
The last week in Seattle had its fair share of mean and creepy crimes, but we found the lightest, and yes, dumbest acts of law-breaking we could find on the always-entertaining Seattle Police Department Blotter.

(Joe Raedle – Getty Images)


The Case of The Late Night Meat Stealer

A 50 year-old man walking down Rainier Ave in Seattle on Friday night around 11pm with a shopping cart full of meat caught the attention of the Seattle Police Department. The cart pusher said he was going to a friend’s for a BBQ, but SPD confirmed with a nearby QFC that they were short (ribbed) almost $250 bucks worth of beef.

Stock Photo of Naked Man (Aris Messinis Afp/Getty Images)


The Case of The Naked Running Man

What are the few things you would not do if you were naked and in a hospital? First, leave the hospital. A man (nekked) ran out the doors of Harbor View Medical Center toward Elliott Bay. Next dumb thing, once apprehended by the cops (they got one handcuff on him), he struggled, attacked the officers, and ran again. And finally, at the crescendo of stupidity, he ran down to the waterfront ferry terminal and jumped in the drink. Cold! Police fished him out and back to the hospital he went. 

Stock Photo of Smoker (Roberto Schmidt/Afp/Getty Images)


The Case of The Stoned Gun Stealers

If you’re wanted for stealing a handgun, then shouldn’t rule number 1 in the Criminal Handbook be to lay low? Not for this young man and his friends (all under 21) who decided to smoke a bunch of dope in public. Bike cops sniffed out the stoners and started in with the questions. Recognizing one of the fellas as a robbery suspect, the cops cuffed him, and then another young guy freaked and started running. Then, oops, a gun fell out of his pocket. Thank goodness that no one was hurt during the arrest.

-Lee Callahan, paraphrasing from the SPD Blotter, Jack Seattle.

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