
Having a variety of food on your dinner plate does not always mean you’re getting a healthier dinner. There are many factors that determine whether or not a dinner is considered healthy, such as the amount of calories and the quality of the food itself. For those of you looking to lose weight or to be healthier in general, follow the 5 tips below so you can make a truly healthy dinner every night.

Tip #1: Make sure you purchase high quality food. Get organic or natural whenever possible. This means you should avoid any processed foods such as beans in a can or Ramen. Those foods are packed with sodium and other unhealthy ingredients that will only cause you to gain weight. You should choose foods that are organic and fresh. Avoid any foods that have tons of ingredients, most of the time these foods are filled with chemicals you’ve never even heard of.

Tip #2: Prepare food the healthy way. The method you choose to make food determines how many calories and nutrients you get from that dish. Fried, sautéed, and battered foods should all be avoided on a daily basis. Those methods add fat to foods and provide no nutritional value at all. The four methods used to prepare healthy dinners are to grill, broil, bake, or steam the food.

Tip #3: Choose fiber-packed foods. Getting the right amount of fiber helps maintain your body’s digestion system. This makes sure foods are broken down and used rather than letting it sit and stay inside of your body. Foods that are high in fiber include salad, legumes, fruits, and seasonal vegetables.

Tip #4: Choose protein-packed foods. To get or stay fit, you need to get the right amount of healthy calories a day. Most of these calories should come from foods that are high in protein such as chicken, fish, red meat, beans, turkey, and eggs.

Tip #5: Avoid foods that have high starch content. Starches are hard to break down, which means it will be stored in your body for a long time thus creating fat. Foods you should avoid are crackers, bread, pasta, white rice, cereal, and potatoes.

The best way to get healthy or lose weight is to eat a balanced diet as well as perform an exercise program right for you. Call me, the best Los Angeles personal trainer.

Bodybuilding – Dexter Jackson 2015 Arnold Classic

News from Gold’s Gym Venice: my favorite active IFBB pro bodybuilder Dexter Jackson won the 2015 Arnold Classic Pro Bodybuilding Championships!

What’s even more amazing about him is that he’s 45! In 2008 Dexter won the coveted Mr. Olympia title. In 2011 he won the Pro Masters World Championships and in 2012 he won the Masters (over 40) Mr. Olympia. He then came back to competing in the open vs. much younger pros and has amassed more wins and high  placings. Below is a summary of just his 2015 placings:

2015 Arnold Classic, 1st

2015 Arnold Classic Australia, 1st

2015 Arnold Classic Europe, 1st

2015 Mr. Olympia, 2nd

2015 Prague Pro, 1st

Congrats Dexter, you’re an inspiration to us all! (Or at least just me <img src="http://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/72x72/1f609.png" alt="

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