
Description:  Six months into their blissful life together, Oliver proposes. The next day, Felicity is kidnapped. Oliver’s desperate search leads all the way to Russia where he realizes there’s only one man who can help him find Felicity…John Diggle. Meanwhile, Felicity faces off with a formidable foe, both known and unknown to her. As the lives of all those she loves are endangered, Felicity begins to question her future with Oliver.

12 Chapters, 175 pages

A03 Link

Special Dedication: This fic is dedicated to all the amazing people who jumped aboard the Crazy Train, but especially the two ladies I cooked up the theory with - callistawolf and fanmommer. This fic is an outgrowth of our many hours of theorizing together! Also thank you to olicity-i-believe-in-you, oliverqlovesfelicity, kalichica12, palindromepoet and louiseblue1. Your support of the wedding theory and friendship meant the world to me. You ladies are always ready to jump off a cliff with me. Also, thank you for being my wedding planning selection committee. Your choices for the polls were amazing.

Finally, a special thank you to the amazing hotcookinmama who tirelessly edited this fic out of the kindess of her heart.

BOLD - Contest Winner

If the links don’t work all the contest winners are listed at the end of the story with images.

***Music I listened to while writing the story

Chapter 1

***I Bet My Life by Imagine Dragons

Despite the low tide, the ocean waves rolled heavily into the shore, creating a misty spray that cooled Oliver as he ran through it. The mist coated his face and he felt a slight stinging in his eyes as it intermingled with the beads of sweat dripping down his forehead. He quickly wiped the moisture away and focused his breathing into a slow and steady pace. The run began in the predawn hours, but nearly an hour into it, Oliver could see the early signs of sunlight peeking over the ridge of the horizon. His legs were burning, but he could still feel the swell of nervous energy pumping through his blood. The same nervous energy made sleep impossible. When sleep alluded him, Oliver typically found solace in Felicity. Unfortunately, Felicity wouldn’t be able to help with this particular problem.

Oliver wanted to propose. He just had no idea how.

As the white shutters of the beach home he shared with Felicity came into view, Oliver instinctively quickened his pace, the familiar desire to be close to her overriding any sense of fatigue. Using the remaining surge of energy to propel him, Oliver dug his feet into the deep, cool sand, closing the distance quickly. The rising sun was a worthy opponent, but it had yet to crest by the time Oliver arrived at the edge his deck. The rush of the waves and blood filled his ears, but as he regained control of his breathing the noise settled into a dull roar. The run served its purpose. The nerves were gone. His mind was clear. He could finally think.

For a moment, Oliver stared at the house. The knowledge Felicity was sleeping peacefully inside filling him with a calm. The white trim drew a clear outline around the turquoise siding, popping brightly against it. The stairs led up to a small porch wrapping around the front of the house. Some mornings,  Oliver would finish his run and find Felicity sitting out on the porch, reading a book and drinking coffee. She would peek out from her book, smile down at him and mouth, “I love you.” Those were the best mornings. He could see their whole lives in that smile.

After they left Starling City, they spent the first several weeks driving across country from Gotham to Metropolis, languishing in hotels and drinking in the sites, before they ramped up to international travel. By this point, Felicity had decided to close her eyes and point to a place on the map. Wherever her finger landed was where they went. First it was Mexico and then Italy. The only time Oliver objected was Hawaii. No islands. Felicity, however, insisted rules were rules.

“Nobody says no to Hawaii, Oliver,” she said. “Besides, it might be good for you to experience an island without land mines.”

After two weeks of beach and sun, Felicity was finally satisfied Oliver knew how to vacation properly. When Felicity’s finger landed on Coast City, however, Oliver couldn’t help but feel a larger design in the randomness of the choice. Three weeks passed and neither of them pulled out the map. They’d taken to walks on the beach after dinner, and when Felicity saw the house she let out a little gasp. To be fair, it was more like a cottage, but Oliver knew their hotel hopping days were over. He called the landlord the next day, and they moved in by the end of the week.

Oliver, however, wanted to solidify their life together in a more permanent way. Oliver turned to face the ocean, digging his feet into the sand, contemplating his options. He wanted it to be simple, no skywriters or football stadiums, but special. Every time he looked at her Oliver was afraid he’d just blurt it out. As the waves rushed up on shore, swarming his feet, pulling sand away until his feet were nearly bare again, Oliver gazed at the never-ending horizon of the sea. Suddenly, he knew exactly where to propose and why. It came to him like truth.

***The Light by Sleeping At Last

Using the same stealth abilities that made The Arrow a ghost, Oliver maneuvered his way through the house silently. He didn’t want to wake her. Felicity worked for cyber security firm based in Coast City. She was paid to hack through companies firewalls and pinpoint their weaknesses. Sometimes, like last night, she was called in late to stop specific cyber attacks,. She didn’t come home until almost two in the morning.

Oliver stopped short at the bedroom door. Felicity slumbered peacefully, curled on her side, the white sheet slipping off her shoulder just enough to reveal a peek of bare skin. The sunrise splintered through the drapes sending slices of light dazzling across the bed. Flecks of light sloped off her bare skin and twisted inside her tangled blonde curls. In the alternating waves of shadow and light, she glimmered like a star in the night sky. She was so beautiful it almost hurt to breathe.

Oliver leaned against the doorframe and watched as her body rose and fell in deep, even breaths. Felicity shivered. As if she could sense Oliver was no longer next to her, keeping her warm. Oliver moved from the doorframe and eased himself to Felicity’s side of the bed. He knelt down and pulled the white sheet high above her bare shoulders. As the warmth settled around her, Felicity let out a little sigh. Still half asleep, Felicity instinctively reached for Oliver, grasping his t-shirt and pulling him down for a soft kiss.

“Hey,” she whispered dreamily.

“Hey,” Oliver answered softly.

“You taste like the ocean,” Felicity said as she stifled a little yawn. Oliver smiled and kissed her forehead gently.

“Go back to sleep.”

Already asleep, Felicity failed to respond.

***Latch by Natalie Taylor

After he showered, Oliver stepped back into the bedroom to dress. As he dug through his dresser for a t-shirt, a pillow suddenly whacked him on the back of his head. He froze, but then turned slowly. Felicity, still snuggled in bed, grinned at him mischievously.

“What was that for?” Oliver demanded in mock annoyance.

“You skipped sit-ups,” Felicity shot back.

“What?” Oliver asked, legitimately confused.

Felicity sat up a little in bed and said, “You tasted like the ocean, which means you went for a run. Sit-ups are next. Except you didn’t do sit-ups. You just took a shower.”

“So… no sit-ups means I get whacked in the head?”

“You have your way of waking up and I have mine,” Felicity teased lightly. She tipped her head to the side and let her eyes scan down Oliver’s dripping wet body, a towel wrapped tightly around his waist. “Although, this might make up for it.”

Oliver turned his body halfway as if to finish dressing, but suddenly he whipped around and dove into the bed, grabbing Felicity by the waist. As Oliver mercilessly tickled her, shrieks of laughter filled the room. They ended almost as soon as they began because Oliver rolled on top and silenced Felicity with a deep kiss.

“You could avoid pillows all together if you just installed a salmon ladder like I asked,” Felicity said with an exasperated sigh as Oliver reluctantly pulled away from the kiss.

“Where? We live in a refrigerator box,” Oliver answered as he rolled off Felicity.

Felicity sat up in bed a little more and pointed to the corner of the bedroom, “There. I’ve told you there twenty times.”

Oliver shook his head and flopped back on his side of the bed, “Sit-ups and salmon ladders. That’s what it takes to make you happy, huh?”

“Yup, livin’ the dream,” Felicity said coyly as she curled into Oliver and rested her head on his chest. For a moment, they both just lay in silence, listening to the ocean waves.

“You were up early,” Felicity noted softly.

Oliver nodded a little and said, “I couldn’t sleep.”

Felicity propped herself up on an elbow so she could look Oliver in the eye. Her brow furrowed in concern as she asked, “Did you have a nightmare?”

Oliver kissed her softly to ease her worry, “No.”

It was true. Ever since he left Starling City with Felicity his nightmares became less frequent. In the beginning, she would wake with him and listen quietly as he described his hellish dreams. Rarely did she say anything, opting to make love when the dreams were particularly bad. Most of the time, she simply rested her head on his chest, running her fingers lightly over his arm, the sound of her breathing and the warmth of her skin lulling him back into a peaceful slumber. Lately, the nightmares were gone.

“Are you worried about the inspection?”

Oliver’s eyes widened in surprise and Felicity immediately noticed. She gave him a playful smack as she exclaimed, “You forgot, didn’t you?”

Oliver groaned and covered his eyes with his hands, nodding silently. Felicity gave him a little a shove, “Better get dressed buddy.”

It had taken Oliver a month to tell Felicity he had lived in Coast City… before. During a quiet stroll through the city they came upon a bar, The Bucket. The name made Felicity laugh out loud. She immediately started towards the door, but Oliver remained frozen on the street. When she returned to him and reached for his hand, the story came tumbling out.

He sat her down on a bench nearby. He told her about Akio and General Shrieve. How he was too ashamed to go home. How he needed be alone. How he took a freighter out of Hong Kong and landed in Coast City. How he lived in near anonymity for months, but to pay rent he worked at a bar…

That’s as far as he went. He couldn’t tell her the rest. He couldn’t tell her what came after Coast City.

The owner, Jake, recognized Oliver immediately. The three of them talked long past close. Jake regaled Felicity with tales of Coast City and its more colorful citizens until her stomach ached from laughter, while ribbing Oliver constantly about his taciturn demeanor during his brief employment.

“I didn’t know the kid had teeth until now,” Jake teased as Oliver broke into another smile. Felicity tilted her head to the side and looked at adoringly at him. Jake observed Felicity carefully and softly said, “But it seems he has more reason to smile these days.”

Felicity blushed, and Oliver reached for her hand, “Jake always called it like he saw it.”

“Damn straight,” Jake slapped his hand down on the bar in agreement.

“Jake, I wanted to thank you. After I returned to Starling, I was all over the news, but you never said anything about my time here…” Oliver started hesitantly, but Jake waved him off.

“Your business was your business boy and none of mine. I’ll tell ya, he was practically a ghost around here. Between that and the hair, I don’t think anyone but me recognized him.”

“The hair?” Felicity asked with raised eyebrows, her voice raising with her curiosity.

Jake grinned devilishly at Oliver and said, “Let’s just say he was sportin’ a different look, honey. He wasn’t always so pretty.”

“Jake’s just jealous because I had hair,” Oliver teased back while taking a sip of his beer. Rubbing his bald head, Jake shook his head in mock disbelief.

“Oliver Queen makes a joke. Well now I have seen everything. I can finally retire.” Jake rose from the chair, slowly, wincing in pain. Oliver stood halfway up from his chair, offering Jake a hand, which he took gratefully. He looked at Felicity and smiled a little, “Arthritis. Don’t ever get old, honey. It’s hell on the bones.”

“You should think about slowing down Jake,” Oliver said softly.

“People are still thirsty, Oliver. That’ll never change,” Jake said as he moved behind the bar.

“No family to help you?” Felicity asked.

Jake shook his head, “No kids to speak of. There’s my nephew, but I’d rather light the place on fire than hand it over to that idiot. And my Jeanne… she passed years ago.”

“I’m sorry,” Felicity said sympathetically.

“I spent 40 years married to a woman too good for me. I was a lucky son of a bitch. Ain’t nothin’ to be sorry for, honey,” Jake answered softly.

As they made their way out, Felicity and Jake shook hands. Felicity gave Jake a small peck on the cheek, and the man instantly blushed. She gave Oliver a wink as she stepped outside the bar to give Jake and Oliver a moment. The two men stared after her as she walked away.

“Boy, if I were a few years younger, you’d have some competition on your hands.” Jake said as he began to wipe down the bar.

Oliver raised his eyebrows, “A few years?”

“I think I liked you better when you didn’t say anything,” Jake shot back. Oliver chuckled and pulled out his wallet, but Jake waved it away.

“Beers are on the house.”

Oliver knew better than to argue with the man’s generosity, so he simply said thank you and offered Jake his hand. Jake put down the rag and took Oliver’s hand firmly in his.

“Good to see you doing well Oliver,” Jake said.

“Thank you Jake… for everything.”

Jake gave a resolute nod and dropped Oliver’s hand, refocusing his attention on the bar. As Oliver made his way to the door, however, Jake called after him.

“Say Oliver… about your girl…”


“She’s too good for you,” Jake said firmly, giving Oliver a knowing look. Oliver glanced towards Felicity waiting patiently under the flickering golden hue of The Bucket’s lights.

“Yeah. I know,” Oliver answered.

“Good. You’re not a total moron,” Jake said as he moved to close out the cash register while waving Oliver off. “Now go away. This isn’t a damn bed and breakfast.”

Oliver shook his head and smiled at Jake’s gruffness. Jake, the bar, absolutely everything was the same. He found it oddly comforting.

He and Felicity walked home with their arms wrapped around each other in silence. Just as they were about to enter the house, Felicity turned to Oliver and said lightly, “So… a bar.”

Oliver furrowed his brow in confusion, but Felicity simply rested her hand on his chest before she gave him a gentle kiss. She never said another word about it.

It took another week for Oliver to come to the decision on his own. Jake initially rejected the offer, his pride getting in the way of his good business sense. Oliver was firm and when Jake finally accepted Oliver’s offer to partner with him, there were tears in the man’s eyes.

“So who’s idea was it to buy the bar?” Jake asked.

“What do you mean? It was mine,” Oliver answered incredulously.  Jake raised his eyebrows and gave Oliver a knowing look. Oliver sighed and said, “Hers.”

As he signed the papers Jake chuckled and said, “You’re a lucky son of a bitch, Oliver.”

The two men shook hands and Oliver answered, “I’m well aware, Jake.”

The bar was in bad need of some repairs and the construction was almost done, hence the inspection. The truth was, Oliver truly loved it. Without The Arrow, Oliver could focus on it in a way he was never able to with Verdant. The Bucket was essentially Coast City’s watering well. Nearly, everyone from the mayor to local college kids frequented there. It was an easy way to keep his ear to the ground.

Oliver quickly rolled out of bed and made his way to the bathroom to finish getting ready. He’d been so preoccupied with proposing he completely forgot about the inspection.

“I’ll make coffee,” Felicity called after him.

Oliver popped his head out from the bathroom and said hesitantly, “Don’t do that.”

“Today is my day Oliver. I feel it,” Felicity answered confidently as she rolled out of bed. Oliver sighed slightly exasperated, but he didn’t have time to argue with her. Felicity felt a sudden chill as the warmth of the covers slipped away, and she quickly reached for one of Oliver’s shirts draped over the chair. She breathed in his scent of fresh air and soap before she slipped it on.

Felicity trotted to the kitchen, the tile cold underneath her bare feet. She stared at the coffee maker and crossed her arms defiantly.

“Okay, you caffeinated dictator. Today is the day I conquer you.”

She poured the water and filled the filter with coffee grounds before flipping it on. For a moment, the light blinked red and the coffee maker spurted to life. But almost immediately the light switched off.

Felicity tapped her foot angrily, “Nope. Not this morning. This morning you make coffee when I say so.” She flipped the switch back to on, but the light failed to light up. The coffee maker remained dormant.

“I have slept a total of four hours. Do not screw with me!” Felicity said through gritted teeth as she flipped the on switch back and forth. Still nothing. “Damn it! Oliver!”

“I told you not to!” Oliver called back from the bedroom.

“I ignored you!”

Oliver came out of the bedroom, dressed in jeans and a blue, button-down shirt. He stopped short when he saw Felicity. Her hair was piled high into a messy bun of tangled curls and she was wearing his white dress shirt - and only his white dress shirt. It stopped at mid thigh, highlighting her perfectly tanned and toned legs. She’d left several top buttons undone, flirting dangerously close to exposing a lot more skin. He had planned on wearing it today, but he couldn’t find it when he came out of the bathroom.

“Is that my shirt?”

Felicity looked down sheepishly and said, “Yeah. I was cold. Were you going to wear this?”

Oliver nodded silently and made his way into the kitchen. Felicity gave him an apologetic look and said, “Well, that explains why it was on the chair. I’m sorry. I’ll go-”

She stopped short when Oliver’s arms circled around her. “Believe me it looks better on you,” Oliver whispered as he began to playfully nibble the back of her neck. Felicity closed her eyes momentarily, but her need for caffeine was significantly overwhelming other desires.

“Oliver, focus,” Felicity said impatiently.

Oliver slid his hand up her leg and whispered back, “I am.”

“Not on me,” she whispered back and elbowed him playfully in the side. She tapped the coffee maker. Oliver sighed exasperated and rested his head on her shoulder.

“We need to check you into a program for this caffeine addiction,” Oliver murmured into her shoulder. Felicity reached her arm behind her snaking her fingers through Oliver’s hair before patting him on the head.

“Problem for another day, babe,” Felicity answered flippantly. Oliver released her so he could get a better look at the coffee maker.

“Did you flip it back and forth?” He murmured.

“Yes, of course I did,” Felicity answered irritated. “I shouldn’t have to do that in the first place. It’s a coffee maker. You press on. Then it makes coffee. Those are the parameters of the relationship, but this thing holds the coffee hostage every morning to torture me.”

“To torture you?” Oliver answered biting his lips to stifle a laugh.

“Yes! To torture me. Like some bizarre power -” Felicity stopped short and fell silent as Oliver switched the coffee maker from on, to off, then to on again. Immediately, it spurted to life.

“There ya go. Fixed,” Oliver said satisfied as he kissed Felicity on the forehead.

She crossed her arms irritated and cried out, “I did that!”

Oliver shrugged and wrapped his arms around Felicity, “Guess it likes me better.”

Felicity shook her head in frustration, “I’m buying a new coffee maker. This thing is a piece of junk.”

“No!” Oliver exclaimed adamantly. He released Felicity and began pulling out supplies for breakfast from the cupboards.

Felicity rolled her eyes, “Oliver, I graduated from MIT. I have a masters in cyber security and computer sciences. When I say something is a piece of junk, it’s really a piece of junk. I’ve rewired it four times. It only turns on for you. There is no scientific explanation. It’s the devil’s coffee maker.”

“You’re Jewish,” Oliver responded, his brow creasing from his confusion as he set a frying pan down on the stove.

“I know! I’m calling my spiritual beliefs into question over a cup of coffee. I’m buying a new one,” Felicity said resolutely.

Oliver began mixing batter in a bowl and just silently shook his head no.

“What is it with you and this thing?” Felicity exclaimed in frustration.

Oliver stopped stirring and considered Felicity’s question for a moment. He turned from the stove to face her, shrugging nonchalantly as he said, “I don’t know. I guess…do you remember when we bought it?”

Felicity shook her head no. Oliver smiled at her a little and offered, “It was the day we moved into the beach house. We’d been unpacking all day, but you couldn’t find your coffee maker.”

Felicity’s eyes brightened as she remembered, “Oh yeah! Come to think of it, I never did find it,” she paused as then laughed as the memory came into focus. “It was like 2 in the morning and everything was closed. There wasn’t any food in the house, and we were starving.”

“So we drove to that 24-hour convenience store,” Oliver added.

“And low and behold, right next to the chips and dip, was a coffee maker. It was only one they had. It had been marked down twenty times,” Felicity said as she rolled her eyes.

“It cost $3, but I avoided the non-caffeinated you.”

Felicity nodded in resolute agreement, “It is wise to avoid that woman at all costs.”


Oliver smiled, but then fell silent. He took down two coffee cups and began to pour. Felicity tilted her head in confusion and asked quizzically, “I still don’t understand why you want to keep it. If anything that story supports my piece of junk argument.”

Oliver handed Felicity her cup of coffee and shrugged, “I guess I want to keep it because… it’s the first thing we bought together.”

Felicity’s eyes widened in surprise at Oliver’s sweet declaration. She bit her lip as a smile spread across her lips. She set her coffee cup down and wrapped her arms around Oliver’s neck, giving him a long slow kiss. As she pulled away, Felicity nuzzled her nose against his and said softly, “I like this side of you.”

“What side?”

“Your romantic side.”

“Well, don’t let it get out. It’ll ruin my street cred,” Oliver murmured as he leaned in for another kiss.

“I can keep a secret,” Felicity whispered just as Oliver’s lips met hers. Their kiss grew in intensity, but Felicity drew back reluctantly again.

“As much as I’d like to continue this, you are going to be late for the inspection,” Felicity said sadly as she pointed to the clock behind Oliver. Oliver looked and immediately saw she was right. He released Felicity and turned his attention back to the stove.

“You just want to make sure there’s time for pancakes.”

Felicity slid her arms around Oliver’s chest, leaned against his back for a tight hug and said, “Busted.”

Oliver chuckled at her admission, and Felicity released him. She sat down at the kitchen table and glanced at her tote. Felicity opened it up and pulled out a manila envelope stamped with the Palmer Technologies emblem. Hesitantly, Felicity glanced at Oliver who was busy fixing the pancakes.


“Hmm?” Oliver murmured without looking up from the stove.

Felicity stared at the envelope for a moment longer and then shook her head. “Never mind,” she said as she slipped the envelope back into her work bag. Instead, she opened her laptop to The Central City Picture News and read Iris’ article while Oliver made breakfast.

After breakfast, Felicity went back to reading her laptop, this time moving to The Starling City News. Oliver stopped by the table on his way out and gave Felicity a quick kiss goodbye.

“Good luck,” she said smiling sweetly at him.

“What’s your plan for today?” Oliver asked.

Felicity sighed, “I need to develop a router scan to protect Rathaway Industries from anymore DDoS attacks, so I’ll probably be late again. Okay?”

Oliver nodded absentmindedly and started to walk towards the door, but then he suddenly realized what she said, “No… not okay.”

Felicity looked up from the computer in surprise, “How come?”

Oliver faltered. He absolutely no idea what to say. Certainly not the truth. The truth would mean blurting out the proposal. He’d avoided it for this long, no sense blowing it at the last minute.

“Because…” Oliver trailed off, searching for an excuse.

Felicity shrugged and said, “I assumed you were working late at the bar.”

Oliver bit his lip and shook his head, “Nope.”

Felicity stood up from the table to bring the dishes into the kitchen. “Okay. I can be home by dinner. The router scan shouldn’t take too long once I prepare the proposal -”

“What?” Oliver interrupted, suddenly alarmed. “What did you say?”

“I said the router scan won’t take too long once I prepare the proposal,” Felicity repeated exasperated.

“Oh. Okay.” Oliver exhaled with relief.

“What’s with you today?” Felicity asked, peering at him closely.

“What do you mean?” Oliver responded, feigning innocence.

“You couldn’t sleep. You forgot the about the inspection and now you’re all… jumpy.”

Oliver gave Felicity his most charming Queen smile and replied, “I’m fine.”

Felicity tilted her head, not believing a word he said. Oliver gave a little wave as he backed out the door. As it shut behind him, he closed his eyes and exhaled loudly relief. That was a close call.

***Work Song by Hozier

He walked down a few steps, but he paused and reconsidered. With a resolute nod, Oliver went back into the house.

Felicity was rinsing dishes in the sink when she heard Oliver come in. She looked up at him in confusion as he strode confidently into the kitchen.

“Did you forget something?” she asked.

“Yeah,” Oliver said as he cupped her face with his hands, kissing her softly but firmly.

Instinctively, Felicity’s hands went to his forearms and she held on tightly as the kiss grew in intensity. Sensing her need for air, Oliver pulled back from a breathless Felicity. They pressed their foreheads together, breathing each other in. He slid his hands down the length of Felicity’s side, and she closed her eyes as Oliver’s hands lingered at her hips.

“Won’t you be late? Felicity whispered.

"I thought about it,” Oliver mused as he drifted a finger from her exposed bare skin to the next button. He paused for a moment and stared into Felicity’s eyes, a small smile playing on his lips as he said, “but I decided to risk it.”

As he finished unbuttoning the next button, he pulled Felicity in for a long, deep kiss. Felicity’s hands began unbuttoning Oliver’s shirt quickly, and as it fell from his shoulders, he pulled off the white t-shirt underneath. In the flurry of action, they stumbled backward, but Oliver steadied Felicity by placing his hand at the small of her back. Felicity wrapped her arms around his neck, feeling the heat of his skin through the sheerness of the white shirt. In one fluid motion, Oliver picked Felicity up, holding firmly onto her thighs and placed her gently on the kitchen counter. He trailed his tongue down the length of her neck as he freed the final button, the shirt falling open exposing all of her skin for Oliver to explore. As his lips and hands moved expertly down her body, Felicity felt her excitement growing. Oliver moved his hand slowly up her legs, as he’d done earlier, only now Felicity didn’t stop him.

When his hand slipped between them, Felicity felt a jolt through her body like lightening. Oliver alternated the pressure and motions into a steady rhythm. The world became wild and still all at once. Felicity felt nothing but pressure of his hand, the softness of his lips and the pull of his muscles as he held her steady. When it became too much to bear she reached for him, unbuckling his belt. It created a frenzy between them. Felicity held tightly to Oliver with one arm and the counter with the other, bracing herself against the impact when their bodies finally connected. Almost immediately, Felicity felt her hand slip, followed by loud crash and the sound of shattering glass.

Instinctively, Felicity grabbed tightly to Oliver’s neck with her suddenly free arm, and he confidently steadied her. They paused and looked to the ground.  It wasn’t the counter she had been bracing herself against, but the coffee maker. Sadly, it was no match against the hard ceramic tile, and it lay shattered in pieces.

Felicity gasped in horror, “Oh no!”

She felt Oliver’s lips on her neck again. He’d barely given it a second glance.

“Oliver… Oli… Oliver!” Felicity pulled back a little to get his attention.

“What?” Oliver asked out of breath.

“I broke the coffee maker. Our coffee maker,” Felicity said sadly. The sorrow in her voice was evident now that she understood the sentimentality connected to the machine.

Barely breaking his stride, Oliver shrugged and said, “Yeah… I don’t care.”

Felicity laughed as she said, “How can you not care? You just told me…,” but she fell silent as Oliver molded his mouth against hers, the laughter dying on her lips. When he broke away, Oliver gripped Felicity’s legs tightly and pulled her closer. As he pushed himself in deeper, Felicity’s head snapped back as a moan escaped her lips.

“We’ll buy a new one,” Oliver murmured against her neck, but she barely heard him. She was lost in the steel mold of his arms, the motion of his body and the waves of ecstasy upon her.

As it coursed through her, Oliver quickened his pace until they were in unison. She felt almost weightless as he held her. The cold, hard counter was her tether as she floated. Then, as the finale jolt passed through her, Oliver came crashing down with her. As she balanced precariously on the counter, Oliver rested his head against her shoulder. They breathlessly exhaled and laughed with relief, grateful for the stolen moment. It was time well spent.

***Mind Heist by Zack Hemsey

Amanda Waller strode purposefully through the bustling streets of Starling City. Her head-to-toe black pant suit and darkened shades matched her fierce demeanor as she expertly weaved her way through the crowd. To the untrained eye, Amanda Waller was a woman without fear. The line between perception and reality, however, was so painfully thin, or so she told her agents. As long as the world believed she was fearless, Amanda could believe it herself. Well… almost.

She was on her way to Starling National Bank when she felt the shadow. She turned the corner and down an empty alley. She pressed up against the wall and waited as the crowd milled by. She resisted the urge to look behind her. The alley was her first opportunity to look at the crowd, but nobody stood out. Maybe she was imagining things. Amanda shook her head firmly. No, she knew when she had a tail. Amanda pulled out her phone and replaced the SIM card with an extra she kept in her purse. She tossed the old SIM card on the ground and smashed it with the heel of her foot. She glanced at her watch and counted to five. Then she began to move again, down another alley and up a side street, which spilled directly into another busy Starling street. She joined the crowd and immediately felt certain she’d lost the shadow. Although, this did little to calm her nerves.

Amanda reached her car parked on the street. She pulled out her phone and dialed, but there was no answer on the other line, only the voicemail greeting.

“Agent Michaels,” Amanda said firmly, but then she paused and softened her voice. “Lyla…it’s Amanda. I need you to contact me immediately. I can’t get into specifics over the phone, but I need your help. I’m in Starling City. I’d like to meet.” The fear crept back into her voice as she said, “I think… I may have stumbled onto something.”

Amanda slipped her phone back into her purse. Before she got into the car she did a 360-degree turn, surveying everything around her. Satisfied, she got in the car and turned the ignition. She heard a stall in the engine before it turned over. Amanda’s stomach dropped in dread. It was a fraction of a second, but she knew. After all, they trained her well. All those years. All her knowledge. It led to this. One moment of certainty. A cold, hard, inescapable truth.

It was too late.


The car exploded in a fiery ball of smoke and ash. Passersby, knocked to the ground, tried to shield themselves from the falling debris. The force from the blast blew out the windows in the local shops and restaurants. The Starling City Police Department was flooded with calls, but there was no need. There was no one to save.

Chapter 2

***Someone Like You by Adele

The waitress led Diggle to the outdoor tables that lined the boulevard. Protected under the shade of the yellow umbrella, sipping her drink was Carly, waiting for him patiently. The minute she saw Diggle, her face broke into a huge smile. Diggle bent to give her a kiss on the cheek before settling into his chair. It had taken time, but the awkwardness of their romantic relationship had given way to the ease of their brother-in-law and sister-in-law foundation.

“I’m sorry I’m late, Carly,” Diggle offered, but Carly waved him off.

“It’s fine. I just arrived a few minutes ago.”

“Can I get you something, sir?” the waitress asked.

“Just a water please,” Diggle answered and the waitress left immediately. “I’m surprised you didn’t want to meet at Big Belly Burger.”

“Ugh, if I never see that place again it’ll be too soon. My clothes still smell like burgers,” Carly groaned and Diggle chuckled.

“How’s A.J?”

“Good! He’s at baseball camp today,” Carly answered as she took a sip of her drink.

“We still on for Saturday? I was thinking I could take him to a baseball game,” Diggle asked. The waitress came back with his water and looked at them expectantly. “Can we have another minute? Thanks.”

Carly nodded and said, “Yes. Absolutely, he’d love that, and now I need to see a picture of that beautiful baby girl.”

Diggle smiled, took out his phone and handed it to Carly. She started flipping through the photos and gasped, “She’s growing so fast!”

“I know, Lyla and I can barely keep up with her,” Diggle sighed, the exhaustion creeping into his voice.

Carly’s smile faded a little and a sad flicker crossed her eyes as she stared at the photos. “Her smile… looks like Andy’s smile in this one.”

Diggle peered at the picture and nodded silently.

“He would have loved being an uncle, John.”

“He would have tortured me about boys and dating,” Diggle replied ruefully.

Carly laughed and said, “Yes, he would have, but when Sara went on her first date, he would have waited up with you.”

Diggle nodded in agreement and said, “Yes and brought his Glock.“

Carly burst out laughing, and Diggle quickly joined her. As the laughter died down, sadness settled over them. For a moment, the two were lost in their own Andrew-fueled thoughts. Diggle brightened, a little forcefully, in an attempt to lighten the mood, "How’s Ted?”

Carly met Ted Kord while serving him at Big Belly Burger. An order turned to conversation, and conversation turned to a job offer. She left Big Belly Burger for a temp position at Kord Industries. The position became permanent and so did her relationship with Ted. They began dating soon after.

"He’s good. Really good. In fact, that’s why I wanted to talk to you… We’re getting married,” Carly said hesitantly.

Diggle immediately glanced down at Carly’s hand, which was showcasing an incredibly large diamond ring. “I can’t believe I didn’t notice your ring. Wow! Carly, that’s amazing. Ted is a lucky man.” Diggle leaned over and gave Carly another kiss on the cheek.

Carly smiled at Diggle, but it immediately gave way to  nervousness as she fiddled with her ring. She swallowed hard and said, “There’s more. A.J. and I…we’re moving to Central City. Ted is opening another site there, and he needs to be based in Central City to ensure it gets off the ground…” Carly faltered when she saw the sadness on Diggle’s face. She reached for his hand and grasped it tightly, “Please, John. Please try to understand.”

Diggle shook his head, “I don’t. Your whole family is here. This is where A.J. grew up! His school is here. Kord can be based anywhere Carly.”

“This wasn’t Ted’s idea, John. It was mine,” Carly said flatly. She released John’s hand and stared defiantly at him.

Diggle peered at Carly in complete bewilderment as he asked, “Why?”

“Because…” Carly sighed and rubbed her eyes. When she looked up, they were shining with tears. “You are right. Our entire family is here. A.J.’s school…but Starling is where I met Andrew. Starling is where I married Andrew. Starling is where I had his son. Starling is…everywhere I look I see him. Okay? I’ve tried. I’ve tried to move on and get past it, but this city is about my life with Andrew. Or what that life was or could have been. I have a chance for a fresh start with Ted, and I want to take it,  John. I need to take it.”

Diggle nodded resolutely and said, “Okay. You do what you have to do, Carly. If you think a move will help, then do it. I want you to be happy. A.J. wants you to be happy, and Central City isn’t that far.”

“Lyla mentioned your new job takes you Central City sometimes.”

“More than you know,” Diggle said dryly.

“Security still?” Carly asked nonchalantly.

Diggle nodded silently. She hesitated once more but then asked, “Are you… still investigating Andy’s murder?”

“I’m always investigating Andy’s murder, Carly. You know that.”

“I was packing the house, just getting it ready for the move. I had the floors stripped, and a board came loose in Andy’s office.”

Carly reached into her purse and Diggle reached across the table, but Carly shook her head no. “No, underneath. Please.”

Carly slid the envelope to Diggle, and he glanced inside before slipping it into his jacket pocket.

“It’s a safe-deposit box key, Carly,” Diggle said, lowering his voice.

Carly nodded nervously, “I had no idea it was there, John. I swear. The thing is, we’ve never banked at Starling National. We always banked at City Federal.”

Diggle hesitated, “Carly, I don’t think they’ll let me access the box. If it’s in Andy’s name, I’m sure only his next of kin can open it.”

Carly shook her head emphatically, her tone growing more hushed, “That’s the thing. I went to Starling National. I tried to open the box. It’s not in Andy’s name… or mine. It’s in yours.”

Diggle sat back in his chair, the shock overwhelming him, and he took a deep breath.

“John… do you remember what you promised me?” Carly asked, leveling a hard stare at Diggle.

He met her eyes and gave a quick jerk of his head as affirmation as he said, “I promised you I would find whoever murdered my brother… and I would kill them.”

“I know things are different now. You have Lyla and Sara…”

“Nothing has changed, Carly. Not for me,” Diggle interrupted.

“Okay. Good.”

“Carly…” Diggle glanced down at the package bulging in his jacket pocket. Carly looked up at him expectantly. Diggle stared at her gravely and said, “I think getting the hell out of Starling City is a great idea. Do it soon. Okay?”

Carly nodded, and Diggle took her hand as the fear crept into her eyes. She said, “That’s the plan.”

The waitress came back to take their order and almost seamlessly Diggle and Carly shifted back to two family members having a simple lunch. As if, suddenly, their conversations weren’t their own. As if, someone could be listening.

***Broken Crown by Mumford & Sons

When Lyla opened the door to the apartment, she was surprised to find it pitch black. Typically, John was home this time of the day. She flipped on the lights and gasped in shock. John was on the couch, a beer by his side, in the complete dark.

“Johnny, you scared the crap out of me!” Lyla exclaimed. Diggle didn’t respond, and she peered at him. Her confusion gave way to concern. “Johnny, are you okay?

Diggle ignored her question and asked instead, "Where’s Sara?”

Lyla hesitated but then said, “I took her to the sitters. They called me in. Amanda Waller was killed in a car bomb today.”

Diggle looked up at Lyla stunned, the news registering with him. Lyla nodded in confirmation, sat down next to John and took a sip of his beer.

“I texted you and I called, but you didn’t answer. Where were you?”

Diggle looked at his phone as if in a haze. He shook his head in bewilderment, “I’m sorry. I… I was taking care of something.”

“I thought you were having lunch with Carly,” Lyla asked softly.

Diggle noded and said, “I was… that’s what I was taking care of. She found something… of Andy’s… or mine.”


“A safe-deposit box key.”

Lyla peered at Diggle closely and asked, “What’s going on Johnny?”

“The key was to Starling National, but Carly and Andy never banked there. When she tried to access the box, it wasn’t in her name or Andy’s. It was in mine.”

Lyla looked gobsmacked, “How… why would Andy have a safe-deposit box with your name on it?”

“It was more than that Lyla. I had to present ID. Everything, down to my social-security number, my photo… everything was a perfect match. Andy set it all up. It was there. Waiting for me.”

“What was waiting for you?”

Diggle pointed to the kitchen table. Lyla stood up and picked up a journal. She began to flip through it. As she read page after page, her eyes widened in shock.

“Holy… mother…,” Lyla looked up at Diggle, and he nodded gravely.

“Yeah. Give it another half hour, and you’ll be where I’m at.”

“John… Johnny… this is… these notes. These are times, locations, meets. Is this Andy’s handwriting?”

Diggle nodded silently, and Lyla began pouring through the journal. “He has code written here. Pages and pages of handwritten code. Johnny… this is tradecraft.”

“Well, the journal isn’t, but yeah… everything else is,” Diggle replied. He stood up and walked over to Lyla. He put his hands on her shoulders and forced Lyla to look him in the eye. “I love you, Lyla. You know that right?”

Lyla nodded. Diggle gripped her shoulders firmly and said, “I’m only going to ask you this once, and I need you to tell me the truth. Did my brother work for ARGUS?”

Lyla shook Diggle off immediately and angrily responded, “No. Do you honestly think I would have kept something like that from you, John?”

Diggle sighed and answered, “No… I’m sorry. I’m just thrown by this, Lyla. My brother puts top-secret information in a journal, keeps it in a safe-deposit box in my name, hides the key under the floorboards of his house on the off chance his wife finds it… It’s like…”

“It’s like he knew he was going to die,” Lyla finished softly. “Johnny, that has to be it. He was hedging his bets. He didn’t want it to be found unless…”

"Unless he was dead,” Diggle interrupted.

Lyla nodded, “Look, Andy wasn’t ARGUS but based on this information he was some kind of an agent.”

“He was a bodyguard, Lyla! He was the one who got me into security after Afghanistan. I was hired through the same company.” Diggle was rambling now, and Lyla grabbed his hand, forcing him to sit down on the couch.

“Johnny, look at me. Yes, the security job was real. How many times have you gone undercover for the team? How many times have I gone undercover for ARGUS? The job has to look real, so it is real. Whatever this journal is… Andy was risking everything to write this all down. If someone found it, his cover would be blown sky high. This journal would get him killed or Carly or A.J. or you. What if what was you? What would you do?”

“I would hide it somewhere that was almost impossible to find so it didn’t fall into the wrong hands. If I survived and didn’t need it, I could destroy it. No harm, no foul. But if I didn’t…” Diggle trailed off and buried his hands in his face.

“He hid it well. It took five years, but you just found Andy’s Plan B.”

For a moment, he absorbed this information then came to a decision. He flipped open the journal and pointed to a recurring pattern of dates, times, and locations.

“These dates and times… what do you make of them?” Diggle asked.

Lyla assessed it quickly and answered, “It has to be his handler. Same frequency. Rotating location. Yeah, that’s where I’d start.”

Diggle nodded resolutely and grabbed his jacket. Lyla looked at him flabbergasted, “Johnny… it’s been five years. You have no idea which agency Andy was working for, who his handler was or how to contact them. Who knows if they are still active or alive for that matter!”

“You’re right. I don’t have any answers, but I’m going to get some. I don’t know which agency or who his handler was. I don’t even know who the hell my brother was anymore, but he left me a damn roadmap, and I’m going to follow it.”

“Call the team. Take some back up,” Lyla demanded.

Diggle shook his head and took his glock out of the gun case. He loaded it at lightening pace and slipped it behind his back. “No. Nobody else knows… not until I know more.”

Lyla closed her eyes in frustration, “Johnny…”

“I mean it, Lyla. Not a word. I can handle this for now. Too many people involved might spook whoever is at the other end of this.”

Lyla nodded in agreement. He paused at the door as a thought occurred to him, “Who killed Waller?”

“You mean out of the thousands of potential suspects? They have no idea.”

“Why did they want to see you?”

“You know why,” Lyla responded knowingly.

“They want you to lead ARGUS,” Diggle replied.

Lyla nodded and answered, “Yup. I turned it down of course,” Lyla paused, looked at Diggle hesitantly and said, “I held something back when they called me in. Waller called me just before she died.”

Diggle stepped back into the apartment. “About what?”

“I don’t know. She said she stumbled onto something, and she needed my help. She sounded scared, Johnny. Never in my life have I heard fear in that woman’s voice.”

Diggle considered this and put his hands on Lyla’s shoulders again, giving her a soft kiss on the forehead.

“Take the job,” Diggle said resolutely.

“What?” Lyla replied, shocked.

“First, without Waller you can change ARGUS from the inside, which is something I know you want to do. Second, if Waller was reaching outside of ARGUS for help, it means she didn’t trust anyone else. If you are leading ARGUS, you can control the investigation and find out who or what scared her. If you don’t take the job, you’ll eventually ask the team to look into Waller’s murder, so we’ll need access to documents anyway. Without Felicity that will be difficult. Last time I checked, she was the only one who could break through ARGUS’ firewall. So let’s just cut to the chase and get you inside. And third, having my wife leading the world’s most secret agency while I investigate my dead brother’s relationship with another agency wouldn’t be the worst idea in the world. Now tell me I’m wrong on any of those accounts.”

Lyla shook her head in agreement and said, “No sir.”

Diggle gave Lyla another firm kiss as she commanded, “Watch your six.”

Diggle gave a wink as he replied, “Copy that.”

With that Diggle shut the door. He glanced down at the journal and whispered to himself, “Alright little brother… what the hell did you get yourself into?”

***Ticking Bomb by Aloe Blacc

Diggle called Carly to make sure she wasn’t at home. She was watching A.J’s baseball game. Diggle told her to stay put and go out for ice cream later. When Carly suggested they stay at Ted’s for the night, Diggle agreed it was a good idea.

The spare key was hidden under a frog figurine Andy bought Carly as a joke for their anniversary. She didn’t find it very humorous until Andy gave her the real gift - diamond earrings. She still wore the earrings every day. Diggle knew for certain they were the same pair because he was there when Andy bought them.

Carly was right. Andy was everywhere.

He surveyed Andy’s old office, which was practically bare. He searched the floor boards and shelves, looking for more hiding places. After he was satisfied there was nothing, he checked the rest of the house. Still nothing. He wasn’t sure what he was looking, but he’d know when he saw it.

Diggle headed downstairs and wandered into the kitchen. He noticed the cordless phone. It was a landline. Given the day and age, Diggle once asked Lyla why she still had it. She said Andy insisted on it for emergencies.

Andy insisted on it…

Diggle picked up the phone and immediately took off the back. There, nestled deep within the cords, was a tiny transmitter. Instead of removing it, Diggle returned the backing. He hit the talk button and waited for a dial tone. Except… he didn’t dial a number.

“This is John Diggle. I know who you are. I know you are listening. I know everything. Meet me at midnight in the warehouse district off 13th. The abandoned Stagg Chemical Plant. Or I take what I know to the Starling City Sentinel.”

He hung up and glanced at his watch. Now, he simply needed to go to the location and wait.

***Style by Taylor Swift

As Felicity walked down the steps of the corporate office of the cyber-security firm, she was surprised to see Oliver patiently waiting for her, leaning against his motorcycle. Dressed in a black leather jacket, jeans and blue button-down shirt, he was so impossibly sexy Felicity stumbled a bit at the sight of him. Oliver took a step toward her, immediately concerned, but Felicity held up her hand to hold him back.

“Nope. I’m good. I got it,” she said calmly, and Oliver smiled a little at her clumsiness. She steadied herself and walked the remaining few steps down.

“How did the inspection go?” Felicity asked.

“Good. Really good,” Oliver answered with a relieved smile.

Her curiosity piqued, Felicity tipped her head to the side and asked, “What are you doing here?”

“I thought we could celebrate. Maybe take a little drive,” Oliver answered softly.

Felicity glanced at the bike and asked, “On that?”

Oliver nodded and Felicity crossed her arms, her tone suddenly serious, “One question. Are you going to break any traffic laws?”

Oliver nodded, his tone just as serious and answered, “Absolutely.”

After a beat, he and Felicity smiled at one another. Despite her heels, she had to stand on her tiptoes as she wrapped her arms around Oliver’s neck and kissed him on the nose. She touched her forehead to his and whispered, “You’re on.”

Felicity was grateful she wore her sensible skinny black pants to work. Her low-cut, white, silk tank top was another matter. Despite the heat, there was a  steady cool ocean breeze blowing through Coast City. As if on cue, Oliver took off his leather jacket and slipped it over Felicity’s shoulders. She maneuvered her arms into the sleeves. The heat from Oliver’s body still radiated off the jacket lining. She giggled a little at the bulk of the jacket and flapped her arms a bit. Oliver shook his head at her in bemusement as he sat down on the bike, offering his hand as Felicity swung her leg over. Immediately, her body slipped next to Oliver’s. Helmets secured, Oliver waited until he felt Felicity’s arms encircle his waist, his signal to take off.

As they zipped down the freeway, Oliver maneuvered nimbly in and out traffic while maintaining his lightening speed. Nearly everything was a blur, so the bike became a sensory experience: the tensing of his muscles underneath her fingers, her heart pounding against her chest, the hum of the engine, the roar of the traffic and the blinding, swirling lights. Felicity molded her body against Oliver’s, allowing him to warm her and guide her. They moved together in such fluid motion it felt as if they were one. The speed and sounds should have frighten her, but Felicity loved it. It was exhilaration and freedom working in perfect harmony with an overwhelming sense of security. The only other time she felt like that was with The Arrow. When he would gather her in his arms and they would soar across the zip line, there was nothing to fear. As long as Oliver’s arms were around her, his body next to hers, she was safe. She was flying.

***Better by Matthew Mayfield

Felicity was so lost in the ride she barely noticed where they were going or how long it took to get there. As Oliver slowed and pulled up to the Starling City docks, however, she became overwhelmed with complete bewilderment. She took off her helmet and shook her blonde curls loose. Oliver was already off the bike, and he offered his hand again to help Felicity off as well.

“What are we doing at the Starling City docks?” Felicity asked.

“Something I need to show you,” Oliver answered softly.

Felicity slipped off Oliver’s jacket. He hesitated and asked, “You won’t get cold?”

Felicity shook her head no, tsnaked her arms around Oliver’s waist and said, “I have you.”

Oliver put his arms around Felicity’s shoulder, and she snuggled in against him. He kissed the top of her head and whispered, “Yes, you do.”

They walked towards the dock in silence, arms wrapped around each other, but as they came closer, Felicity felt Oliver’s body tensing. She glanced down at his free hand. He was flicking his fingers back and forth. Oliver was nervous, but Felicity couldn’t fathom why.

“Oliver, I’m very curious about whatever you need to show me, but just so we’re clear, honey, I’ve seen the docks before. Lots of times. I watched Diggle tranquilize you right over…” Felicity fell into a stunned silence as they reached the ramp.

Hurricane lamps filled with white candles lined the inner edge of the ramp, leading all the way down to the edge of the dock. The firelight of hundreds of candles cast a soft glow over the darkened dock, illuminating their path. She felt Oliver release her and she continued walking in a daze until she reached the bottom of the ramp and stood on the dock. The candlelight flickered against her face and she could feel the heat burning from the flames. The smell of vanilla intermixed with the ocean air culminating in a single, intoxicating scent. The moon, full and bright in the night sky, partnered with the candlelight as an act of contrition for obliterating the stars. The ocean lapped gently against the edge of the docks, and a soft breeze blew across, but Felicity was too stunned to feel it.

Felicity took a moment to absorb the scene, and Oliver took a moment to absorb Felicity. The ocean breeze wafted through her hair, causing her curls to drift in unruly and wild patterns. The candlelight made her skin glow, like a sunset bouncing across the water. Her white silk popped against the night sky. The blouse dipped and drifted, in a sway with the wind, and Oliver let his eyes drift over her curves. When Felicity finally turned to meet Oliver’s gaze, he began to speak.

“This is where it started for me. My father’s boat was right over there,” Oliver pointed to the open water, where the Queen’s Gambit use to float. “I left with my father because I was running away and, the truth is, I thought my life ended that day on the docks.”

Felicity reached for Oliver’s hand and for a moment he just held hers in silence, caressing it gently with his thumb. He took a deep breath and continued.

“Do you remember when I told you I came back to Starling City before they found me on the island?

"Yes. With Thea…” Felicity answered tenderly. Not a trance of judgment or condemnation in her voice, but only love.

Oliver nodded and said, “That was the night I saw you for the first time.”

Felicity had grown accustomed to Oliver’s confessions and while he never ceased to surprise her, this one left her stunned.

“You brought some files into my father’s office and… you were… well you.” Oliver faltered for a moment, smiling at the memory. “That night, everything was unrecognizable, but when I saw you, it felt like home for the first time. I don’t know how else to explain it. When I came back from the island, the day I walked into your office, it felt the same. And I remembered. So, I kept coming back. Again and again. Instead of the island… it was you pulling me in. Like a light in the dark.”

Felicity swallowed hard, biting her lip, completely overwhelmed.

“My last year on the island, I would stand on the beach and imagine coming home. For five years, surviving was all that mattered. Surviving is all I knew, but you taught me how to live again. It’s why I brought you here. I realize now I wasn’t running from something. I was running toward something. Something more than survival or a mission. You. I don’t want this to be the place where my life ended. I want this to be the place where my life began.”

Oliver took a step back, releasing Felicity’s hand as he reached into his pocket. He opened a ring box and knelt down on one knee.

“Holy frack!” Felicity gasped.

“Felicity… will you marry me?” Oliver asked, his voice confident but tears shining in his eyes.

Dead silence. Felicity simply stared at Oliver, a stunned and overwhelmed expression on her face. Oliver let a beat pass by and then another, but it began feeling awkward.

“Felicity? Typically this is the part where you say something,” he prodded gently.

Felicity blinked rapidly, as if snapping herself out of some kind of daze. Her voice shaking, she said, “Sorry… I swear I thought I was talking. I think I just had one of those out-of-body experiences. Have you ever had one of those? I felt like I was floating and listening to myself say all kinds of things… but apparently I was silent according to you, which is incredibly strange, I mean really strange, because I can count on my hand the times I’ve been speechless. Like the time in my fifth-grade spelling bee. My word was logorrhea and I just froze. Could have been the spotlights, so maybe it’s a light thing? Because that ring… is… wow. I never really understood the whole diamond thing until now. I grew up in Vegas. Once I saw a blackjack dealer propose to a trapeze artist with a Ring Pop…”

“Felicity…” Oliver attempted to interrupt.

“In fact diamonds were going out of fashion in the thirties, until Debeers came up with the "a diamond is forever” campaign…“

"Feli-ci-ty,” Oliver tried again, but to no avail.

“Which is pretty astounding. It makes you wonder if Ring Pop came up with a brilliant ad campaign if we would all start buying Ring Pops for engagement -”

“Felicity!” Oliver said firmly, and he stood up. The sudden movement surprised Felicity, and she fell silent.

“This is all fascinating, but I was wondering if at some point you planned on giving me an answer,” Oliver asked dryly, his patience wearing thin.

“Oh, I did give you an answer… I thought I did. Wasn’t that the first thing I said?”

“No,” Oliver sighed exasperated.

“No? I could have sworn I said yes, but maybe that was during the out-of-body conversation,”

“Wait, was that a yes?” Oliver’s eyes widened.

“No,” Felicity said simply, a little distracted.

“No?” Oliver completely deflated, and Felicity immediately bit her lip in regret. She shook her head as if coming to her senses and put her hand on his face, so she could look him in the eye.

As she began to speak, tears formed in her eyes and her voice welled with emotion, “I mean no - the out-of-body yes wasn’t the actual yes. But yes. This now is my yes. Yes, yes, yes. I would say yes to a Ring Pop or -”

She didn’t get to finish her sentence. Oliver kissed her, and the words died on her lips. For a moment, the two of them just held each other, lost in the kiss sealing their future together. As Oliver pulled back, he put his hands on Felicity’s face and repeatedly kissed her in a punctuated pattern until she started to laugh.

“Can I…?” Oliver motioned to the ring box. Felicity nodded excitedly, holding out her shaking hand.

“You’re shaking,” Oliver whispered as he slipped the ring on her finger.

“I think I’m still in shock,” Felicity responded. As the ring fit perfectly on her finger, Oliver and Felicity fell silent at just stared at it. Felicity glanced up at Oliver, and a soft smile played on his face as he looked at the ring on her finger. She leaned in to kiss him again. Only this time when she pulled away, Oliver picked her up and twirled her around as they held each other. When he finally set her down, they both exhaled deeply, all the nervous energy floating away.

“Why did you think we came here?” O

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