[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Turkey and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Turkey Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week's roundup to turkey@jadaliyya.com by Sunday night of every week.]
Soma Mine Massacre
Soma: Deconstructing the Tragedy in Turkey (Podcast) A conversation with Alex Christie-Miller about the appalling conditions of Soma mines and Erdoğan’s disastrous way of dealing with the disaster.
After Mine Disaster, a Painful Awareness of What Has Been Lost Tim Arango points out that in Soma, the killing of 301 people became “modern Turkey’s deadliest industrial disaster.”
The Country That Doesn’t Learn Any Lessons: Turkey Verda Özer points out that no state officials have been accountable for work-related deaths in Turkey’s history.
Failed Democracy and the Soma Tragedy Nuray Mert argues that the working conditions in mines cannot be separated from the major issue of the retreat of democracy in Turkey.
Disillusioned and Divided “The prime minister’s popularity is taking a knock, but his bedrock of support is strong and his quest for Turkey’s presidency continues,” writes The Economist.
In Mining Tragedy, Erdoğan Doesn't Learn from Past Mistakes Henri Barkey criticizes Erdoğan’s polarizing, harsh, slow, and unsympathetic responses to the Soma tragedy.
The Government’s Stance in Soma Ahmet Hakan elaborates on the way the AKP government dealt with the Soma mine disaster.
A la Turca Forever! “In the wake of the Soma mine accident, we are again reminded that Turkey is still living in an a la Turca atmosphere,” writes Gökhan Baçık.
Turkey’s Preventable Tragedy CHP’s Manisa deputy Özgür Özel’s explains his petition to create a commission of inquiry for mine accidents in Soma before the tragedy emerged.
Not Easy for Erdoğan to Play the Victim in Soma (1)-(2) According to Murat Yetkin, Erdoğan avoids sharing any responsibility for the biggest mine disaster in Turkey’s history.
How the AKP Is Blinding Itself Mustafa Akyol argues that the AKP creates a vicious cycle of an authoritarianism fed by criticisms of its authoritarianism.
Soma and Realities of Turkey Markar Esayan underlines the need for a new, human and environment-centric developmental agenda.
Soma—Accident, or Reflection of Mentality? Doğu Ergil points out that the drive for profit has come at the cost of safety in Soma.
They Were So Angry Because … (1)-(2) Orhan Kemal Cengiz condemns Erdoğan’s and his bodyguards’ physical attacks on demonstrators in Soma.
Erdoğan's Slap in the Face of All Turks Elif Şafak argues that Erdoğan’s aggression in Soma is a typical reflection of masculine power.
Denial, Anger, Depression, Acceptance Gülse Birsel insists on anger, bargaining, and grief until the Soma disaster will be corrected.
Soma for the Pro-Government Media Cafer Solgun argues that both the state and the mining corporation are responsible for the mine disaster.
Coal Kills in Short and Long Run Cengiz Aktar points out that despite the large potential for solar and wind energy, Turkey’s energy demand is supplied mostly by coal.
Turkey’s Nuclear Power Plans and Nuclear Fuel Cycle Options Çiğdem Bilezikçi Pekar’s article on Turkey’s nuclear power plans.
Okmeydani and Killing in Cemevi
Man Shot Dead at Funeral as Police and Protesters Clash in Istanbul Uğur Kurt was shot to death by a bullet fired by police on anti-government demonstrators in Okmeydanı, İstanbul.
Turkish PM Erdoğan Surprised at Police "Patience" as Two Killed in Clashes Erdoğan said that he was surprised by the patience of police, and that Berkin Elvan’s death is “a thing of the past.”
More Deaths as a Result of Police Force Amnesty International’s call for an immediate investigation into the deaths of two people following clashes in Okmeydanı.
How Much Worse Can Turkey Get? According to Mustafa Akyol, the fact that the killing of Uğur Kurt took place in the courtyard of a cemevi, a place of worship for the Alevi, is particularly risky.
Erdoğan, Authoritarianism, and the Presidential Elections
What About My Hostility Toward Erdoğan? Levent Gültekin, as a pious man, explains why there is such anger toward Erdoğan.
Tolerance of Criticism (1)-(2) Ömer Taşpınar analyzes the AKP’s aggression and low level of tolerance of criticism.
Turkey's Tyrant in the Making Kenneth Roth comments on Erdoğan’s growing authoritarianism.
Turkey’s Erdoğan Problem Kadri Gürsel argues that Erdoğan fails to produce solutions to the problems he himself created.
Turkey's Mighty Diyanet Now a Political Tool Yavuz Baydar comments on the AKP’s monopoly over state institutions, ranging from state television to the Directorate of Religious Affairs.
How Did Erdoğan Become a Media Mogul in Turkey? Aydoğan Vatandaş writes about Erdoğan’s influence over the Turkish media.
Who Cannot Become the President? (1)-(2) Taha Özhan argues that from now on, it will not be possible for a Kemalist candidate to become the president in Turkey again.
What Is This Insistence on the Presidential System For? Etyen Mahçupyan claims that people exaggerate Erdoğan's errors and turn him into an object of fear due to his strong Islamic identity.
Did Reforms Stop in Turkey? İbrahim Kalın argues that Erdoğan’s local elections victory gave Turkey another chance for political stability and economic growth.
Turkey's Opposition Crisis Suat Kınıklıoğlu contends that existing opposition parties cannot offer an alternative to the AKP.
"Spawn of Israel": Erdogan's Anti-Semitic Obsessions Günther Jikeli and Kemal Silay draw attention to the explicit anti-Semitic hate propaganda in Turkey.
Anniversary of Gezi Uprising
Nuri Bilge Ceylan's Winter Sleep Takes Top Prize at Cannes Nuri Bilge Ceylan dedicated his prize to the youngsters of Turkey who lost their lives in the Gezi Park protests and to the miners who were killed in Soma.
Gezi Anniversary Reminder of Erdoğan's Nine Lives Semih İdiz writes on how Erdoğan survived the Gezi Park protests, the graft crisis, and the Soma disaster.
A Year After Taksim, Turkey Is in Flux Hilary Stauffer argues the anniversary of Gezi, in addition to the Soma mine disaster, would become a ground for a change of political rule.
Energy, Regional Politics and the Kurdish Question
Turkey Pivots to Baghdad to Close Deal on Kurdish Oil Mehmet Çetingüleç argues that Turkey has realized it cannot sell Kurdish oil without Baghdad’s blessing.
Ankara’s New Reality in the Middle East Aaron Stein examines the problems Turkey faces in Syria, including Kurdish empowerment, refugee flows, and regional instability.
The Syrian Experiment with “Apoism” Carl Drott writes focuses on the Syrian Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD).
Turkish Governor Lays out ISIS Threat Fehim Taştekin notes that Celalettin Lekesiz, the governor of Hatay province, is now going public with the threats to Turkey from al-Qaeda and ISIS operations in Turkey and on the Turkey-Syria border.
Syrian Refugees and Turkey's Challenges: Going Beyond Hospitality Kemal Kirişçi examines how the growing number of urban refugees is creating a set of challenges for Turkey.
Helpless and Lonely: Turkey’s Attitude towards the War in Syria Szymon Ananicz divides Turkey’s policy towards the crisis in Syria into three stages: diplomacy, confrontation, and defense.
HDP and the Democratic Islam Kongress: The Kurdish Movement's Outreach Attempts Despite its shortcomings, the Kurdish movement's determination for the peace process should be supported, Hatem Ete argues.
Turkey and Russia's Age-Old Struggle for Regional Supremacy Akın Ünver analyzes ongoing negotiations over exclusive economic zones in and around the Black Sea region.
Turkey Locked in Regional Rivalry with Iran, Saudi Arabia Semih İdiz argues that Turkey, Iran, and Saudi Arabia will not be inclined to cooperate to try to stabilize the Middle East anytime soon.
Turkey as a Donor Country and Potential Partner in Triangular Cooperation Jeannine Hausmann analyzes Turkey’s growing role in providing foreign aid all around the world.
Other Pertinent Pieces
Turkey’s Space Policy Aaron Stein analyzes Turkey’s future development of its interest in ballistic missile technologies and satellites.
Alarm Over Istanbul’s Building Boom Landon Thomas comments on the development of the real estate sector in Turkey.
The Search for Identity in Dersim Part 1: Identities in Dersim Armenian ethnologist Hranouch Kharatyan analyzes the impacts of Turkification projects on the people of Dersim.
Turkey's Circassians Jangle Russian Nerves Fehim Taştekin argues that Circassians show growing interest in the recuperation of past violences and injustices.
Testing an EU-Candidate’s Place on the Maps of Global Economic, Political, and Social Values: The Case of Turkey Arno Tausch and Almas Heshmati’s reflections on Turkey.
Soma Mine Massacre
Katliamı gördük Boğaziçi University students’ and academicians’ impressions from Soma.
Soma izlenimleri Nazan Üstündağ’s Soma impressions.
Somalılar katliamı anlattılar Erdem Yörük shares his impressions from Soma.
Soma'da kırsal dönüşüm ve yansımaları A video by Ayse Gündüz Hoşgör about the rural transformation in Soma and its effects.
Soma’da, uygulamalı Das Kapital dersleri Oya Baydar argues that the Soma mine disaster is an applied course of Das Kapital.
Felaketin İçine Bakınca…(1)-(2) The Soma mine disaster is a result of wild crony capitalism, writes Ergin Yıldızoğlu.
Soma cinayeti kapitalizmin kendisidir Erinç Yeldan argues that the Soma mine disaster, which he calls a murder, reveals capitalism itself.
İşçinin iliğini sömürdüler (1)-(2)-(3)-(4) Mustafa Sönmez propounds a comprehensive analysis of Turkey’s “miraculous” economic growth under AKP rule.
SOMA Türkiye’nin aynası “Soma is a mirror of Turkey,” Gencay Gürsoy writes.
Çok üzüldünüz ama isyanınız önce neye? What is your revolt first for? Pınar Öğün asks.
Hardt: Soma Erdoğan için dönüm noktası olabilir An interview with Michael Hardt on the Soma mine disaster, new class struggles, and social movements such as the Gezi uprising.
Tekme tokattan öteye sınıf şiddeti Ahmet İnsel explains Erdoğan’s and his advisors’ attitudes towards miners protesting the government as class violence.
Soma’dan tabii ki Gezi çıkmaz, ama… “Of course, bringing into existence a new Gezi from the Soma mine disaster is impossible but...” writes Ruşen Çakır.
Erdoğan, Soma faciasında başarısız oldu According to Orhan Pamuk, Erdoğan failed in dealing with the Soma mine disaster.
Soma görüntüleri ve AKP’nin bitişi Adil Bayram argues that the Soma mine disaster is the end of the AKP government.
'Kendini kontrol etmek zorunda hissetmiyor' An interview with Murat Peker on Prime Minister Erdoğan’s state of mind in Soma.
'Tek adam' ve 301 madenci Cengiz Çandar draws attention to the relationship between one-man regime and the death of 301 miners in Soma.
Tekme tokat Çankaya’ya Amberin Zaman examines Erdoğan’s march on the presidency via kicks and slaps.
Soma olayı ve bölünmüşlüğümüz Erol Katırcıoğlu deals with the Soma mine disaster and Turkey’s dividedness.
Âsâyiş berkemâl, rezâlet berdevam Süleyman Seyfi Öğün regards the Soma disaster as a disgrace.
Muhafazakarlığın muhalif hali Akif Emre discusses “the opposition state of conservatism.“
Muhafazakar seçmene mektup Suat Kınıklıoğlu’s letter to conservative voters of the AKP government.
Okmeydani and Killing in Cemevi
Uğur Kurt'u niçin vurdunuz? Why did you shoot Uğur Kurt? asks Cengiz Çandar.
Okmeydanı: Toplumsal kutuplaşmanın sembolü (1)-(2)-(3) Murat Aksoy writes that Okmeydanı is a new sign of Turkey’s political polarization.
PKK (PYD)-KDP Conflict and the Kurdish Question
Rojava üzerinde PYD-KDP mücadelesi Mutlu Çiviroğlu analyzes the power struggle between the PYD and KDP over Rojava.
KDP-Türkiye ‘tutum ortaklığı...’ Delil Karakoçan focuses on the partnership between the KDP and Turkey.
Irak'ta ve Kürdistan'da yeni fotoğraf Cengiz Çandar takes a picture of the new Iraq and Kurdistan.
Demokratik İslam Kongresi Mesut Yeğen’s reflections on the Democratic Islam Congress held in Diyarbakır during the previous week.
HDP'ye 'Muaviye taktiği' sökmez! Writing about the Democratic Islam Congress, Ertuğrul Kürkçü, co-chair of the People's Democratic Party (HDP), explains their party’s attitude towards religions.
CHP'nin muhafazakâr ve Kürt açmazı Al-Jazeera Türk's research on the Republican People's Party’s cul-de-sacs: Kurds and conservatives.
HDP-BDP Merger
Kürt Hareketi’nin dönüşümü, sınırları ve HDP An anonymous blogger’s reflections on “the transformation of the Kurdish movement, its limits, and the HDP.”
Yeni bir kerteriz noktası: HDP According to Erol Katırcıoğlu, the HDP is a new bearing point.
Kafkas Tebeşir Dairesi veya ‘HDP tartışması’ Nuray Mert’s comments on the HDP-BDP merger.
Other Pertinent Pieces
Demokrasi çoğulculuk laiklik ve İslam Hayrettin Karaman, the AKP’s Islamic jurist of choice, argues that Islam is incompatible with secularism.
Hakikat ve Adaletin İzinde Doksanları Hatırlamak The current issue of journal Toplum ve Kuram (Society and Theory) focuses on the 1990’s: “Remembering the 90’s on the Trail of Truth and Justice.”
90 Kuşağı: Saçakaltında Buluşanlar Sibel Öz’s analysis of the ‘90 generation, which she is part of.
Amerika’ya doktoraya gidenlerden kimler dönüyor kimler kalıyor? Murat Güney draws attention to the National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics of the National Science Foundation’s report on “Stay Rates of Foreign Doctorate Recipients from US Universities.”
Bir itirafname olarak Bardakçı’nın sandığı Ümit Kurt comments on Murat Bardakçı’s new book which refutes the claims that Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the founder of the republic, did not support the Unionists' acts, and moreover condemned them.
Published on Jadaliyya
Uğur Kurt’un Okmeydanı’ndaki Katlinden Sonra—Ayfer Karakaya-Stump’la bir Söyleşi
Between Two Rationalities: The Possibility of an Alternative Politics in Turkey
Quick Thoughts: Cihan Tugal on the Soma Mining Disaster
On Erdogan’s ‘Ordinary Things’: The Soma Massacre, the Spine Tower, and the Corporate-State’s Fitrat in Turkey
İki rasyonalite arasında alternatif siyasetin
Stillbirth: The New Liberal-Conservative Mobilization in Turkey
Miners and the Ottoman State: Ryan Gingeras Interviews Donald Quataert
Soma Katliamı Tanıklıkları (Interview with Selçuk Kozağaçlı with English Subtitles)
Flight of Icarus? The PYD's Precarious Rise in Syria