
Chemical peels are used in many dermatology clinics throughout Melbourne to help improve skin tone and texture. Chemical peels do exactly what they say, causing the top layer of the skin to peel away, taking with it the appearance of imperfections and helping to reduce the appearance of blemishes.

There are numerous types of chemical peeling agents of various strengths that can be used to treat many types of skin conditions. Usually, peels contain glycolic acid, retinoic acid, salicylic acid and trichloroacetic acid (TCA)

Some chemical peels in Melbourne are pretty mild and can be applied by beauty therapists, whereas other stronger versions can only be applied by certified medical professionals.

The stronger chemical peels penetrate more deeply into the skin to remove more dead cells in order to help provide a more rejuvenated appearance – the regenerated skin will usually appear smoother, less wrinkled and more even in tone.

One word of warning which is particularly relevant to Australian clientele is that this freshly peeled skin will be extremely sun-sensitive immediately after the treatment. Customers are advised to practise sun-safety by either staying out of the sun completely for a few days or they are advised to apply a 50+ SPF sunscreen, sunglasses and hat if possible.

Less intense chemical peels penetrate less deeply into the skin and although the results may not be as immediately noticeable, they can be very effective in helping to improve the appearance of skin over time.

Which conditions can be treated by chemical peels?

There are a variety of skin conditions that can be improved by chemical peels, including:

The appearance of mild scarring

Fine lines can appear more moderate around the eye and mouth area

The appearance of wrinkles due to ageing

Sun damage can be positively affected by chemical peels

Some types of acne can be treated

Tired-looking skin may appear brighter and feel softer

Age spots, freckles, dark patches, chloasma, melasma and other minor skin imperfections

The more penetrating chemical peels are suitable for people with light hair and fair skin, while people with a darker skin tones are best advised to only use the less intense types of peel. If you have dark skin, consult a skin care professional before you undergo any type of peel.

Some patients experience mild discomfort, such as stinging or tingling following a chemical peel treatment. Melbourne residents must stay out of the sunshine immediately following any of this type of skin treatment. The new skin is extremely fragile and susceptible to damage or complications if sufficient care is not taken.

Here the author, James, share the information about Chemical Peels in Melbourne . If you looking for acne scarring treatment in Melbourne, feel free to call us on 1300 303 014

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