
Myanmar (formerly Burma) is virtually unknown to the outside world, the Mergui Archipelago, where Jack Tars charter yachts are based, is located in Myanmar’s remote south: a group of 800 deserted islands that lie at the heart of your sailing area close to the Thai boarder.

Below is a sample itinerary from previous trips that take you around the islands visiting national parks, remote villages and some of the best dive and snorkelling spots in the world on luxury yachts.

National Park & Local Culture Itinerary – 8 Days/7Nights

Day 1  You will be met at the airport in the morning and while you enjoy your welcome drink on board, the crew takes care of immigration formalities before setting sail towards South Bay on  Za Det Gyi Island. For the first night’s dinner, the chef surprises you with fresh catch served under the clear evening sky.

Day 2  In the morning head to the beach for snorkelling and swimming then have lunch under passage while the yacht sails to Myin Khwa Island. There you have the chance to explore the beautiful limestone caves, which lead into a hidden lagoon, only accessible by dinghy or kayak. The evening is at anchor at Macleod Island. On its peaceful beach, with a bonfire,  sip sundowners while counting the stars.

Day 3  Right after breakfast, the yacht heads to Boulder Rock, with its gorgeous white beaches and long reefs, this is the perfect spot to explore the underwater life. After lunch on the beach, the yacht sails to Jar Lan Kyun, to visit the Moken sea gypsies and the island temple. The afternoon is spent in their village learning about Moken culture.

Day 4  It’s time for a relaxed beach day and that is found on Kyun Phi Lar Island, pardise is complete as the crew spoil you with cocktails.

Day 5  In the early morning the yacht heads for the Lampi National Park, spend time on a gorgeous secluded bay and watch monkeys playing at the beach. After a long hike in the jungle, the yacht sails to Tar Yar Island where you can take the tender to explore the mangrove forrest.

Day 6  The destination for the day is Bo Cho Island with the largest village in the region. Here the local island ranger will teach you about the region’s wildlife and plants. Have a sneak peek at what you may discover by reading the Jack Tar article 5 Unique Mammals In The Mergui Archipelago – On A Superyacht Charter

Day 7  Time to top off your tan with a longish sail to Kyant Gyo Island. In the evening join the crew for a farewell party on the beach.

Day 8  One last chance to jump into the crystal water for a swim before enjoying a long brunch on deck while the yacht makes her way back to Kawthaung for a noon arrival.

View all Jack Tar Superyacht Charter motor and sail yachts available and more information on Myanmar by clickng this link

The above itinerary is a sample taken from a previous cruise and of couse mother nature dictates the exact routes and times, but thats the fun part!!

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