Welcome to our 4th annual list where we identify online professionals that make a difference on Twitter. Mostly they help us learn by sharing insights, but many of them also help challenge conventional wisdom, ask good questions and promote the excellent work of others.
Some write blogs, some are active on the conference circuit, others work in large and complex organizations where they play a key role in identifying new connections and curating knowledge.
For each of them we have selected a tweet to give you a taste of their style and what awoke our curiosity. We’ll be watching and so should you. Enjoy!
10 online professionals to watch on Twitter in 2012@angellino: This is Angelo Ioffreda, a creative communication leader and strategist who combines vision, pragmatism, and personal leadership to drive organizational change. Day job as Senior Director, Employee Communications at NII Holdings in Reston, Virginia.
Some provocative ideas here to consider: are you creating friction or flow? http://lnkd.in/CFqD5Z@baoch: Baochi Nguyen recently joined RingCentral, the #1 cloud-based phone system for businesses. At RingCentral, Baochi oversees social strategy and community management. She is currently implementing a superfan and loyalty program, a social CRM platform, and a community curation experience. She spoke at J. Boye Philadelphia 12 on Integrating Social Media Customer Service Successfully Across the Organisation (view slides)
Google+ Creators: Stop Calling It a Social Network | @scoopit http://bit.ly/NLxAB1
@dariusmiranda: VP, B2B Social Business Strategy at Wells Fargo Wholesale Bank. He currently partners with business lines across the Wholesale Bank and Wells Fargo’s Experiential Marketing team to research new social and mobile trends, and explore community and collaboration models to connect people with the right information and relevant valued networks—including customer networks.
From what I’ve seen of #Yammer, it’s about easy UI & changing#behavior. MS #SharePoint could use some of that. #Collaboration
@DennisAgusi: Dennis is responsible for the enterprise social network within Philips and running several projects regarding internal (social intranet, internal video sharing, video blogs, employee engagement, change program, social media guidelines etc.) and external communications (overall social media site that’s coming soon). Meet him in Aarhus in November at the J. Boye conference, where he is speaking on the intranet conference track.
Text based CV’s are so 2011. Check out these creative CV’s! http://lnkd.in/R5h58A
@ethanmcc : Ethan leads IBM’s global digital and social strategy team responsible for driving the transformation of digital communications and marketing at IBM, leading the development of digital web services & prototyping digital/social programs, deploying digital social intelligence systems, and social business advocacy including the stewardship of IBM’s social computing guidelines.
We’re suffering from two things: over disclosure and a lack of transparency.” panelist on the topic of corp reputation mgmt.@awpagesociety
@jedpc: As the Senior Manager Intranet Initiatives in the Intranet team at BMO Financial Group in Toronto, Jed Cawthorne is part of the Strategic Communications group. His role is split between the longer term strategic view, and the more tactical expediency of manager major intranet initiatives inflight. He recently hosted the kick-off meeting in the Toronto Intranet Group and has a background as a long-time KM, Enterprise Information Management and Enterprise Content Management proponent (and evangelist) going back to his time at the Open University starting in 2004
My monthly article for @cmswire The State of Social Tools within the Enterprise in 2012 http://www.cmswire.com/cms/social-bus …
@totoroki: An openness spokesperson working for Sitra the Finnish Innovation Fund’s web presence. In practice she is in charge of developing Sitra’s web sites, web presence and web working practices. Last years of Karoliina’s work have been about grasping the social communications phenomenon in leveraging Sitra’s insights in different networks and developing Sitra’s fields of work collaboratively with networks. This has meant different team or organization level activities in different social media (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Flickr etc.), and of course web strategy work, web policy work, consulting different teams, training sessions etc.
To lighten up this sunny Friday evening, I posted on major Sitra.fi project learnings http://opencorporatesite.posterous.com/sitrafi-epilog …#sitra.fi #agile #responsive
@Msanderhoff: Merete is a researcher at Statens Museum for Kunst (National Gallery of Denmark), where she combines her passion for art history, digital media and open access. She has been leading a number of projects concerned with providing open access to the museum’s digitized collections, and using digital media to freely share knowledge and resources with fellow institutions as well as users. She helped coin our 2012 conference theme of “Sharing is caring” and spoke at the Philadelphia 12 conference on Sharing is Daring. Openness as a Business Strategy (view slides)
More on how @StatensMuseum is sharing, and what director Karsten Ohrt says http://wiki.creativecommons.org/Case_Studies/H …#ctm12 #CreativeCommons
@RoslynLayton: Roslyn is currently a digital strategy consultant to the telecom industry working at Strand Consult. Building on her career in digital marketing and business development with companies in the U.S., Europe, Brazil, and Japan, she has just started an industrial PHD project titled “The New Economics of Telecom: How Over the Top Players Disrupt Business Models and Regulation”. She is also the author of one of our most popular 2012 blog postings titled Stop wasting money in Facebook
A new life for laid-off Nokia employees. Former employees try to do with a startup what they could not do inside Nokia.
@greentrac: Tracy Green is the Head of Online Services in the UK Parliament where she is responsible for the website, intranet and other digital channels including social media. In a role that allows her to combine a fascination with politics together with a love for technology, Tracy is relishing the opportunity to have a real impact on the way Parliament works in the UK.
Such an inspiring afternoon thinking about what’s possible on tablet devices!
You can find all 10 on this public Twitter list – thanks to Mikkel Højbjerg for doing it.
30 more online professionals on Twitter
This is the 4th year we are doing this list. See:
10 online professionals to watch on Twitter in 2009
10 online professionals to watch on Twitter in 2010
10 online professionals to watch on Twitter in 2011
and you will find 30 interesting people that are going places and will make your Twitter experience more insightful. You can also follow me @janusboye. I won’t take it personally if you quickly decide to “unfollow” me!
Who did we miss on Twitter?
This list is based on internal input as well as friendly suggestions from members of the J. Boye Groups in Europe and North America. As always, please do drop recommendations below if you think we have left out a Twitter user that deserves the attention of web and intranet professionals.