
Ithaca, N.Y. — Sometime on Wednesday, The Ithaca Voice passed the 1 million mark for page views since our launch about 50 days ago.

The Ithaca Voice now has the single highest web traffic ranking of all media outlets in the Ithaca market, according to statistics compiled by Alexa.com.

(In the interest of full disclosure: Some writers have questioned the precision of the Alexa statistics. We don’t have a better way to compare our traffic to our competitors’, but what is not in doubt is the tremendous growth of our audience.)

We’re humbled to have been met with such wide reader interest. But this initial success is only making us hungrier — hungrier for better reporting, for crisper writing, and for new ways to keep you, our beloved reader, coming back for more.

Related: Welcome to The Ithaca Voice

We’re also thrilled to announce our first three major charter sponsors: 1) Cinemapolis, 2) Tompkins Consolidated Area Transit (TCAT), and 3) Alternatives Federal Credit Union. A big thanks to these institutions for helping fund in-depth, locally run journalism.

For now, we need all the help we can get continuing to grow our presence on social media. Get everyone you can to like our Facebook page — be it a relative, a boyfriend, an ex-boyfriend, a classmate you haven’t spoken to in 20 years … whatever. Larger audiences on Facebook and Twitter will allow us to continue to grow our reach.

Lastly, we’re opening the comments to hear from you: What are we doing wrong? What are we doing right? Would you like to see more quizzes? More reporting about certain topics? More polls?

How would you like to see The Ithaca Voice grow and evolve and adapt?

Thanks for accompanying us on this exhilarating and deeply fulfilling ride. We’re just getting started.

– Editor: Jeff Stein

– Business Operations Director: Gail Boysick

– Reporter: Michael J. Connor

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