One of the most requested features from our iThemes Exchange Public Roadmap has been a “pay what you want” or donation option for customers. We’ve been hard at work to implement this feature and today we’re excited to announce the new Customer Pricing Add-on for Exchange.
Set Fixed Prices or a “Name Your Own Price” Field
The Customer Pricing Add-on allows customers to choose their price from a list of price options you create or enter their own price in the ”Name your own price” field.
When editing a product, click the Advanced button. On the left-side navigation, click Customer Pricing.
Just enable customer price options for this product and add new price. You can also let customers name their own price and set a minimum or maximum price.
The Customer Pricing Add-on also includes several settings. From the Add-ons page, click the settings gear.
From the Customer Pricing Settings Page, you can customize the “or more” label or the “Name your price” label. You can also choose either radio buttons or drop down as your price selection type.
Purchase & Download Info
Note: The Customer Pricing Add-on requires Exchange 1.5 or higher. You can download Exchange for free here.
All current Toolkit, Plugin Dev Suite and Exchange Pro Pack members will now find the Customer Pricing Add-on available in their member area. Additions like the Customer Pricing Add-on (reg. $150) are another great example of how we add value to your membership throughout the year.
The Customer Pricing Add-on is available in 2-site or unlimited site licenses or bundled with the Exchange Pro Pack, the Plugin Dev Suite or the WordPress Web Designer’s Toolkit.
Get the Customer Pricing Add-on