Renowned international dance school, Milan Pole Dance Studio (MPDS), has opened its first pole and aerial fitness studio in Asia, providing one of a kind fitness and dance workout for women and men of all ages and different fitness levels. For the first time in Singapore, fitness enthusiasts can immerse in a dose of alterative workouts at MPDS, a one-stop pole and aerial fitness studio that houses a comprehensive-suite of fitness and dance classes. Following the stunning success in Milan, Montréal and Dubai, Milan Pole Dance Studio has chosen Singapore to be their base in Asia. Located in the eclectic neighborhood of Bukit Pasoh, the studio offers intense yet fun workouts through its signature Pole & Aerial Fitness classes, ranging from Basic Pole Dance to Pole Gymnastics as well as Aerial Fabrics, Hoop and Silk classes. Pole and Aerial Fitness is one of the fastest growin...