
[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Palestine and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Palestine Page Co-Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each roundup to Palestine@jadaliyya.com.]

The Occupation Forces

Israeli Forces Demolish Home with Palestinian Man Inside It The IOF demolished a home in Hebron while a resident, Mohammed al-Faqih, was still inside, killing him.

Group Demolitions: Israel Razes 11 Palestinian Homes in One Town The IOF demolished 11 Palestinian homes in Qalandiya as they were “near the segregation wall.”

VIDEO: Palestinian Woman Shot at Qalandia Checkpoint A women was shot and injured by the IOF at Qalandia checkpoint after an alleged stab attack. The IOF prevented ambulances from treating her as she lay bleeding on the ground.

Israeli Forces Detain 65 Palestinians in Mass Raids in West Bank, East Jerusalem The IOF detained over sixty five Palestinians during a mass raid across the West Bank. Eleven of the fifty two were minors.

Domestic Politics

Netanyahu Likely to Accept US Conditions Regarding Military Aid Package Israel is leaning toward US conditions regarding a military package of $3.1 billion.

Hamas to Prepare Technocrat Lists for Local Elections Hamas leader in the West Bank Hussein Abu-Kwaik has stated that Hamas has started discussions regarding elections in the West Bank and Gaza.

"In a Moment the Mood can Change": Observers Keep Watch as Hebron Simmers The Temporary International Presence in Hebron (TIPH) has begun to document the detainment and arrest of Palestinians by Israelis in Hebron in order to show crimes.

Palestinian President to Sue Britain over Balfour Declaration Mahmoud Abbas is planning to sue Britain for its part in establishing Israel under the Balfour Declaration.

Who Singles Out Israel, Its Critics or Its Apologists? Many Israel-apologists blame pro-Palestinian groups of singling out Israel when it is the “only democracy in the Middle East” – this article argues that Palestinians have every right to single out Israel because of ongoing occupation.

Foreign Policy

Egypt Condemns Israeli Settlement Building as "Killing the Hopes of Palestinians" The Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has condemned the further building of illegal settlements.

Settlers and Illegal Settlements

More than 1,110 Palestinian Homes Demolished by Israel in West Bank since 2006 Over 1,100 Palestinian homes have been demolished by Israeli forces in the past decade.

VIDEO: Israeli Settlers Storm al-Aqsa Under High Protection Settlers, under the protection of the IOF, stormed al-Aqsa

Israeli Settlers Storm Islamic Sites in Salfit Israeli settlers stormed holy sites in Salfit under the protection of the IOF

Palestinian Forced to Demolish His House in Jerusalem Abdul-Naset Qara’een was forced to demolish part of his house or face fines of seventeen thousands to the Israeli government.

EU: Settlement Expansion Paves Way to Cut East Jerusalem Off from West Bank In light of Israel’s plans to build more than seven hundred more settlements in East Jerusalem, the European External Action Service has stated that this further limits the possibility of a two-state solution.

Hamdallah Condemns Israel's "Systematic Uprooting" of Palestinians Palestinian Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah has again condemned Israel’s practice of home demolitions.

Israeli Settlers Set Fire to Palestinian House in Nablus & UN Special Coordinator Concerned by Reports Extremists settlers set fire to a Palestinian home in Nablus by throwing three Molotov cocktails.

Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions

Netanyahu Spurs Growth of BDS Prime Minister Netanyahu recently stated that Israel has defeated the BDS movement, however, the growing list of organizations, scholars and companies committed to the BDS movement proves otherwise.

Dozens of MEPs Call on the EU to Support the Right to Boycott Israel More than thirty MEPs have demanded the EU High Representative guarantee the right to take part in BDS.


DCI Official, Ayed Abu Eqtaish, Speaks to MEMO on Palestinian Child Detainees Defense for Children International Director of the Accountability Program, Ayed Abu Eqtaish, speaks regarding Israel’s illegal system of child detainment and prosecution.

PA: Israeli Demolition of Palestinian Homes "Disrespect" of International Law The PA has recently lambasted Israel for its continued demolition of Palestinian homes, a violation of international law.

Ahmad Dawabsha Released from Hospital Nearly 1 Year Since Family was Murdered by Israeli Settlers Six year old Ahmad Dawabsha was released from the hospital one year after his mother, father and eighteen month old brother were killed by Israeli settlers.

Israeli Soldier Testifies in Hebron Execution Trial: "I Saved Lives" Elor Azarya, the IOF soldier who shot and killed a Palestinian point blank testified he acted out of self-defense.

Tensions Rise in Israel's Prisons as 100 Palestinian Prisoners Join Mass Hunger Strike Over one hundred Palestinian prisoners have joined in on the hunger strike enacted by brothers Muhammad and Mahmud al-Balboul and Bilal Kayid.

Economy and Development

Mass Wedding Takes Place in Gaza Over three hundred couples took part in a mass wedding in Gaza hosted by a charity which also donated seven hundred dollars to each couple.

Palestinians Come Out Fighting in First International Taekwondo Tournament Birzeit University hosted the first international-Palestinian taekwondo tournament near Ramallah.

UNRWA Launches the First Trade Fair of Microfinance Projects in Gaza The Microfinance Department in Gaza hosted its first trade fair from over forty small businesses.

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