
This year, JADE, together with UNIDO, the specialized agency of the United Nations that promotes industrial development for poverty reduction, and SOS Children’s Villages, will participate at European Development Days 2013 (EDD ‘13). This is one of the most far-reaching events in Brussels and it will take place on 26th and 27th of November.

Organised by the European Commission, European Development Days is Europe’s premier forum on international affairs and development cooperation. Its aim is to win the hearts and minds of all stakeholders, fostering engagement and facilitating the implementation of the agenda for greater aid effectiveness. The forum represents an unparalleled opportunity to brainstorm and share ideas, to benchmark best practices and latest innovations. Since 2006, over 1 800 speakers have come to European Development Days, from Heads of State to community service officers, Nobel laureates to project managers.


The thread of this year’s edition is the post-2015 debate and the need to build a consensus for a strong common European position by advocating a joined-up approach to address global poverty and sustainable development. The working title is ‘A Decent Life for All by 2030 – Building a Consensus for a New Development Agenda’. This year’s forum will be structured around four themes:

Scaling up and improving the ongoing work

Upholding universal rights and values

Ensuring inclusiveness and sustainability

Acting together in coherence

Our auditorium panel, which revolves around “Productive work for youth”, will take place on 27th November and will debate the solutions to fight youth unemployment.  The main point of dicsussion will be the focus on improving the education and employability opportunities for all young people.  JADE will be there to give voice to the enterpreneurial youth movement and show how enterpreneurship can be a solution to the youth employment challenge. JADE’s Vice-President, Victor Soto, will emphasize the role of the Junior Enterprise concept in the development of the neccessary skills in young people and in preparing them to be more employable. At the same time, Thiago Millnitz, Brazilian Ambassador and Senior Project Manager of JADE, in charge of Global Public Affairs, will bring the brasilian youth opinions on how to create durable employment and what are the key constraints in finding a job. High level panelist will speak alonside our representatives:

Mr. Tajani, Vice President of the European Commision (tbd)

Lamine Dhaoui, Director of Business, Investment and Technology Services, United Nations Industrial Development Organization

Mamadou Talla, Minister for Vocation Training and Craftsmanship, Senegal

Wireless (Wi-Fi) Internet access will be made available to EDD13 participants free of charge throughout the venue.  At the end of the panel there will be time for a Questions & Answers session, where all the interesting highlights of the speeches will be once more put in the spotlight. The auditorium will, therefore, have the chance to lively discuss the matters that are of great importance for them. Through the Wisembly platform, the questions will be analised and the selected ones will appear on the screens and devices of participants.

EDD ‘13 is an invitation – based event, so if you would like to participate, please contact Florentina Anghel before 5th of November, at florentina.anghel@jadenet.org.

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