TUTORIAL BY BUNHARRYSTAN; throughout this tutorial i will be using Photoshop CS5, which I downloaded from here (credit here) (you need WinRAR to extract the file, which you can download here) all of that stuff is free because i am a hillbilly
this is how your end results might look like:
as always, feel free to message me here if you need help
now lets get started so u all can become PROS
(sorry 4 any spelling mistakes im too lazy to reread)
you can download movies+tv shows using kickass.so and utorrent. to download youtube videos you can use keepvid (i download them in mp4 format and in the highest quality available)or you can download this.
the first thing we are going to do is click on File > Import > Video Frames To Layers. when you click on there, this should pop up: (make sure the things that have the lil red fancy arrows pointing at them are clicked on)
now you’re going to pick whatever scene you want to use from whatever tv/interview/movie you are using, and how i do that is that i either click on where i assume the scene is going to be at or i use the arrows. another option is just clicking play and waiting for the scene to come but i am 2 impatient for that
now when you have your scene picked and all, click on Ok and your photoshop should look like this now:
if for some reason it doesnt look like that for you, then go on Window > Animation ! before we move onto the next step, make sure you delete unnecessary frames and that you dont have more than 50 frames.., i mean U can but the gif might be too long ya kno
also, while deleting frames, make sure you delete them from both the layer window and the animation window
now we get to resize the gif! but before doing that, we’re going to be creating a new file where we are going to copy and paste our resized gif. what i mean by this is that whatever size you want your gif to be, like how im making mine 250 x 140, is what size you are going to make your new file
go to File > New and this should pop up:
change the width and height to whatever pleases U, like i said i will be making mine 250 x 140
click on Ok and a new file (i believe that is what it is called let me live) should open up. we’re going to leave that alone for now and go back to our gif!
now, to make our gif fit in the file we made, we’re going to resize it
we do that by making sure that all of our layers and frames are clicked on, we will achieve this by clicking on the first frame in the animation window/layer window and holding shift until we reach the last frame/layer and click on it
now repeat this action on the layer window and after youre done, your photoshop should look like this:
we will proceed on resizing our gif by clicking on Image > Image Size. a window should pop up now showing you the Width x Height of your document, and you’re going to change both depending on what size you made that new file we created further up. since i made the new file 250 x 140, my width and height cant be lower than that.
typically when resizing the gif you dont get lucky enough that the width and height will match up, and what i mean by that is that if the file wasnt originally 720 x 404 and was something like 1000 x 603, when i change my width to 250, my height wont be 140 but thats okay! if that happened to you, you just need to make sure that your height is larger, not smaller, than what you made the size of that new file we created (this sounds so confusing im sorry)
after you click Ok, your gif should now be resized!
to copy and paste the gif onto the new file we created with the Width x Height we wanted our gif to be, we are going to do the following:
go to the animation window where your frames are located, and on your right there should be a little button that has an arrow pointing down
when you click on it, find where it says Copy Frames and click on it!
now we’re going back to the new file we created, which should look like an empty canvas. once again you are going to locate the lil arrow thing on the right of your animation window, but this time you’re going to click on Paste Frames
when you do that, a window should pop up but before you click Ok make sure that your setting are the same as mine:
now you have successfully pasted your gif and made it into the size you wanted it to be! (since i think i made this part very confusing, feel free to send me a message and ill try my best to help u out!)
before we can sharpen our gif, we need to make it a certain speed so it doesn’t go too fast or too slow
on all the frames in your animation window, there should be a lil black arrow with the words/number ‘0.04 sec.’ before it
making sure that all of your frames in the animation window are selected on, you are going to click on that little arrow and once you do a box kinda thing should appear right besides it and you are going to select 'Other…'
so basically:
now a box should appear that looks like this:
this is what i typically make the timing of my gifs:
ofcourse, that is optional and you are free to test out any timing you want! (sometimes ill make my gifs 0.15 seconds long, so you can try that one out if ur feelin it)
so my gif went from this:
to this:
im going to sharpen my gif now, but before i do that im going to make all my layers and frames into one.
this part may sound confusing but trust me its the easiest step!
making sure that our frames and layers are all once again selected on, we’re going back to the animation window but instead on clicking on the lil arrow button, we are going to click on the button below it
it looks like this (ignore that the timing of my gif still says 0.04 sec. i did this part of the tutorial before doing the timing part bc im stupdi)
when you click on it (again please make sure all your frames are highlighted blue/clicked on!! if u forgot how to do that just scroll up a bit where i explained how to do it) your frames should now all look like one, so you go from this:
to this:
now we’re going to look at the layer window, and once making sure that all of our layers are highlighted blue/clicked on, we’re going to Right Click > Convert to Small Object and your layer window will go from looking like this:
to looking like this:
you are now ready to sharpen your gif! i will be using this pack of actions, and if you dont know how to load your actions all you do is click on Window > Actions and something like this should pop up
where it is circled black, click on it and locate where it says Load Actions and find where the action you downloaded is and click on it!
now you are going to click on the little blue arrow next to the action you downloaded and once you do, if you’re using the same one as me three options should appear:
you are free to use which ever one you are comfortable with. i will be using V1. click on the one you are using and it should become blue. next all you do is click on the little play button and bam! your gif is sharpened!
so my gif went from looking like this:
to this:
here, here, here, here
when the gif im working on has a solid sorta background like the one im using right now, i like to enhance it to make the person stand out more
so to do that, im first going to select the color picker that looks like this:
now this should pop up:
you’re going to hover your mouse over your gif and when you do that, click on whatever space/section of the background color you want and look at the color picker to see if the color satisfies you. once you find one that does, click on Ok.
this is the color i ended up using:
once you click on Ok, you’re going to create a new layer by clicking on this:
make sure that the new layer is above your gif layers, so it should look something like this:
now you are going to click on the Brush Tool that looks like this:
these are my settings:
we’re now going to color our background except for the person, so…:
we’re going to blur out the color now so it doesn’t look so harsh, and to do that you’re going to click on Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur
these are my settings:
so now my gif went from looking like this:
to this:
to this:
now its finally time to add a psd! im going to be using two psds to achieve the color i want
im going to be using one psd made by stonerclone (i tried looking for it on her blog but cannot find it im sorry) and this one from lovotopsd
if you dont know how to add psds to your gifs HERE is a tutorial
once you add the psd to your gif, you might have to play with the settings around a bit
if the gif is too bright, i recommend you try playing around with the Brightness/Contrast, Curves, Levels
when I first added the lovoto psd, this was how my gif looked:
it doesn’t look too bad, but the psd looks a little too bright and her skin looks a little to pale so after testing out a few things and adjusting color layers, this is what i ended up with:
so my settings for the psd went from this:
to this:
now im going to add the stonerclove psd, and once i do my gif looks like this:
its clearly too bright and i dont like the greenish tone it has, so after playing around and adjusting color layers i ended up with this:
and now im done! its time to save the gif so dumb roll please…..
go to File > Save For Web and Devices
these are my settings:
now just click on save and ur done!!!!!
please remember if any parts are confusing and if you need help with anything, i am more than happy to help! just message me here and if i dont answer in a day or two feel free to ask again! :)