way through most of the last decade! And it didn't work! And somehow they think you don't remember!"

We need someone who'll fight every day to grow the middle class."

Obama ties McLaughlin visit into paying the bills - he lists them - and middle class tax cuts that'll help working folks

. "Like my mama!" someone in audience shouts. "Like your mama," he responds without missing a beat. "For us to give a trillion dollars or tax breaks to folks who don't need it doesn't make sense."

"Now Mr. Romney and the Republicans in Congress" - first name drop of opponent 23 minutes into speech. "Go ahead and do the 98% then we can argue about the 2%," we'll hear that line a lot too. A lot of audience shouting revival-tent style. ("Like my mama!" being only the most noticable) Audience starts four more years chant as Obama tries to return to speech.

"Gov Romney said we should let Detroit go bankrupt (boooo) but I refused to turn my back on a great American industry and great American workers." "I want goods stamped Made In America going all around the world" gets big applause too." Naming Romney more often now as he references "pioneer in outsourcing."

"Higher education is not a luxury it is a necessity."

"My opponets plan is to let the housing market hit bottom. That's not a solution its part of the problem and that's aprt of what this election is about."

"Our health care law was the right thing to do... and it's here to stay... we're not going to refight political battles from 2, 3 years ago we're going to move forward."

"After a decade of war we're out of Iraq" that would have been the big applause line in Iowa City. Moves on to peace divident from end of war, and reinvesting the money into jobs gets bigger applause than ending the war. The Like My Mama woman shouts HELP OUR VETS!!! three times before Obama says "and help our vets." As I look: she's also the one who was looking for a chair from press row...

1:32 and I'm detecting a conclusion on the way. Bact to the theme of hard wrk should lead to success and security. "It's the promise we need to pass down to our kids and grandkids that we don't kjust look out for ourselves."

"The know their economic message won't sell so their message is It's Obama's Fault. That may be a way to win an election but it's not a plan to create jobs. They don't have that plan. I'VE got that plan.""Got your back" shouts one person (not Like My Mama person)

He wraps at 1:38 as rally music is "Even Better Than The Real Thing" (he took the stage to the old Obama chestnut "City of Blinding Lights." About six minutes or so working the front of the crowd. This time I'm better positioned for photos and get within about eight feet; close enough to hear his unamplified voice but not close enough to make out what he's saying. Good pix to upload soon.

(More at Facebook album)

1:47 and the crowd is rapidly dispersing now that Obama's out of reach. Air Force 1 isn't supposed to leave for a while yet so my bet is a "surprise" visit someplace. I also hear reports of a "roundtable" with local print press; will update when I hear more.

2:17and this place is a ghost town. Just a handful of local press and straggling staffers. Time to head it back to Iowa City; check back in an hour or so.

3:27 and that was a long "half hour." From the pool, the Gazette's James Lynch on the "surprise" stop:

At Deb's Ice Cream and Deli President ordered ice. Ream desserts for a members
of his staff and security detail. He ordered a mint chocolate chip
waffle come. The bill came to about $18.94.

He also talked to a young girl and ordered a
chocolate come for her. She said she was going to camp and Potus said
his daughters were going to camp at the end of the month. 

Outside he greeted ppl along he sidewalk before resuming the motorcade to The Eastern Iowa Airport.

On the way home I thought there were GOP protests still going; turned out to be just the smokers gathered at the legal edge of the campus. That's all I got unless I paste the transcript in later for posterity. deeth


Office of the Press Secretary

For Immediate Release                                                           July 10, 2012



Kirkwood Community College

Cedar Rapids, Iowa

12:58 P.M. CDT

     THE PRESIDENT:  Hello, Cedar Rapids!  (Applause.)  Oh, it is good to be back.  (Applause.)  Love Cedar Rapids! 

All right, a couple of
people I want to acknowledge.  First of all, please give Jason and his
wife Ali a big round of applause.  (Applause.)  They are just wonderful
people.  I'm so glad I had a chance to meet them. 
Now, they're debating what to name their son, so if you guys have some
suggestions.  (Laughter.)  I asked them, what about Barack? 
(Laughter.)  That was not yet on the list.  (Laughter.)  But they are
wonderful people and they've got an incredibly cute guy
named Cooper.  And so I really thank them for their hospitality and we
appreciate them so much.  And Jason is starting as a high school
principal, so wish him good luck.  (Applause.)  He's going to do a great

I want to acknowledge Mick Starverich --

AUDIENCE:  Starcevich.

THE PRESIDENT:  Starverich.

AUDIENCE:  Starcevich.

Starcevich.  (Applause.)  I call him Mick.  (Laughter.)  And he is the
President of Kirkwood and our host today.  Thank you so much. 

I want to acknowledge our
outstanding MC, Peggy Whitworth.  (Applause.)  Great friend.  Great
friend of mine.  And one of my dearest friends here in Iowa, your
outstanding Attorney General, Tom Miller, is in the
house.  (Applause.) 

Now, if you guys have a
seat, feel free to take a seat.  That way, if it gets a little warm, I
don't want anybody getting overheated.  You guys are kind of out of
luck.  (Laughter.)  So make sure you're hydrated. 

And Abraham Lincoln is in
the house! (Applause.)  My homeboy from Illinois -- (laughter) -- and an
outstanding Republican endorsee.  (Laughter and applause.)  There you

Now, unless you’ve managed
to hide your television somewhere for the last year, you may be aware
that it is now campaign season.  (Laughter.)  And here in Iowa it seems
like it’s always campaign season.  You guys
can't get away from it.  And I know that it is not always pretty to
watch.  There is more money flooding the system than ever before. 
There's more negative ads. There's more cynicism.  Most of what you hear
in terms of the news is who’s up or who’s down in
the polls, instead of how any of this relates to your lives and the
country that you love.

So I know that sometimes
it can be tempting to lose interest and to lose heart and to get a
little cynical.  And frankly, that's what a lot of people are betting
that you do.  But I’m betting that you won’t.  I’m
betting that you are going to be as fired up as you were in 2008 --
(applause) -- because you understand the stakes for America. 

Most of you are here
because you know that even though sometimes our politics seems real
small and petty, the stakes in this election could not be bigger. 
What’s at stake is bigger than two candidates, it's bigger
than two political parties.  What’s at stake is two very different
visions for our country. 

And, Cedar Rapids, the choice that we make that
will help determine our direction for years to come -- that choice is
going to be up to you.

AUDIENCE:  Obama!  (Applause.)

THE PRESIDENT:  That’s a good choice.  (Applause.)

This will be my last
political campaign, no matter what.  I’ve got nothing else to run for. 
(Laughter.)  But it’s got -- and because of that, you start feeling a
little nostalgic and you start thinking about some
of your first campaigns.  I think about all the places I used to travel
in Illinois and the first race I ran as a state senator.  And Michelle
and I had to Xerox or go to Kinko’s and copy our little flyers, and we
didn’t have a TV budget back then.  (Laughter.) 
And we rode around in my car and I filled it up with my gas --
(laughter) -- and I’m the one who got lost if I took a wrong turn. 

And what’s amazing,
though, when I think about it was how many people you’d meet from every
walk of life all across Illinois in big cities, small towns, upstate,
downstate, quads, you name it.  And you’d always
hear similar stories from people about their parents or their
grandparents and the struggles they had gone through, and how they had
been able to find a job that paid a living wage and look after their
families and their kids had done a little better than
they did.  And those stories would resonate with me and Michelle
because that was our story, that was our lives.

And then when I came to Iowa for the presidential campaign  -- first stop, Cedar Rapids -- (applause) -- first stop.

AUDIENCE:  We love you!

THE PRESIDENT:  I love you back.  (Applause.)

And the first stop was
Cedar Rapids.  And then we went on to Waterloo.  That was the first time
I had campaigned as President, and I was kind of nervous.  We had this
huge town hall, and I don’t remember what I
said.  (Laughter.)  Most of the time I was just worrying about screwing
up.  (Laughter.)  But the same thing that I saw in Illinois I was
seeing in Iowa.  This was a state that gave me a chance when nobody else
would.  (Applause.) 

And no matter what the
national media was saying, no matter how far down we were in the polls,
we’d come here and Michelle and I we’d feel hopeful, because we had that
same conversation that we had had in my first
race as a state senator or my first race as U.S. senator -- going to
state fairs and stopping in towns and visiting VFW halls and diners --
and meeting people whose lives on the surface might have looked
different than mine, but when you heard their stories,
they were a common story.

I thought about my
grandparents whose service in World War II was rewarded -- when my
grandfather came back from the war and my grandmother worked on a bomber
assembly line -- and they were able to go to college
on the GI Bill, buy their first house with an FHA loan.  (Applause.) 

I had a single mom who,
with the help of my grandparents, was able to send my sister and me to
great schools, even though she didn’t make a lot of money.  She was
struggling to put herself through school and working
at the same time.  And Michelle would think about her father, who had
worked as a stationary engineer at the water filtration plant --
blue-collar job all his life.  And her mom, who was a stay-at-home mom,
and then worked as a secretary for most of her life.

     And we thought about how far we had come, and
the fact that our lives were a testament to that fundamental American
ideal that no matter who you are, no matter what you look like, no
matter where you come from, America is a place where
you can make it if you try.  (Applause.)  America is a place where you
can make it if you try.  (Applause.)

     And that same story -- my family story,
Michelle’s family story -- I heard it from you guys.  It was your
story.  And we understood.  And we’d sit and talk and we’d agree that
America has never been a country of people looking for
handouts.  We’re a nation of workers and dreamers and doers. 
(Applause.)  And we understand that we’ve got to work for everything
that we’ve got. And all we ask is for is that hard work pays off, that
responsibility is rewarded; so that if you put in enough
effort, if you’re willing to put in some sweat and tears and overcome
some difficulties in your life, then you can find a job that pays the
bills, and afford a home that you can call your own, and count on health
care when you get sick -- (applause) -- and
put away enough to retire on, maybe take a vacation once in a while.

     I was telling folks in Ohio the other day, I
remember my favorite vacation when I was 11 years old, traveling the
country with my grandmother and my mom and my sister.  And once in a
while we’d rent a car, but a bunch of times we’d
just take Greyhound buses.  And sometimes we’d take the train and stay
at Howard Johnsons.  And as long as there was a little puddle of a pool,
I’d be happy.  (Laughter.)  And you’d go to the ice machine and the
vending machine and buy a soda and get the ice,
and you were really excited about it.  (Laughter.) 

And what was important was
just the time that you had to spend with your family.  It wasn’t
anything fancy, but you understood that you could spend time with your
family.  They were cared for.  You had a sense of
security.  You could provide for your children an education that would
allow them to do even better than you did.  (Applause.)  That was the
basic bargain that built America’s middle class, the largest middle
class on Earth.  That's what built our prosperity,
the greatest economy the world has ever known.  (Applause.)

And so those shared
memories, those shared stories -- that was the basis of our campaign
when I ran for President.  That's why I talked about the first time I
came to Cedar Rapids, because we came together as Democrats
and independents and Republicans because for too long that basic
bargain, that vision of what it means to make it in America, had been
slipping away for too many folks.  People were working harder for less. 
It was getting more difficult to save, more difficult
to retire.  The cost of health care and college was going through the

And we understood that
turning that around was not going to be easy.  We knew it would take
more than one year or one term or maybe even one President.  Now, what
we didn't know was that we were about to get hit
with the worst economic crisis in our lifetimes.  And that crisis has
put us through some really tough times -- here in Iowa and all across
the country.  It robbed millions of our fellow Americans their jobs and
their homes and their savings.  And it made
the American Dream seem even further out of reach for too many
hardworking people.

But the basic idea of why I
ran in 2008, the reason you're here today, is because that crisis did
not change who we are.  It did not change our character.  It did not
change our values.  We still know what makes
us great.  (Applause.)  We still know that what makes us great is the
fact that if you work hard in this country, you can still make it --
that vision we still believe in.  (Applause.)  The vision of a strong
middle class is what we're fighting for.  (Applause.) 

Our mission right now is
not just to recover from a recession.  It's to reclaim the basic
security that so many Americans have lost.  Our goal is to put people
back to work, but it's also to build an economy where
that work pays off, an economy in which everybody, whether they start a
business or they're punching a clock, can have confidence that if you
work hard, you can get ahead.  (Applause.)  

That’s what this campaign
is about, Iowa.  That’s what I've been fighting for, for the last three
and a half years.  And that's why I’m running for a second term as
President of the United States.  (Applause.)

Now, you know what’s
holding us back from meeting this challenge is not a lack of ideas or a
lack of solutions.  What's holding us back from making even more
progress than we've made is a stalemate in Washington
between two fundamentally views about which path we should take as a
country.  And this election is about breaking that stalemate. 

This election will
determine our economic future for the next generation.  And, frankly,
the choice could not be clearer. My opponent, his allies in Congress,
they sincerely believe that prosperity comes from the
top down. 


believe that if we spend trillions of dollars more on tax cuts -- mostly
for the wealthy -- that it will somehow create more jobs, even if we
have to pay for it by gutting education, chopping
assistance to community colleges and Pell grants, cutting back on
training --


THE PRESIDENT:  -- raising middle-class taxes.


believe that if we roll back regulations that we put in place on banks
and insurance companies and oil companies, all meant to protect our
people and our economy, that somehow everybody is going
to be better off.


THE PRESIDENT:  And I think they're wrong.  I think they're wrong.  (Applause.)

And listen, listen, it’s
not just my opinion.  We tried it their way through most of the last
decade, and it didn't work.  (Applause.) 

We fought two wars on a
credit card; still paying for trillions of dollars in tax cuts that
didn't lead to more jobs or better wages for the middle class.  And the
lack of rules on Wall Street is what allowed people
to take shortcuts and game the system in a way that caused this whole
mess in the first place. So we tried what they're selling, and it didn't
work.  And somehow they think you don't remember.  (Laughter.)  But you
remember, and we don't need more top-down

What we need is somebody
who's going to fight every single day to grow the middle class --
(applause) -- because that's how our economy grows, from the middle out,
from the bottom up, where everybody has got a shot. 
That's how the economy grows.  (Applause.)

So I was over at Jason and
Ali’s -- and wonderful, wonderful story, really nice family.  Jason is
the new principal over at Central City High.  Ali is an account manager
at a document scanning company.  They’ve
got a very cute four-year-old, Cooper, and then the yet-to-be-named
other cute one.  (Laughter.)  They met at a convenience store where they
worked while they were in school.  Apparently, Ali was Jason’s boss. 
(Laughter.)  And she is still his boss.  (Laughter
and applause.)  That does not change.  That's how it works.

So we were talking about
something that nobody looks forward to, and that's paying taxes. 
Everybody understands it’s something you have to do; you don't love
doing it.  But we were talking about how over the last
four years, because of policies my administration put in place, we’ve
been able to offer the McLaughlins about $4,900 in tax relief. 

And they’ve said that’s
made a real difference in their lives.  It’s helped them pay their
bills; helped them get day care for Cooper.  We were sitting and I was
telling them the house they're in now is roughly
the same size as the house that Michelle and I lived in for the first
13 years that we were married.  We had a little co-op.  And when they
were talking about the bills, I remembered going through them.  You got
the mortgage.  You got the student loans.  You
got the electricity bill, car note, gas bill, day care.  Everything
they were talking about was familiar because Michelle and I went through
it.  And that $4,900 helped.  It made a difference.

Now we’ve got a choice to
make, because on January 1st, taxes are scheduled to go up on everybody
in America.  That's what the law says right now -- if we don't do
anything, if Congress doesn't do anything, taxes
will go up on everybody at the end of this year.

Yesterday I called on
Congress to stop any tax hikes for the 98 percent of Americans who are
just like the McLaughlins -- just like you.  (Applause.)  Because if
Congress doesn't act, then that tax hike could cost
up to $2,200 for a family of four.  That wouldn’t just be a big
financial hit for Jason and Ali, because as they pointed out -- and this
is what I love about America and what I love about them -- they said,
as tight as things may be for us, we’re a lot better
off than a lot of folks we know.  So imagine if it’s tough for them
what it’s going to be for somebody else. 

AUDIENCE MEMBER:  Like my mom.

THE PRESIDENT:  Like your mom.  (Laughter.)

AUDIENCE MEMBER:  That's right. 

be not only a huge blow to those families, it would be a big blow to our
entire economy at a time when we need all the help we can get. 

Now, I believe that we
should make sure that taxes on the 98 percent of Americans don't go up,
and then we should let the tax cuts expire for folks like me, for the
top 2 percent of Americans.  (Applause.)

So anybody making over
$250,000 a year, including me, we’d go back to the tax rates that we
were paying under Bill Clinton, which, by the way, was a time when our
economy created nearly 23 million new jobs, the
biggest budget surplus in history and created plenty of millionaires to
boot.  (Applause.) 

And by the way, the reason
I say that is not because I just love to pay taxes.  (Laughter.)  It’s
because I know I can afford it, and to give me another tax break or to
give Warren Buffett another tax break, or
to give Mitt Romney another tax break --


would cost about a trillion dollars, and we can’t afford it -- not at a
time where we’re trying to bring down our deficit.  Not at a time when
we’re trying to reduce our debt.

So this has nothing to do
with me wanting to punish success. We love folks getting rich.  I hope
Malia and Sascha go out there and if that’s what they want to do, that’s
great.  But I do want to make sure that everybody
else gets that chance as well.  And for us to give a trillion dollars’
worth of tax breaks to folks who don’t need it -- (applause) -- to folks
who don’t need it and aren’t even asking for it, that doesn’t make

Now, the Republicans in
Congress and Mr. Romney disagree with me.  And that’s what democracy is
all about.  They want more tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans -- on
top of the existing Bush tax cuts, they want
to give $5 trillion more in tax cuts.  And that fight is a big part of
what this election is about.  We’re going to have that debate -- here in
Iowa and all across the country.

But in the meantime,
doesn’t it make sense for us to agree to keep taxes low for 98 percent
of Americans who are working hard and can’t afford a tax hike right
now?  (Applause.) 

I mean, think about it.  I
want to hold taxes steady for 98 percent of Americans; Republicans say
they want to do the same thing.  We disagree on the other 2 percent. 
Well, what do you usually do if you agree on
98 percent and you disagree on 2 percent?


you compromise to help the middle class?  Go ahead and do the 98
percent, and we can keep arguing about the 2 percent.  Let’s agree when
we can agree.  (Applause.)

Let’s not hold the vast
majority of Americans hostage while we debate the merits of another tax
cut for the other 2 percent. In other words, let’s stand up for families
like yours that are working hard every day,
give you some certainty so you can start planning, so you have an idea
of what’s coming next year. 

And that’s what this
election is about.  Ultimately, Cedar Rapids, that’s why I’m running for
a second term as President -- because I believe we can make progress
right now that helps you and your families.  That’s
what I’m going to be fighting for.  (Applause.)

     AUDIENCE:  Four more years!  Four more years!  Four more years!  Four more years!  Four more years!

tax issue is part of a broader debate we’re going to have about how we
rebuild an economy that grows the middle class and gives opportunity to
everybody who is trying to get into the middle

When the American auto
industry was on the brink of collapse and more than one million jobs
were on the line, Governor Romney said we should "let Detroit go

AUDIENCE:  Booo --

to turn my back on a great American industry and great American
workers.  (Applause.)  I bet on American workers.  I bet on American
manufacturing.  And three years later, the American
auto industry has come roaring back.  (Applause.)  That's what this
election is about.  (Applause.)  

Because what’s happening
in the auto industry can happen in other industries, and I’m running to
make sure it does.  I want hi-tech manufacturing to take root in places
like Cedar Rapids and Newton and Des Moines. 
(Applause.)  I want goods stamped with "Made In America" selling all
around the world.  (Applause.) I want to stop giving tax breaks to
companies that ship jobs and factories overseas, and start rewarding
companies that create jobs right here in the United
States of America.  (Applause.) 

Governor Romney has
experience owning companies that were called "pioneers" in the business
of outsourcing.  My experience has been working with outstanding members
of labor and great managers to save the American
auto industry.  (Applause.)  And as long as I’m President, I will keep
fighting to make sure jobs are located here in the United States of
America.  (Applause.)

But we can't stop there. 
I'm running to make sure that America once again leads the world in
educating our kids and training our workers.  (Applause.)  Our tuition
tax credit has saved millions of families thousands
of dollars.  I want to extend it.  We just won the fight that we were
having with Congress to stop the federal student loan rate from doubling
for more than 7 million students.  (Applause.)  We got that done.  Now,
I want to work with presidents and officials
at universities and community colleges to bring the cost of tuition
down once and for all. 

I want to help our schools
hire and reward the best teachers, especially in math and science. 
(Applause.)  I want to give 2 million more Americans the chance to
attend great community colleges like Kirkwood, help
them learn the skills that local businesses are hiring for right now. 
Because higher education is not a luxury in the 21st century, it is a
necessity, and I want everybody to be able to afford it.  (Applause.) 
That's what this election is about.  (Applause.)

My administration has
already helped more than a million responsible homeowners refinance
their mortgages.  Well, I'm running to give more folks like them a
chance to refinance and save $3,000 a year.  My opponent’s
plan is to let the housing market "hit bottom."  That's not a solution;
that's part of the problem.  That's a choice in this election.   

I’m running because I
believe that nobody in America should go broke just because they get
sick.  (Applause.)  Our health care law was the right thing to do. 
(Applause.)  It was the right thing to do.  And you
know what, I will work with anybody to improve the health care law
where we can.  But this law is here to stay.  (Applause.) 

And it will help the vast
majority of Americans feel greater security.  (Applause.)  If you’ve got
health insurance, it’s going to be more secure because insurance
companies can’t jerk you around because of fine
print.  If you don’t have health insurance, we’ll help you get it. 
They’re not going to be able to discriminate against you in buying
health insurance because you’re sick.  And we’re not going to tell the
six million young people who have already been helped
because they’re now on their parent’s insurance plan that suddenly
they’re on their own.  And we’re not going to turn Medicare into a
voucher system.  (Applause.) 

We’re not going to refight
political battles from two years ago or three years ago.  We’re going
to move forward, and help every American make sure they feel some
security when it comes to health care.  (Applause.)

I’m running because after a
decade of war, we stopped and ended the war in Iraq, we’re
transitioning out of Afghanistan, and now it’s time to do some
nation-building here at home.  (Applause.)  So I want to take
about half the money we’re no longer spending on a war and let’s use it
to put people back to work -- (applause) -- rebuilding our roads,
rebuilding our runways, our ports, our wireless networks.  \

I know we’ve got some
trades here in the house.  These guys, they’re ready to work.  They’re
ready to put a hardhat on.  They’re read to rebuild America.  That’s
what we need to be doing all across Iowa, all across
this country.  We can’t go back.  We’ve got to move forward. 

And I am running to make
sure that we can afford to pay down our debt and our deficits in a way
that is responsible.  After a decade of irresponsible decisions, we need
to reduce it, but in a balanced, responsible
way.  I will cut spending that we can’t afford -- 

AUDIENCE  Be sure you help our vets!

going to help our vets -- we’re doing it.  We’ve actually increased
veterans funding since I’ve been President higher than any time in 30
years.  (Applause.)

But in order to bring down
our debt and our deficits in a responsible way, it means cutting out
things we can’t afford.  Not every government program works -- we can
streamline government.  I’ve asked for authority
from Congress to make sure that government is suited for the 21st
century, not the 19th century.  (Applause.) 

But what we’ve also got to
do is ask the wealthiest Americans who enjoyed the biggest unlike tax
cuts over the past decade to just pay a little bit more.  And here’s the
thing.   There are plenty of patriotic, successful
Americans who want to make this contribution.  They’re willing to do it
because they remember how they got successful. 

All of these things --
whether it’s bringing manufacturing, or getting construction workers
back on the job, or protecting your health care, or saving the auto
industry, or making sure our kids get the best education,
making sure our veterans get the care they deserve after fighting on
behalf of our freedom -- all these things that make up a middle-class
life, they’re all tied together.  They’re all central to the idea that
made this big, diverse, hopeful, optimistic, hardworking
country great -- the idea that if you work hard, you can have the
security to make of your life what you will.  The idea that we are all
in this together. 

We are individuals, and we
have to take responsibility and nobody is going to offer you anything,
but ultimately there are some things we do together.  That’s the promise
of our parents and our grandparents.  They
passed it down to us.  It’s the promise we have to pass down to our
kids and our grandkids -- that we don’t just look out for ourselves.  We
look after other people, too, in our communities, in our states, in our
nation, and next generation of Americans. 

So over the next four
months, you’ll see the other side spending more money than we’ve ever
seen before.  And even though there will probably be a bunch of
different ads, they’ll all have the same message.  They’ll
all say:  The economy is not where it needs to be and it’s Obama’s
fault.  That’s basically their idea. They know their economic theory
isn’t going to sell, so all they can say is, unemployment is still too
high; folks are still struggling and it’s Obama’s
fault.  That’s their message.  That’s it.  They don’t have another
one.  (Laughter.)  I guarantee you, you watch every ad, that’s going to
be the message. 

Now, that may be a plan to
win an election, but it’s not a plan to create jobs.  It sure as heck
is not a plan to grow our economy.  (Applause.)  It’s not a plan to
revive our middle class.  They don’t have that
plan.  I’ve got that plan, Iowa.  (Applause.) 

So let me tell you, we
have been outspent before, we’ve been counted out before.  But through
every one of my campaigns, what’s always given me hope is you -- your
ability to cut through the nonsense; your ability
to identify what’s true, to tap into those values that we all believe

I know that you guys
remember the story of your family just like I remember mine -- and all
the struggles of our parents and our grandparents and great-grandparents
-- everything they went through –- some of them
coming here as immigrants, maybe working in a mine, working on a mill,
farming the land.  They didn’t know what to expect, but they understood
there was something special about this country.  They knew that this was
a country where people are free to pursue
their own dreams, but that we still come together as one American

And they knew that being
middle class wasn’t just about

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