
Just cloud review – Benefits of Cloud Computing

In every step of our lives, we have some moments that we cherish and we appreciate. These moments are full of memories. We need to save them to make them last all lifelong. There are some of them which can be kept as souvenirs (Gifts) and there are some which are futile in their physical version; better then to keep them as digital copies. Scanned files, Photos and audio visual documents acquire longer durability when they are saved in digital form.

Just cloud reviews determine that the company proposes three plans of accounts with several options: the personal account plan, the business account plan and the reseller account plan

Usually, valuable data are stored in Hard disks of computers, when the storage support is merely full, valuable data were saved in floppy disks, then in compact disks, then in video disks and finally in memory cards and USB keys as removable disks. But it appears that it is not enough secure to be reliable; these devices can be damaged at any time and may cause the valuable data to be lost in an instant.  It is recommended that you make more than one copy on different devices to ensure better storage. Recently, a new option is available for public; it consists in saving data online.  There are companies that offer users all over the world to have their dedicated disk space on particular servers. These spaces are made accessible from anywhere and any device with internet connection and appropriate managers. This technology is called Cloud Storage. This technique allows you to store your valuable data on more than one location to ensure the maximum protection. With the appropriate manager, the storage can be in real time; the data storage will be synchronized along the different storage locations and the updates are operated on all the stored data. Just clouds as Cloud technology provider, ensures these operations by supplying users with disk space for storage and featured applications to manage backup and ensure the protection of data. simply go to their official site and browse the interface. Resorting to Just Cloud services is not only benefiting from the several options for data storage, but also being eligible for high level protection and sophisticated Backup assistance. Before opting for just cloud storage services, you may need to know more about this provider which appears to be one of the most proficient in the field. Many reviews can be found on the web treating this provider and comparing what it has to offer against what competitors propose. Since the notion of cloud storage and backup option are innovative, it is better to start by introducing these two notions then treat the Just Cloud Company.



What is cloud Storage?

Cloud storage is an innovative mode of storing data. Users, whether they are individuals or companies can own their storage space. Data are stored in logical pools while the physical supports can be at different locations. The Cloud storage ensures the availability and the safety of the stored data; they are accessible at any time by their holders who can access them from any compatible device and from any location. one of the most important aspects in cloud storage is that data are stored in several different physical drives or locations and that the data are synchronized; it means that you don’t need to go to each location and make the changes that you may make but when you update data from one location, these update are automatically done on others locations and in real time. If for some reason this operation is suspended (for connection issues) it is automatically resumed once the connection is established. Cloud storage needs powerful applications that can handle the mass data flow, the backup process, the synchronization process, the protection process and stability of the system. Since there are more than one feature that regulate the service, Cloud storage providers differ from each other by the level of efficiency of such or such feature. They all supply protection, monitoring and backup in case of instability, but each one offers its best service in handling certain options.

The importance of Cloud storage is that this innovative technology offers big storage space that you can manage at will; the cloud service providers offers interesting options that may transform your cloud drive to be managed as it was your Desktop.

Cloud Service providers carry their duty by using appropriate application to allow the communication through their cloud computer service; the web service Application Programming Interface (API). Users can always access their stored data using the API or using applications that runs the API.

Cloud storage technology offers to its users several plans that they can opt for. They are:

Personal Cloud Storage: also known as Mobile Cloud Storage. This type offers to individuals the ability to store, access and share their data. The data are therefore accessible from anywhere on any device. This feature offers the synchronization feature across the several devices.

Private Cloud Storage: this storage type is characterized by the fact that the storage space is created within the enterprise environment. The Cloud Storage providers have access to that particular storage space to manage it. It is about integrating the Cloud Storage services in the enterprise environment and gives access to the Cloud service providers for management, including protection and synchronization handling.

Public Cloud Storage: in this case, the enterprise resources and the storage space are separated. The Cloud Service providers operate outside the enterprise environment. The service provider has the same duties in monitoring and ensuring the updates of the applications that handle the dedicated space.

Hybrid Cloud Storage: it is a combination of public and private cloud storage. Some data are classified critical to the enterprise and they are kept within the enterprise environment; the other data are stored according the public cloud storage principles.

The first cloud storage type is intended to individuals. It offers folks to have their data stored and accessible from anywhere. The other types are intended to handle enterprises’ data which implicates much space to allocate and many applications to ensure the maximum protections and better management.

Cloud storage feature offers the possibility of accessing data from anywhere where there is an internet connection. It offers sufficient disk space to handle the mass data that can be generated by the mass work of enterprises. Handing the protection of the data to the Cloud Storage providers is definitely a good option when you know that they run the best and the most up to date applications to handle the security and the accessibility matters. The next step is to know how to choose the best Cloud Service providers to benefit the best services.

Cloud Storage providers: What they do?

Cloud Storage providers are companies that specialize in offering their storage units and services to the community, whether they are individuals or companies. For each category, several features would be offered differentially; they profit from the operation at different levels and in different ways. This differentiation is due to the competition in the field of Cloud Services.

Just Cloud review:

Just cloud review indicates that the company has an online platform that can be found at this URL. that lands on a simple yet attractive page. There is a form where you may type some requested data to create an account with the company to have access to the cloud storage services provided by this company. The company offers many features including free mobile application download and installation, which confirm the accessibility of stored data from anywhere using any device with internet connection;  Just cloud review reveals that sharing data with friends and synchronizing many devices features are available options and included with the services that the company offers to its subscribers. The company ensures the privacy protection and the data security using the most up to date applications; it runs also an automated system that is kept under human control and monitoring. The automated system is regularly updated to ensure the fellowship of the progress. Developed and powered by Just Develop it company, Just cloud computing services benefit from the experience of the original company in making and updating the applications that run the just cloud system.

Just cloud reviews determine that the company proposes three plans of accounts with several options: the personal account plan, the business account plan and the reseller account plan. T e plans differ from each other by the dedicated sizes and the pricing lists. The company is committed to respect your privacy and do not share or disclose the data it collects, related to subscribers, to any third parties without the client consent. The company has a technical support team that is available 24/7 and it is prompt to answer your inquiries and assist you when you need them, no matter the issue is and no matter the time is.

Just cloud reviews agree that the company operates on Windows, MacOS and Ubuntu, and it can be accessed from Tablets, iPhone and Androids. The application the company disposes and which are available for installation allow the different devices that can be installed within the network you want to create to connect to the just cloud service to be synchronized. When you log in to your account from any device, the updates that make to any stored file are automatically operated on the other devices and all the locations. Just cloud review revels that the company gives another dimension to the answer of the question “what is cloud storage?” the answer is simply the perfect storage of your data in extreme security and easy accessibility using the just cloud storage services.

Just cloud backup services, as part of the cloud storage service completes the pack of features offered by the company to maximize the security of your stored data. It is about restoring lost data from any of the devices before it is completely lost. Even if the data are totally or partially inaccessible due to drives malfunction or data corruptions, the just cloud backup service is extremely sharp and specially made to overcome the most pertinent issues that may prevent you the access to your stored data. This service is usually operated automatically and it is always under human control, and ensures that the process runs perfectly.

Just cloud review indicates that the company is totally transparent regarding its coordinates. You can get in touch with them through a contact form, phones numbers -which are dedicated to several regions, or you can write regular mails to physical address which is located in United Kingdom.

Just cloud reviews confirms that opting for just cloud computing services is to optfor the high security level and the best cloud backup services that you may find over the net. The services are simple and very accessible for anyone who subscribes for an account; Just cloud describes the process as simply as creating an account, including the plan and category choice, then you need to choose the files you need to store in the cloud server, that includes any file whatever the extension is, then upload using the handler application that carry out the process. Though the process is simple, the wizard that would guide you through the process step by step. Once you are done with these steps, you can access your files for reviewing, downloading at any time from any device; the updates are handled by the synchronizer application that operate in real time or you can configure them to operate the updates whenever the connection is established.  The process being simple, the application’s setup are done whether remotely or just by downloading the applications and set them up. it is recommended that you get the application and follow the setup steps as provided by just cloud services which are already compatible with the desktop environment they offer.

Cloud Backup Services:

The cloud backup services are features offered by cloud storage providers as part of their help and support assistance. They are committed to recover any lost data; data can be lost when there are data corruptions or data deletions. Also, when you can’t access the storage location -due to devices damages (hardware or software malfunction), you need to restore the data you stored. First you need to access them on their current location and recover the maximum of data. This process is perhaps impossible when you haven’t considered the cloud backup service. The Appropriate cloud backup service tends to minimize and merely brings to null the risk of data loss by backing up data in different location with the availability of the Recovery assistance. Just cloud reviews indicate that the company disposes of very sophisticated monitoring application that are able to prevent and recover the data loss; they benefit from the development experience of the Just Develop It Company which has created Just Cloud Storage. Therefore, they are able of creating exactly the needed applications to protect, recover and restore data to their location with best fidelity. We can say that the company creates applications as needed. Just cloud backup services are characterized by being customizable, that means you can choose the file types that you want to backup and you can also schedule this operation so you can launch the account then let it run everything by its own.

Benefits of Cloud Computing:

The different cloud computing services are grouped in some categories. Users are therefore offered the different services when they create their accounts and will have access instantly.

What is cloud storage? In term of services, cloud storage has several types that are differentiated by the needs of the data holder and their ability/availability to run their dedicated cloud account. This implicates the percentage of action in which the cloud service providers/cloud users are involved.

As service you can find:

-Infrastructure as a service: the service provider supplies the users with a virtual infrastructure such servers and storage space. Actually this service is the most common and it spreads more and more with the growing marketplace of online business.

-Software as a service: the provider grants users access to already developed applications which he -the provider- ensures the updates.

-Platform as a service: this service includes development environment provided to users; users are therefore able to create their own applications and software to handle their needs.

-Network as a service: this service is the least common; it gives users a network connectivity and access to applications. This service is commonly represented by scalable VPN and bandwidth.

Cloud computing services offer users a great number of benefits which may encourage folks -who have a constant flow of data that circulates through their systems and that need to store and update valuable data safely and permanently- to resort to it. Benefits of cloud computing service can be deduced from cloud storage providers reviews. Cloud computing services include all the services you can get by subscribing for an account with the cloud service providers available. It is indeed the pack of services that you will have access to when you need to store your data online, including protection, updating, backups and all the features that the cloud storage providers have to offer. The following is  the summary of the most known and the most claimed benefits of cloud computing.

1- Monitored by the most efficient applications:

Protecting the data is no longer the responsibility of the data holder, but it is now the responsibility of the cloud storage providers who are constantly updating their software and applications pack that handles the privacy protection and the data safety transfer. The accessibility applications and synchronization are also kept up to date. Data recovery applications are also very important and the cloud service providers are in competition to make their application pack the most efficient and the most affordable. The cloud computing helps to reduce the efforts that the data holder – whether individuals or enterprises-  may employ to protect data and keep up with the continuous evolution of technologies and software development.

2- Adaptable to market changes:

Cloud computing service has the ability to expand the storage space the client needs to store data. This ability is reinforced by the ability of reducing the time of response to the business changes. The functionality of adapting the service depends on the cloud storage providers ability to adapt the service to the market circumstances.

3- Low cost:

Online cloud storage offers to customers the most affordable prices to get access to the multiple categories of services that the cloud service providers can offer, each from his side. By reviewing Just Cloud price list, you will discover the most affordable prices that are made to suit every need and every situation. The offered services are flexible and can fit the needs of the customers regarding the period that he intends to profit from the cloud computing packs, the options that he would choose and so forth. The customer does not have to worry about protecting, recovering and syncing; actually these are handled by the providers and they are included in the services pack that you may have access to when you subscribe at a cloud storage plan.

4- Accessibility and availability:

Stored data are protected and made accessible from anywhere using any compatible devices. The process is ensured by the applications the cloud storage providers dispose of -which they keep up to date. These applications include plug-in that operate modifications you may make in your stored data. Reviewing your files and documents is possible and it is doable whenever you need it. The data are protected against corruption and the synchronization features lower the risk of non availability of any data due to any sort of data corruption. The recovery features reinforce the availability of your stored data by recovering any lost data by first resorting to backup cloud services and then using the data recovery applications that the cloud computing providers may dispose of. Just cloud has the ability of developing its own plug-in and applications to overcome the hardest situation of data loss and succeeds to retrieve a very satisfying amount of the corrupted data.

5- Online cloud storage is a environment friendly service.

You don’t have to deploy heavy servers or employ lots of equipment’s to have access to your data and manage them. Simply connect to your account and you will have access to whatever you want have from your stored data and manage them as the market implicates.

Just cloud service review

Just cloud service review indicates that the company offers the SaaS type. The company is a branch of Just Develop It group of software development; it continuously and regularly creates and updates the applications it runs to ensure the functioning of its network of cloud service and maintains the stability of its system. The company has shown a high ranking in all tests run on its platform; test regarding just cloud backups has got full positive rate going to 100%, data recovery at 90%. The bonuses and extras offered by the company are very interesting and attractive; they are already included in the applications and features pack you get when you subscribe for an account. Moreover, just cloud price plans are very affordable and may let you question yourself if the company does care about the money; it seems that the company care more about the service it provides than the compensation it will get.

Just Cloud Price plans:

Just cloud service review shows that the company offers three unique account types. Each account type has its price and the payment modalities and facilitations. The company offers f personal accounts (Pro plan, Premium Plan and Ultimate Plan), Business plans and Reseller plans. There are some other features which are associated with the different plans and they are available according the plan you opt for.

Personal Account Plans: prices vary from $5.56 / month (Home/Pro plan)  to  $7.56 (Unlimited plan). The disk space ranges from 75 GB of storage space to unlimited storage disk space. The particularity is that the company offers discounts on the upfront for two years subscription that can go to 35% of the fees.

Business Account plans: disk space has three values that range from 100GB to 500GB. The prices are comprised between $15 and $39 per month. Here again, the company offers an interesting discount for any upfront on 2 years subscription.

Reseller Account plans: the storage spaces are 500 GB, 1 TB and 2 TB. The prices are fixed to $24.95 for the lower disk space and $74.95 for the highest. Reseller plan has the advantage of offering additional storage space for additional fees.

The three Account plans offered by the company are associated to some other features. For example, the reseller plan allows you to use your own logos, resell the software and make it your own.

Just cloud price review shows that the company tends to prioritize the 2 years upfront payment because it allows the users to enjoy a 35% discount. But you can pay monthly, half yearly or yearly. The company guarantees an anytime money back, which has the value of the quality proof of the services: the company is confident and holds total responsibility of any dislikes or any unsatisfying service.


Just cloud review allows summarizing the advantages you may get when you subscribe for an account for cloud computing services with that company.

The prices are affordable and they are submitted to an interesting discount when you subscribe for two years. There are various plans that you can subscribe for and the storage disk spaces are compatible with your needs. There are Personal account plans, Business account and reseller account plans.

The Backup services are by default located on four different disks to ensure the maximum protection of the data. Syncing is handled by the already installed applications.

The company is run by a Software Development group which enhances the efficiency of the installed applications and their regular updates to ensure their proper running on the different platforms. The company challenges the others cloud service providers by offering an anytime money back plan that confirms a total confidence in the services it provides.


There are some complaints about the services that Just cloud offers. Some users have reported that the company may still charging the users while their account were suspended; this is due  to the fact that the system is automated perhaps at 100% and therefore some errors may occur. The users should make their complaint and the issue is solved quickly. For some users, the offers are not very clear; the pricing list tends to force the client to opt for 2 years subscription by offering a huge discount. There are some services which cannot be achieved without the particular applications that the company has to offer you. You may encounter some issues when you try to run the services through mobile devices using standard applications; therefore you will find yourself obliged to install their applications even you already have your favorite pack.


The company has a very good back up service that uses four locations by default; the company adds to this feature the software knowledge they benefits from their mother-company which specialize in software development. Therefore, the company has an adapted software pack in perfect compliance with the services offered to the public. The fact of being the best company at recovering and restoring data, the best provider of syncing applications is due to their experience in the solving issues by developing applications. The price plans are affordable by anyone according to his needs. Although, there are some complaints that may rise; they are all due to the full automated system that runs the services of just cloud services, just like the cancelled account that still charges fees. Also, just cloud reviews have solicited the company for more clarity about the features and the pricing list they display on their platform. Despite that, the company holds the best backup rate with 100%, recovery and restore rate with 90%, and it holds the best update rate and the compatibility rate of the application with the almost any device that can run internet connection.

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