
The elevating appetite of consumers for the mobile applications plays a substantial role and compels the developers to build cutting-edge apps incorporated with interactive & unique features. On an average, a mobile user employs mobile apps for 2 hours 42 minutes that is about 86% usage of the mobile devices. According to the comScore research report, 47% Internet traffic out of total 55% usage came via these apps last year in the U.S and rest 8% came through the mobile browsers. This is why, the use of frameworks for experimenting came in the limelight amidst developers to develop multifarious unique, power-packed, and feature-rich apps.

The massive numbers of consumers are switching swiftly towards mobile devices to accomplish manifold requisites that generate far-reaching scope of standard web languages such as HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. These sought-after languages diminish the curb related to the native app development by letting you play with their exemplary attributes freely. The frameworks based on these prominent languages have unveiled gigantic ways for the professional developers to create foremost mobile apps precisely loaded with a plethora of significant libraries.

One lucrative advantage to use these helpful web frameworks is cross-platform portability using tools such as PhoneGap. PhoneGap is an ideal package compiler to achieve this need effectively. Installation and port of applications on the vast array of platforms is quite simpler via PhoneGap.

A broad range of frameworks make all these requisites possible and this post consisting some top-graded frameworks is a perfect way to choose the best & cross-platform mobile framework in the fastest manner. Let’s delve into them with thorough detail.

1. Ionic

Ionic, a dependable framework is a perfect choice for those, who are highly concerned with the overall performance of app. Built with SAS, this dependable HTML5 powered mobile framework is integrated with a myriad of UI components to create user-friendly apps in an effective manner. Focusing on performance, it never demands third-party JS library and works seamlessly with Angular.js to give breath to the interactive apps. Having a well-crafted set of font icons and reusable HTML classes, it is popularly used to build the outstanding mobile UI.

2. Ratchet

Being a prominent framework, Ratchet comprises the bundle of UI components, reusable HTML classes and JS plugins to get the developers started working for simple mobile application creation. It came into highlight by Twitter to develop engaging app prototype. Initially used like an internal tool, Ratchet was publicly released in the form of open source project. The version 2.0 of this framework is packed with proprietary collection of font icon named Ratcheticon as well as 2 pre-defined UI themes suitable for Android and iOS platforms.

3. jQuery Mobile

It is a robust and touch-optimized framework built with HTML5 to create cross-platform mobile apps. This exclusively reliable source caters incredible experience with stunning support for almost all the platforms. It owns a handy assortment of remarkable user interfaces optimized acutely to fulfill varied needs regarding mobile devices.

4. Lungo

This lightweight framework is quite robust and aesthetically crafted with default styles. Based on programming languages called HTML, CSS, & JavaScript, Lungo supports Blackberry, iOS, Firefox OS, and Android platforms. It brings with exceptional events such as double-tap, swipe & tap. Beside this, you can take advantage from its numerous JavaScript API that are helpful to control app functioning.

5. Sencha Touch

Another well-noted framework, Sencha Touch is powered by CSS3 & HTML5 that makes it the exceptionally reliable framework to develop feature-rich mobile apps. Surrounded with a broad range of animations, components and APIs, this framework provides an ability to perform it on multiple popular mobile platforms and browsers without any obstacle. In addition, it is compatible with PhoneGap & Cordova that allow you to compile the desired application and then submit successfully to the App Stores of respective platform. Gaining strength to build hybrid apps, this framework is easy-to-use packed with multifarious components for eye-catching app creation. It also offers a wide number of themes that have the ability to render look and feel of your app just like native.

6. Jo Mobile

Jo provides compatibility with different mobile platforms such as Chrome & Tizen OS and brings a starter which has been built aesthetically with CSS3. It caters an ease to the web developers with pleasurable experience in order to grab and get started with the styling of their mobile apps. You can use it furthermore either with Cordova or PhoneGap to make your app accessible on all mobile platforms.

7. Kendo UI

Kendo UI framework holds almost everything that is essential to create web and mobile apps powered by JavaScript & HTML5. It is featured with more than 70 jQuery rooted UI widgets, offline data solutions, AngularJS integration, Bootstrap support, mobile controls, etc. All these are the strength of this mobile app framework that brings it in the list of 10 top-notch & cross-platform frameworks.

7. Cordova

Apache Cordova is packed with a cluster of device APIs and helpful for the app developers to access any native function like accelerometer or camera through JavaScript. Frameworks (jQuery Mobile, Sencha Touch and Dojo Mobile) lauded it as an ideal solution for the mobile app professionals to develop the smartphone app using CSS, HTML & JavaScript.

8. us Framework

This new but powerful mobile framework guarantees to get rid of issues related to HTML5 performance that we usually experience while using the mobile apps on the mobile devices. Through lightweight JS engine, which is just 64k, it handles performance issues thoroughly. Features comprised in Famo.us look like Sencha and Phonegap that make it a challenging competitor in the mobile app development industry. It can also be used like beta tester by signing up in www.famo.us.

9. jQT

This Zepto plugin was originally designed & developed especially for the Webkit browsers, which also offers you many features to develop customizable and extensible mobile apps. Theme presented in jQT framework enables you to perform alteration via 3D transition and SAAS/Compass. Developers may also extend it with required functionality to get optimal outcome.

Final Words!

We end up this collection here with 10 topmost frameworks that are approached globally by the developers for building mobile apps based on CSS, JavaScript, and HTML programming languages. Choose any one suitable to your specifications from the list and create the desired mobile apps.

Article by: David Meyer

David Meyer is a tech-savvy mobile app developer at CSSChopper -Web App Development Company. His passion in blog & article writing can also be seen through his write-ups in gigantic posts.

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