
遠 [远] yuǎn


: far; distant; remote

: (intensifier in a comparison) by far; much (lower etc)

遠 [远] yuàn


: to distance oneself from (classical)

Kun Reading

遠 | とお too


: distant

遠い | とおい tooi


: far; distant

遠く | とおくtooku

no-adjective | adverbial noun | noun

: far away; distant; at a distance; distant place; by far

遠め | とおめ toome

noun | na-adjective

: distant; far

遠のく | とおのく toonoku


: to become distant; to recede

遠ざかる | とおざかる toozakaru


: to go far off

遠まわし | とおまわし toomawashi

noun | na-adjective

: indirect (roundabout) expression

On Reading

エン en

オン on

おち ochi


遠遠 [远远] yuan3yuan3: distant

[遠遠しい | とおどおしい toodooshi: distant (behavior, etc.); reserved]

遠[远]大 yuan3da4: far-reaching; broad; ambitious; promising

[遠大 | えんだい endai: grand; far-reaching]

遠[远]景 yuan3jing3: prospect; long-range view

[遠景 | えんけい enkei: vista; background; perspective; distant view]

遠銷 [远销] yuan3xiao1: to sell to faraway lands

遠[远]方 yuan3fang1: far away; a distant location

[遠方 | えんぽう enpou OR おちかた ochikata: long way; distant place]

永遠[远] yong3yuan3: forever; eternal

[永遠 | えいえん eien: eternity; perpetuity; immortality; permanence]

長遠[长远] chang2yuan3; long-term; long-range

遙遠[遥远] yao2yuan3: distant; remote

[遥遠 | ようえん youen: far away; very far off; remote]

跳遠[远] tiao4yuan3: long jump (athletics)

深遠[远] shen1yuan3: far-reaching; profound and long-lasting

[深遠 | しんえん shinen: profound; deep; unfathomable]

Japanese common word | expression | yojijukugo 四字熟語 | idiom | proverb

遠くから | とおくから tooku kara: from a distance

遠い目 | とおいめ tooime: distant look; faraway look

夜目遠目 | よめとおめ yome toome

: (yoji) seen in the dark or at a distance; (a woman) looking prettier when seen in the dark or at a distance

深慮遠謀 | しんりょえんぼう shinryo enbou

: (yoji) deep design and forethought; a farsighted and deeply-laid plan

*深謀遠慮 | しんぼうえんりょ shinbou enryo

: (yoji) far sight and deep design

遠慮会釈 | えんりょえしゃく enryo eshaku

: (yoji) reserve and consideration (to others)

遠慮気味 | えんりょぎみ enryo gimi

: (yoji) somewhat reserved (diffident); shyly; timidly; in a retiring (reserved) manner

遠慮近憂 | えんりょきんゆう enryokinyuu

: (yoji) Failure to think of the long term leads to grief in the short term

永遠の生命 | えいえんのせいめい eien no seimei: eternal life

遠くに霞む | とおくにかすむ tooku ni kasumu: to loom in the distance

お待ち遠さま | おまちどおさま omachi doo sama

: I’m sorry to have kept you waiting

ご遠慮下さい | ごえんりょください goenryokudasai

: please refrain from ~ (e.g. smoking, etc.)

遠きは花の香近きは糞の香 | とおきははなのかちかきはくそのか tooki wa hana no ka chikaki wa kuso no ka

: it’s human nature to consider things that are afar as beautiful and things that are up close as unsightly

夜目遠目笠の内 | よめとおめかさのうち yome toome kasa no uchi

: expression used to depict a woman who is attractive primarily when it’s dark out, she’s far away, or her face is partially hidden by a bamboo hat

当たらずといえども遠からず | あたらずといえどもとおからず atarazu toiedomo tookarazu

: not exactly correct, but pretty close to it; not far off the mark

当たらずとも遠からず | あたらずともとおからず atarazu tomo tookarazu

: near the mark; pretty close; not a bad guess

日暮れて道遠し | ひくれてみちとおし hikurete michi tooshi

: (proverb) The day is short, and the work is much. My goal is still a long way off

**遠くの親類より近くの他人 | とおくのしんるいよりちかくのたにん tooku no shinrui yori chikaku no tanin

: A neighbor is better than a relative living far

遠慮会釈も無い | えんりょえしゃくもない enryo eshaku mo nai

: inconsiderate; ruthless; merciless; lacking compunction

Chinese expression | chengyu 成語 | idiom

任重道遠 [任重道远] ren4 zhong4 dao4 yuan3

: a heavy load and a long road; fig. to bear heavy responsibilities through a long struggle (cf Confucian Analects, 8.7)

寧靜致遠 [宁静致远] ning2 jing4 zhi4 yuan3

: tranquility yields transcendence; quiet life of profound study; cf Still waters run deep.

寓意深遠 [寓意深远] yu4 yi4 shen1 yuan3

: the implied message is deep; having deep implications

*深謀遠慮 [深谋远虑] shen1 mou2 yuan3 lü4

: lit. deep plans and distant thoughts; to plan far ahead

源遠流長 [源远流长] yuan2 yuan3 liu2 chang2

: lit. source is distant and the flow is long; fig. something goes back to the dim and distant past; a lot of water has flowed under the bridge since then

敬而遠之 [敬而远之] jing4 er2 yuan3 zhi1

: to show respect from a distance; to remain at a respectful distance

高飛遠走 [高飞远走] gao1 fei1 yuan3 zou3

: to fly high and run far; to leave in a hurry for a distance place

君子遠庖廚 [君子远庖厨] jun1 zi3 yuan4 pao2 chu2

: lit. a nobleman stays clear of the kitchen (from Mencius); fig. a nobleman who has seen a living animal cannot bear to see it die, hence he keeps away from the kitchen

遠水不解近渴 [远水不解近渴] yuan3 shui3 bu4 jie3 jin4 ke3

: lit. distant water does not cure present thirst; fig. urgent need; a slow remedy does not address immediate needs

**遠親不如近鄰 [远亲不如近邻] yuan3 qin1 bu4 ru2 jin4 lin2

: A relative afar is less use than a close neighbor. Take whatever help is on hand, even from strangers.

遠水不救近火 [远水不救近火] yuan3 shui3 bu4 jiu4 jin4 huo3


遠水救不了近火 [远水救不了近火] yuan3 shui3 jiu4 bu5 liao3 jin4 huo3

: lit. water from afar quenches not fire; fig. urgent need; a slow remedy does not address the current emergency

敬鬼神而遠之 [敬鬼神而远之] jing4 gui3 shen2 er2 yuan3 zhi1

: to respect Gods and demons from a distance; to remain at a respectful distance

人無遠慮,必有近憂 [人无远虑,必有近忧] ren2 wu2 yuan3 lu:4 , bi4 you3 jin4 you1

: He who gives no thought to far-flung problems soon finds suffering nearby (from Analects). Smug concentration on the here and now will lead to future sorrow.


形声 Pictophonetic.

辶 (chuo4: walk radical 162) suggests the meaning while
袁 (yuan2: robe) provides the sound.

简写 Simplified.

远. Created as unique simplification #310 (遠 » 远) via replacement of character component.

Historical Variant:

逺 yuan3: distant; far; remote; profound



いしゃになれるひはまだほどとおい issha ni nareru hi wa mada hodo tooi

I’m still miles off becoming a doctor.


在那遙遠的地方 – Wang Lee Hom 王力宏




你是否和我一樣 去了很多地方 住了很多旅館 為工作 為理想也 為了她

心愛的人 卻始終不在身邊 腳步越走越遠 行李塞滿了思念

妳說真心相愛 就不怕距離遙遠 Check this out

在北京那個晚上 一張陌生的床 妳是否和我一樣 看著同一個月亮

我記得妳說的話 妳說妳不會害怕 但心裡總是牽掛 怕孤單送妳回家

*Dance with me Dance with me Come on and Dance with me

這首的節奏已 播放在電話裡

Slide with me Slide with me Come on and Slide with me

跟我一起唱 就拉近了距離 sing

#在那遙遠的地方 有位好姑娘 人們走過她的帳房 都要回頭流連的張望

她那粉紅的笑臉 好像紅太陽 她那砂動人的眼睛 好像晚上明媚的月亮

紐約的美麗夜色 顯得那麼的苦澀 空無一人的電車 想像妳陪我坐著

我哼著妳愛的歌 突然覺得很快樂 知道妳一直等著 我的心裡忽然變的溫熱

Repeat *,#

不知名的碼頭 心裡有一點痛 東方吹來一陣風 有妳的夢

說過的我不會忘 距離只是想像 世界讓我們忙 但愛能跨過海洋

Repeat #

That, is my story, ladies and gentlemen

Dance with me Dance with me

Slide with me Slide with me (come on)

Dance with me Dance with me

Slide with me Slide with me

Resources: Chinese Dictionary | Japanese Dictionary

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