
This has been dragging forever. Let me cover it, shedding light to the dark corners, ok?


First, definitions. I'll try to use, as much as possible, Scala notation, and, basically, Scala terms.

A category consists of types and functions; a function is from one type to another; some functions can compose (if one starts where the other ends), composition is associative, and there's an identity function for each type.

There's more than one category in this (kind of) world. Given two categories, C and D, we can build a product category, C × D, consisting of pairs of types and pairs of functions.

Some categories have a special type called unit; every type has exactly one function to unit. Functions from unit to a type are called points or instances. Instead of writing a:1⇒A we use to write a shortcut, a:A This is just a syntactic sugar.

Another syntactic sure is this: if we have a point a:A, its composition with a function f:A⇒B is usually thought of as an "application" of f to a, and is written as f(a):B; but remember, it is just a composition of two functions.

It is good to know what instances a type has, but, in general settings, not all properties of a type are defined by the "set" of its instances. If they are, the category is called well-pointed. Remember this word, it's important.

In the case of a well-pointed category a function f:A⇒B is fully defined by its "application" to points of A. It is important to remember that it is not always the same thing. Not every category is well-pointed.

A category may have cartesian product defined, for a couple of types, A and B, one defines A×B, with two projection functions, to A and B, such that having a function C ⇒ A×B is the same as having a pair of functions, C⇒A and C⇒B; projections provide this one-to-one correspondence.

Note, for instance, that having a couple of points, a:A and b:B is the same as having a points c=(a,b):A×B. So some people believe that a cartesian product is just a "set" of pairs.

A functor F is mapping of types from one category to types of another, and of functions of one category to functions of another, with clearly defined rules (f:A⇒B maps to F[f]:F[A]⇒F[B], composition and identity are preserved. The action of a functor on a function, F[f] is often denoted as map[F](f). Of course map[F](f) is a function from F[A] to F[B].

Note, not every category is a category of sets. For instance the category of all categories is not a category of sets. The category of monoids is not a category of sets. It is important to remember that not everything is a set. For instance, a category of sets is not (usually) a set.

Even if you think you are dealing with the category of sets, it is important to remember that there is no such thing. One can always ask "which one?", and learn that you cannot enumerate categories of sets. We know some, and many more are still hiding, nobody knows how many. We should thank Goedel for this interesting fact of life.

Also, in case you somehow did not know, axioms of any theory, including a theory of sets, are not Eternal Truths Known To The Scientists. They are just assumptions under which a theory is being developed and applied. The same is true about (a) category theory. We do not insist on associativity of functions composition. We just say that in a category, composition is associative.

All this sounds extremely trivial, so it is very frequently forgotten.


A monad is a any functor M from a category C to itself with two properties:

there is a unit aka "pure" function u[X]: X⇒M[X], for every X and this function behaves (commutes with other functions etc)

there is a monad multiplication aka flatten function flatten:M[M[X]]⇒M[X] for each X, with good properties: a) it is associative, b) unit is left and right unit for this multiplication

I'm not going into deeper details, you can find them everywhere. Just remember this funny thing, that both unit and flatten are defined for each type, and are defined naturally, so a function from A to B combines seamlessly with these.

Being a functor, a monad has map, but there's more.

def flatMap[F,A,B](f:A=>F[B]) = map[F](f).flatten

This function, flatMap, can be used to define flatten, and it satisfies the right rules, which are harder to formulate for flatMap than for flatten.

There's a belief, in Haskell circles, that each monad is also an applicative functor (defined below). This belief has just one foundation: it's based on the belief that every category is well-pointed.

Applicative Functor

There's more than one definition; I'll use the one that does not require anything else except what was defined above.

Applicative functor, aka lax monoidal functor is such a functor F that has

zip[A,B]: F[A]×F[B] ⇒ F[A×B] defined for all A and B, having natural properties and behaving consistently if we have three types, A, B and C;

pure[A]: A ⇒ F[A] that is natural and combines well with zip

There are variants of this definition, where functor strength is defined differently; this one is pretty popular in comp sci, so there.

How can it possibly be related to monads? Here is the way Haskell and Scala people define strength for any monad, just from the definition of monad:

Say we have a monad T, and a couple of types, A and B, there's a trick that produces T[A]×T[B] ⇒ T[A×B]. How? Here's the trick.

1. Define a coupler function, A ⇒ B ⇒ A×B, like

coupler: A ⇒ B ⇒ A×B = a ⇒ (b: B) ⇒ (a, b)

There’s something fishy in this definition, I'll explain it later.

We map with T, getting a function

couplerT: T[A] ⇒ T[B ⇒ A×B]

Build also another function, lifter, that takes any function B ⇒ A×B and produces an instance of T[B]:

lifter: (B ⇒ A×B) => F[A×B]

lifter takes a function f from B to A×B, an instance tb:T[B], and produces an instance tab:T[A×B] by applying map[T](f) to tb.

If we map lifter with map[T] (call it lifterT), we get a function from T[B ⇒ A×B] to T[T[A×B]].

No, given a couple of instances, ta:T[A] and tb:T[B], from the first we get an instance of T[B⇒A×B], and from this instance and from tb we get an instance of T[T[A×B]]; flatten it, and voila, an instance of T[A×B].

Have you counted how many times we relied on well-pointedness of our category? So many times we relied on the fact that since an A can be covered by its instances, an A×B can be covered by B.

This trick does not work if our category is not well-pointed. E.g. it is a category of sets on which some group, or a monoid is acting. Or if we are dealing with sets that change in time.

This was the first part. Next I'll write about some specific monads and non-monads.

If you want to see an example of a monad that is not strong (that is, not an applicative functor), see the bottom of this: http://mathoverflow.net/questions/85391/any-example-of-a-non-strong-monad/86914#86914

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