
A widely requested feature on the iThemes Exchange Public Roadmap was the ability to email customers who had abandoned their carts. The Abandoned Carts add-on is now available as part of the Pro Pack (which is 50% off right now).

Make More Money by Helping Customers Complete Their Purchase

With the Abandoned Carts Add-on for iThemes Exchange, you can track logged in users, target your potential customers and turn them into paid customers by automating personalized emails that encourage them to complete their purchase.

The cool part is you can customize the email that is sent as well as when it goes out. What’s even better is Admins can easily view the number of abandoned carts, carts recovered, recovered revenue and average recovered cart value.

Dashboard Reporting

Easily see how many abandoned carts your site has as well as how many recovered carts (purchases) have been made after the email notifications were sent.

Click the Carts tab to get more detailed information on the customer, the value of their cart and which emails have been sent.

Email Templates

The Abandoned Carts add-on comes with a pre-loaded email template using the Exchange email shortcodes to send personalized emails. Use the Customer first name short code to add a personal touch to the email and use the cart products shortcode to tell them exactly what they’re missing out on.

Use the Abandoned Cart Link shortcode in your email so customer can quickly access their cart on your site and complete their purchase.

Here is what we have set up for iThemesSwag.com shoppers. Keeping the default copy and shortcodes, we added was the iThemes Swag logo. The default email template is in draft mode so you can customize your message before publishing.

Note: when you click Publish, this does not send the emails right away. It activates the email to be sent at the time/date you designate in the email template settings area.

You can send hours, days or weeks after a cart has been abandoned. Schedule multiple emails to help turn abandoned carts into recovered carts which is revenue in your pocket.

Watch the webinar: Getting Started with the Cart Abandonment Add-on

Learn how to get started with this add-on by catching the replay of the free training webinar “How to Use Exchange’s Newest Add-on: Cart Abandonment”
Watch Now

Get the Abandoned Carts Add-on for iThemes Exchange

If you haven’t already, download Exchange for free. The Abandoned Carts Add-on as part of the Pro Pack, which is every add-on available for Exchange in one convenient pack.

To celebrate Exchange’s first birthday we’re offering 50% off your Pro Pack purchase now through July 31st. Just use coupon code BIRTHDAY at checkout.
Get Abandoned Carts Add-on

Save 50% Off the Pro Pack

Get 20+ Exchange Add-ons plus any new ones we release during your membership year!

Use coupon code BIRTHDAY to save 50% off the Pro Pack through

July 31, 2014.

Save 50% Off Now

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