
January 26

1. I had my first work shift as an academic service center assistant. I was ready to be a diligent worker, and slowly weaning off into a more slacked stupor. It was pretty cool though, I almost did not work, and I got a lot of work done one the side.

2. Late night food, so delicious!

January 27

1. I attended the EECS internship open house in hopes of getting myself some free stuff. I felt a bit ashamed because I already have an internship lined up for the summer. I decided the night before that I was going to print out some resumes in case they asked. I then realized that this was the career equivalent of a tied-down girl going to a bar for free drinks. I bathed in the fantasy for a while, imagining myself as an attractive female with choices around me, stringing men along with the hope of a girlfriend.

I decided to explore the mentality a bit further today. I went up and talked to the recruiters to make conversation, desperately hoping the conversation would end soon so I can finally ask for a small gift in exchange for my time. I collected water bottles from Palantir, jellybeans from Zazzle, and T-shirts from Fusion.io, so on so forth. When recruiters pressed, I handed them one of my resumes. If they didn’t, I didn’t bother handing mine out.

2. I was preparing for the H@B general meeting the next day by caging myself in an empty auditorium in Cory hall typing up my resume. I spent about 1 hour or so drafting my speech, and so I decided to practice speaking it out loud. It turns out that my inner inspirational voice is completely different from how my actual voice sounds. It was quite embarrassing, and I was quite nervous.

3. I ate dinner with Alex Hu today. It was mainly to discuss logistical concerns between clubs, but we spent some time just talking about our lives. I never really like the formalities of “what do you do?” or “tell me your life story” because the beautiful details of the day-to-day living are discarded to create a skeleton of a resume. If I were to die, I wouldn’t want anyone to give an eulogy of my entire life. I would prefer speaking in detail of an experience they’ve had with me. That, to me, is much more entertaining. And to Alex, I connected to him best by telling him about my day, and his.

January 28

1. I had a 7:30AM work shift this morning. It was the earliest time I woke up all year. Charles Zhang was thankfully kind enough to drive me to work (which was a mile and a half walk away). Sheela, my supervisor, was cool enough to show me around and answer any questions I’ve had left. It was also the first time I had to greet visitors who came in. I’m terribly awkward at greeting people. I’d say things like “thank you” when they left, while avoiding all eye contact. I get better at it though, but today I haven’t improved that much.

2. I had lunch with Reza again. Reza’s quite the food connoisseur, he brought me to another new restaurant today. He also brought his friend Lee too, and we had a good lunch discussing about a variety of topics, including Lee’s affinity for spicy food.

3. During my music class today, the teacher decided we should go outside today to practice our time measures and rhythm. We were supposed to practice our sense of rhythm by grouping up and clapping measures of notes and rhythm. I grouped up with Magdalene Lim and Will Cheng. They are some of the funniest people to be around. Will was concurrently taking a Caribbean music class, and he was improvising some of the beats on the music sheets. When the rhythm got fast, Will took on the technique of the world record holder for most number of claps. He even had sound effects to go with it! I was particularly helpless b. ecause I was actually bad at the clapping exercise compared to Maggie and Will, and Will had no hesitation to make me feel embarrassed when I messed up.

4. I finally gave the General Meeting speech. I was very nervous and worried because usually Eric Zhang would give the speech during these meetings. He was say something super crazy but inspirational and everyone would cheer for him. But since he left H@B, I was in charge of saying something about the organization.

I gave it my all, whatever that meant, and people clapped, I was pretty happy it was all over and people didn’t throw fruits at me. When I asked Alice Oh how I did a little later, she said “your face was really red.”

5. Dylan’s speech on H@B design. “See this jacket? BAM! H@B Design! See these workshop banners? BAM! H@B Design.”

January 29

1. I had lunch with Francsesca, who was one of my Clark Kerrian friends back in freshman year. She seems to be doing well, and managing a really cool club on campus called the nerdfighter. She was telling me that she’s had people who were offended by the title “nerdfighters” because they thought violence was involved. Anyways, it was cool and I really wanted to join without coming off like I was inviting myself. I don’t think she got the memo. Oh well.

2. I had dinner with Samson Su, Robyn Zhang, and Dylan Wong at Gypsy’s. We talked about normal stuff, and Dylan’s obsession with figurines. I thought it was fun to grab dinner with good friends, and it was a pleasure to meet Robyn, whom I believe I’ve seen around campus but never had a name to go with the face.

January 30

1. I ate lunch at Pieology with Angela. We caught up with our current activities and plans for the future.

2. I tried out for AFX dance auditions. It was my first dance auditions ever so I was really nervous. Also, I had to go alone at first because Sophia couldn’t meet up with me earlier. I ended up meeting and making friends with a bunch of  freshmen. They were all so giddy and excited and I just stood there listening in on the conversation, looking super jaded.

The choreo was pretty rough and difficult. I had trouble learning all the fine tunings of the moves, but I got the basic choreography down. I was so nervous when my group and I decided to perform, I could feel my heart beating right out of my chest! It was really fun though after the fact, and everything seemed to make sense after the fact. Whew, it was a roller coaster of a ride.

3. I walked home with Andrew Yen after our workshift. It was a quiet night at 1AM walking home from northside. Andrew was worried about his intended career path and telling me about all the worries he has. I told him not to worry too much about it because most people really have no clue what they are doing. As a joke, I told him, “just do what you enjoy doing, and everything else will be fine.”

Right then, a bus drove right past us. It was a slow-motion moment for both of us, because what we saw was the Executive limo bus. The tint on the window was just transparent enough for us to see what was going on inside. Girls. Lots of them. Inside, partying it up, on a Thursday night, driving through the street. Andrew and I stopped and stared for a good second before continuing our trek home, a couple seconds later, a second one passed through, equally as luminous and bright.

“Oh my god.” I said, “Fuck it, I want to make shittons of money so someday I could be on that bus.” Andrew laughed and agreed. We both decided we’re just going to be the Wolves on Wall St.

January 31

1. I was at the intersocietal meeting with all the EECS organizations around campus, and Hina Sakazaki was there. Trying to make small talk, I realized that I could actually write Hina’s name in Japanese. Earlier last week, I made the decision (most likely from watching too much anime) that I would learn Japanese in my pockets of free time rather than surf Reddit. So I decided to learn the alphabet, and I did, enough to write my friend’s name. I told her about my recent achievement and decided to demonstrate.

I took a piece of scratch paper out, and starting recollecting all the alphabet require to write her name. I messed some up, flipped some other, but on the whole, it was correct. I was proud of my accomplishment, but Hina was direct with me. “You write like a 5 year old.” I told her that it was the best I could do within 2 weeks, but I don’t sense any forgiveness from her for defiling her name. It was cool though, she wrote the kanji version of her name.

2. I had dinner with my former floormates Samson Su, Patrick, Cliff, Jasmine Nguyen, and Casey Nguyen. We went to a Taiwanese restaurant to celebrate the Lunar New Year. And for the first time being in the bay, I ordered food in Chinese. Sure, it was pretty bad, but I thought it was the greatest thing ever. Jasmine and Patrick thought it was the greatest thing ever. To them, I was as fluent as any fob. Samson ordered food in Mandarin as well, which was admirable as well.

3. I had to bail dinner with my former floormates to grab dinner with Tomas Vega and Krishna Parashar. I didn’t realize that we all were full and didn’t want to buy anything at the restaurant. We bought cheap drinks and snacks and sat down and talk anyways. Tomas had a vision for a cool computer human interaction device that he was determined to popularize. He asked me for advice like I was a mentor, and I honestly didn’t quite know how to help him. I talked and talked, and he vigilantly took notes down, savoring in every word I said. I didn’t have the balls to say I don’t know anything, but I played my role, and I played it well.

4. Daniel Shan invited me to go play pickup ultimate with him. Sounds fun, but apparently the school open field wasn’t lit and therefore we couldn’t see anything. So instead, they went to a nearby park to play pickup soccer. I haven’t played soccer in a while so everything felt really unnatural to me again. The teams were China/Taiwan vs Korea. I was surprised how quickly I was able to profile my team out. I was able to dribble decently well, although my defense is now extremely shoddy. The lights went off halfway through our game so we played in the dark instead. It was overally really fun and I was able to RAINBOW A GUY OVER HIS HEAD. That was awesome. I honestly couldn’t think of anything else to do, so I thought why not go for it. It went through perfectly. I felt contact as my feet rolled over the ball and brought it over my head and his, and everyone cheered as I scored the goal with the juke.

5. Today I completed my application for the Innovative Design Photoshop and Illustrator Decal. The application was created in response to the overwhelming popularity of the class. Therefore I put in a lot of thought into the application. I thought I was a genius for one of the question, and I therefore brought up the conversation to the dinner table with Samson.

Me: What did you fill out for the question “What’s the worst design you have seen? What would you do to improve it?”

Samson: Well, [Some response that was clearly inferior to mine so I paid no attention to it.

Me: Well, I wrote about the toilet paper dispensers in Berkeley. You know how TP dispensers are placed at different heights? When you are in a stall and want to maximize the amount of single ply, you would draw as much toilet paper as you can before the edge touches the ground. Everyone wants the most toilet paper but no one wants their TP to touch the ground. Therefore the standard draw of toilet paper would have a width that is equivalent to the height of the toilet paper dispenser. Because the height of each TP dispenser varies, each toilet paper length dispensed in uneven and unequal. Therefore if one person were to make 2-3 bifolds, they would either end up with an overly slim or overly lengthy rectangle. And I think that's bad design because we should standardize all of them to be at the same height so that the maximum draw would form a perfect square when you fold it in halves.

Samson: Wait, what? That makes no sense. You can draw as much toilet paper as you want!

Me: What? No....

Samson: Don't you draw toilet papers like this?

(proceeds to make this gesture, but in slow-mo)

Me: Wait. wtf, who does that?

We proceeded to ask our neighboring friends to ask for their votes. Turns out a lot of girls take on the motion Samson described, and every other guy did things my way. This became the default question we asked people for the night. And we've heard good, legitimate arguments from both camps.

One of my favorites for Samson's "infinite toilet paper method": "well once you're done rolling it up, you can kind of use it like a glove." - forgot who

One of my favorite for the normal way of drawing toilet paper: "Folding toilet paper in halves runs in O(log(n)) time because everytime you make a fold, the size of your problem is divided in half. When you have roll it up in that motion, it would take forever and runs in O(n) time." - Eric Zhang

By the end of the day I was actually quite nervous. I wondered if the Innovative Design officers knew what I was talking about or would it go completely over their heads. Either way it made for an interesting night.

February 1

1. I woke up super early for [M]ovement swing auditions. [M]ovement is a dance group in Berkeley that specializes in hiphop, jazz, and swing. I went out for the swing auditions this morning. I met this lovely lady named Karen whom I partnered with. We had a great time practicing and eventually auditioned a perfectly rehearsed choreography. Afterwards I asked her if she wanted to grab breakfast with me, but she declined. We walked home together though, and had some seriously cool chat about her research.

2. I tried out for hiphop as well on a whim. I loved the choreo, but seriously could not pick that up in within the 2 hour time limit. I failed miserably, but had a lot of fun in the process. Ilona Istenes (who was the swing choreo) and I both struggled a lot. It also didn’t help that my ID number was “1.” I only got that number because swing auditions were earlier this morning and I was the first to arrive (who knew everyone would be late?). So when audition time came around, and the choreographer asked us to say our names and numbers, everyone said something along the lines of “I’m Susie Sue, and I’m 32.” I had to say, “My name is James Maa and my number is 1″ just to avoid sounding cocky or raising the expectation of my performance. Oh yeah, I also forgot half the choreo, I honestly had no clue what to do, and I panicked, so I looked to my side for assurance, and copied them move-by-move. Whew

3. I was looking for new ways to make income on the side these days, and after some thought I decided to see if I can make money tutoring students for programming interviews in order to obtain a software engineering internship. I posted a listing on Google’s new platform, Google Helpouts, added a description and time availabilities, and waited. And waited. A couple of weeks past, and no response. I even stopped updating my schedule as well. But on Tuesday, I received an email from someone who wanted an interview, and I was so excited to get my first customer that I pretty much opened all of Saturday for him. We scheduled for a 6pm call, and I was looking forward to talking to him.

The guy turns out to be a grad student from Santa Clara University. He wanted resume advice, and I helped read over his resume and gave him some pointers. I’ll admit, I wasn’t completely sure of myself and my expertise, but it certainly helped him write a “better” resume. The call was supposed scheduled to last 15 mins, but it ended up lasting 31 minutes, earning me a total of $31. He even left a 5-star feedback to recommend me as a tutor. I made $31 (charging $60/hr)! I’m starting to feel like this is a possible source of income! :D

4. Played frisbee with IEEE and BMES. The team I was on was surprisingly well-versed and good, which was boring for me, so after halftime I decided to switch teams to mix things up. I knew the key player of the opposing team and I was gung-ho and shutting him down. And I did, efficiently well. The rest of the team pretty much self-destructed after that. They couldn’t make connecting plays, and the team I was on won. I ended meeting some pretty cool people in the process, even though everything was dark there.

5. After Frisbee I went to the gym. When I was leaving the gym, I was walking home in the freezing cold, wondering if I should get something to eat or just cook at home. I walked past this girl and her man friend as I shuffled on the skirmishes of the side walk to escape the biting winter. Just as I passed, I felt a kick to my butt. I turned around, pulled out my earbuds, and looked at the 5′ ish blonde lady there, who was staring at me.

“Why’d you do that?” I said calmly. I tried to be like Patrick, who always had this calm and confident demeanor. But when I tried to say it without any emotional attachment, I sounded like a victim, like a hurt puppy. She didn’t say anything, but had a grimace on her face.

Then she grabbed my butt. I was shocked, but at the same time I just came out of the gym, tired and sleepy, and I just wanted to go home, away from the chilly wind. However, I worked up the courage to say “That was rude. This is harassment.” Her man friend, who was this bearded 6 ft tall man with an Arizona baseball cap and Arizona jersey, said, “she does this a lot when she’s mad.” It donned to me. Arizona’s basketball team had just lost its 27 game win streak to Cal, and these were disgruntled fans looking for a fight to pick. “Yeah, it was a bad loss for us,” he continued.

I knew if I lost my cool it would mean they won, so I told them, “you guys lost so you’re going to pick on a native?” like a taught. The girl then attempted to shove her finger up my butt, but thank goodness I wore compression shorts. “How did you like my fingers up your ass?” She walked in front of me and asked. Then she grabbed my junk, and I just kept staring at her, confused. WTF.

“Don’t tell me you didn’t like it.” Sigh. I just kept on walking, and they branched off like nothing ever happened. Weirdest encounter ever. Some said I was sexually harassed, others said I was lucky. I didn’t really care, I just wanted to go home.

February 2

1. Anti-highlight: The superbowl

February 3

1. I went to visit Pinterest today as a summer Pintern! Marty, who was the manager of the Black Ops team there, was fricking awesome. He was telling me all about the cool things they were doing to fight spam and porn. I also got to meet one of my sister’s ex’s best friend from high school, Victor Zhu. He was not joking when he said he and Tommy were married on Facebook. I can’t wait for my summer internship!

2. One of H@B’s amazing designers Jessica Chang sent me this draft of the Big Hack flyer. I thought it was hilarious.


February 4

1. I got accepted into the Photoshop/Illustrator Decal! Had my first class today. Here was what I made:


Cool huh?

February 5

1. I saw turkeys on my way to work. They were serious gobblers, and fat. I couldn’t help imagine what it would be like to eat them.

2. Had lunch with Bryan Munar. He hasn’t changed much except mellowed out a bit.

3. I bumped into Cherry Liu on my way back to campus. I was planning on getting some work done but Cherry had about an hour to kill before her next class. So we decided to get boba and hang out on Sproul for the next hour or so while she told me about all the cool drama surrounding her life. It was pretty relaxing and entertaining to hear what’s been going on around the house.

4. I went to cardio hip hop at the RSF for the first time. I was convinced to join because some of my friends have been regularly going and they swear by it. I agreed to it because I wanted to learn some hip hop and get some cardio in for the week.

It turns out the class was comprised mainly of girls. I was amongst a group of 4 guys in a crowd of 50 girls. Momo, who was the instructor, taught us a routine that was basically glorified twerking. I probably threw my back out along with my dignity, but I couldn’t say it was not fun. I probably wouldn’t try it again though.

February 6

1. First AFX dance practice. We learned a really fast paced choreo and I had trouble learning it. Besides that it was really fun though, and I never realize Elli had so much swag.

2. Kyle Ong and I stayed up all night to compete in our artificial intelligence contest. We had to design a pacman playing agent that would play capture the flag with other agents. It was frustratingly obsessive. We couldn’t stop and give up for some reason. There was something that could always be done and improved on, so we just kept going.

February 7

1. Had lunch with Janet Chu. We purchased an umbrella from Daiso after lunch because it was raining. Right after I left I got a text from her: “omg umbrella broke already.”

2. Jennifer Dai and I were assigned to make an announcement for the CS61C class for UPE, the computer science honor society. When the professor gave Jennifer the mic to give the announcement, she made a shoutout. “Who here is intended L&S CS majors?!” A split second of quiet before we heard small jeers of “No!” Amidst the rejection was a loud “Yes!” and Jennifer rode on positivity. She threw away her shame just as quickly as she recovered her pride, “Who thinks this class is difficult?”.  Another wave of jeers. “No!” people shouted. The professor grabbed the mic for a second. “We can make it harder,” he announced. And everyone shut up. Then she made her announcement about UPE, the honor society, and what we do and how early applicants can apply. We left the auditorium in self-amusement with cutesy whale posters to give out.

3. When we went outside, we started walking northside. Jennifer wanted to be nice, so she offered me a spare umbrella to carry around. I gratefully accepted it for the time being. Me, trying to be a gentlemen, decided that since Jennifer wasn’t using her umbrella, that I should shield both of us from the elements. But Jennifer consistently kept a polite distance away from me, about half a yard away. I would subtly edge in to shelter her, and she would edge out. After a while, she finally call me out. “Hey James, do you realize that I’m actually getting more wet? Your umbrella is collecting water and pouring it all over me.” I was amused, or annoyed. “Why don’t you let me hold the umbrella for you then?!” She kept declining, but scolded me for holding the umbrella so close to her.

4. Walked home with Andrew Yen and Krista Kruski in the rain. It was super wet and I had no umbrella, but luckily I bumped into them and shared an umbrella with them.

February 8

1. My mother visited me and finally took me to Great China, Berkeley’s “Most Authentic Chinese Restaurant.” I’d say it was pretty good. I also got to meet one of my nephews (my mother’s oldest sister’s grandson), who was 29 at that time.

2. Made cards at Michelle Bu’s card making event at Stripe. The office was really legit and people made some really cool cards. This was for Valentine’s day but I had no one to make cards for so I just kind of screwed around a bit. I played Go with Gerald Fong. I lost but it was pretty fun.

3. Went to the gym with Dylan. He told me my form was decent, which was better than I expected

February 9

1. First practice with the [M]ovement crowd with group leaders Juan Cuadras and Ilona Istenes. I would say it was really fun to review concepts and meet some of the other dance members. It was just a fun crowd to hang out with.

February 10

1. I continued working on the pacman game even though the contest was over. It was like my child that I continually wanted to make better.

2. I had a workshift  with Fanny Lau. I’m always at the borderline of offending and entertaining Fanny with the things I say. Sometimes it’s scary to wonder how she thinks of me, other times I’m glad she thinks the way she does.

February 11

1. I had my second helpouts with someone from Harvard Business School. He was super thankful for my helpout and I was very please to hear that. He said I should advertise more because I really helped him. I made $76 from that session, and I enjoyed every minute of it.

2. I was in charge of ice breakers for a workshift meeting today. I ended up teaching everyone how to do basic swing. It was pretty unnerving for everyone, but I managed to do it!

3. Cool thing I did for my Decal today:

February 12

1. Someone approached me after my personal ethics class telling me he knew who I was and that he reads my blog. Shimmy Li if you’re reading this, shoutout to you.

2. I watched Kevin Shen compete in Jeorpardy today. The celebrity was there with us watching, which made me feel like I’m in the presence of a god. He got second place and eventually qualified for finals. It was exciting to be part of all of this. Here’s the video:

3. During swing dance practice I got to see a new style of swing dance called modern swing. It looks so legit! I even found a song that stuck in my head (it’s called “April Showers” by ProleteR).

4. I had a workshift at the academic center with a new hire named Annie Su. She was a super chill and vibrant girl and we spent most of the night just talking and chilling. I felt kind of bad because she was so nice and eager to help out while I kind of stood around and did my homework.

February 13

1. I had lunch with Owen Chen. I must say, he’s had an 180. When I first met him, he was a sad student struggling under various pressures. But today he was super happy and upbeat and optimistic about life, which is fantastic to hear.

2. Casting auditions for AFX. I didn’t really understand what this was, but I performed. Here’s a video of me (I’m the 2nd person in front counting from left to right):

I can’t say it was my best performance, but I can’t say I’m disappointed either

February 14 (Valentine’s Day)

1. Tiffany Ko told me I would be a bad first date. We were both hanging out in the UPE office deciding on candidate challenges we wanted to force the candidates to do. Candidate challenges were challenges incoming UPE members had to do in order to gain membership into our organization. Last semester’s challenges were lame, so we wanted to vamp up the challenges to be more fun. Since I knew Tiffany, I knew that she can come off as quite intimidating to people, so I suggested that maybe as a challenge we should have candidates take Tiffany out on a date. If they could pass Tiffany’s intimidations, then surely they have my approval.

Tiffany rebuked, “They should take you out on a date. You’re probably a worst date than me.”

“No way.”

“Yes way.”

Group vote with the 5 people in the office (Me, Tiffany, Jennifer Dai, Radhesh Devendran, and Anting). 4-1… against me.


“You have no filter James. You would probably offend girls.”

“Well, I want to be upfront with people. Being polite in boring. I want to be interesting.”

Jennifer: “Actually, I wonder how James would behave on a first date.”

So we decided that we were going to pretend we’re on a date.

Tiffany and I pretended we were at a restaurant, and we basically re-enacted a script from the boring conversations factory. How are you? Fine thank you, and you? Good. What do you do? CS & you? Yeah same.

It was so boring and bland that I decided to ask her how her day was and pick it up from there. She mentioned something about her cat or dog or whatever pet, and then as courtesy, asked me, “Do you have any pets?”

“Oh no, hahahaha. I’m a terrible pet owner.”

Tiffany gasped like I said the N-word or something. “You can’t say that!”

“Of course I can! I’m being honest! What do you want me to do? Lie?”

Apparently that interaction confirmed their suspicions that I was a horrible first date.

I wouldn’t want a girl who can’t stand me being honest the first date. I told Shana about the incident at the office and I asked, “What was Peter Gao like on his first date with you?”

“Oh Peter was super normal. Very normal.”


“Yeah, he was super polite and everything. We talked about normal, boring stuff.”

Sigh, I never knew I had less of a filter than Peter Gao.

2. I was going to go rock climbing with a friend from one of my classes. We decided that we were going to meet at Bridges, a rock climbing facility 2 BART stations away from Berkeley. When I got there, I sent a quick reminder text that I was waiting for her. She never came. I later found out she fell asleep on me and missed the event.

I would have been super pissed off had not my friends come to the rescue. Jessica Chang, Smitha Milli, and Davis Foote also happened to arrive at Bridges at the same time. I ended up bouldering with them instead and it was super fun. I even got to meet their friends Sara and Evan, who were super chill as well. When we were done rock climbing and our fingers were as dead as a doornail, we went to eat at this fantastic vietnamese place. Super cheap and the waitresses were nice. When we got back to Berkeley, we ate at CREAM. I really wanted to go to the Lindy at Night swing event so I dragged all of them to the event. I ended up teaching them all how to swing dance and they all fell in love with it! By the time the event was over, it was already 12AM. I survive Valentine’s day full with friends. This is one of the best Valentine’s days ever :)

February 15

1. I attended dance bootcamp for Movement today. The bootcamp consisted of 4 pieces, one in each genre: Hip hop, Jazz, Swing, and one mystery genre that changes every year. This year the mystery genre was Fei Tian, which is a Chinese dance. The genres were divided into stations such that we had 4 groups of dancers rotate to every station. Overall the experience was really fun. Paul, who was the hip hop choreographer, had a routine that was was too fast and way too long for anyone to pick it up in 25 minutes. But since the group I was in was his first group, he tried to teach the whole choreo to us within that time, which made most of us dance like drunken sailors. The choreo was to the song “Gotta Have It” by Jay-Z and Kanye West. We start where Jay-Z raps “Wassup, wassup, wassup, wassup , wassup motherfucker” (8 counts). Every “wassup” was 2 beats and therefore 2 moves. Too fast…

We ran out of time in the end to do a good job, but it was really fun. When we switched to the Jazz/contemporary  station 50 yards away, we could still occassionally hear Paul shouting across the field “Wassup, wassup, wassup, wassup , wassup motherfucker.”

2. Dylan found me a website where I could purchase dance sweatpants. Yes!

February 16

1. Had coffee with Erica Lee today. It was laid back and we caught up and basic things going on in our lives and our future plans.

The post Highlights: January 26 – February 16 appeared first on James Maa.

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