
Today, the 2nd day of Xmas, New Years vacation starts in Japan. Also, Sakura for the daily photo. Read on!

New Years Vacation Starts

It’s the Second Day of Christmas today, a fact forgotten by most in the States and the UK (where it has been replaced by the secular Boxing Day). St. Stephen’s Day, or the Feast of St Stephen1, who was the first Christian martyr.

And in Japan? Today is business as usual (as was yesterday), but is, typically, the final working day for most salarymen before the long New Year’s Holiday. That fact alone makes it a cause for celebration. Most companies grant about a week, until the 4th. This year that works out to about 10 days for many, as the 4th is a Saturday, so work won’t resume till the 6th.

Many people will head to their parent’s home for the long holiday. New Years is something like Thanksgiving or Christmas in the US, so it is more of a family get together. But many others will skip the family time and will head to a real vacation somewhere. Either way, the roads will become ultra busy starting tomorrow, with multihour traffic jams. Vacation time in Japan isn’t for the faint of heart…

Daily Photo: Tunnel Vision

The sakura over this river are so thick that you can barely see the sky! Ah, spring time… it’ll be here before we know it!

I had a lot of fun photoing this river.

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In the Western Church. The Eastern Church celebrates the Feast of St Stephen on the 27th, tomorrow. I have no idea what they do for today. ↩

The above post was republished from JapanDave.com, home of the most beautiful daily photos of Japan on the Internet. See the original post: New Years Vacation Starts

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