
Over the past 5 years, the It Gets Better Project has been successful at elevating powerful stories of LGBT people in all forms of media. These stories have been incedibly relevant and uplifting for youth, particularly in the United States. Unfortunately, there continues to be many youth outside the United States that have never been exposed to local or culturally-specific stories of LGBT triumph that help them feel empowered or inspired.

The Project works to change that by providing support to grassroots efforts that benefit local LGBT communities (which we've done in over 25 countries). For the most part, this support has been offered to our International Affiliates located across Latin America and Europe in the form of online and in-person trainings, fundraising opportunities, networking, resource sharing, and more. Now its also being offered through our Global Grants program.

What are Global Grants?

As of January 2016, the Project provides grants that help local groups and organizations create initiatives that empower LGBT youth through media, particularly those that increase knowledge, understanding, and support of LGBT communities in general. This can be done by producing a video series, publishing content in a local magazine, developing a podcast episode, or more; the possiblities are endless! We're looking for bold and innovative ideas.

The maximum amount that can be requested per grant at this time is USD $1,200. In addition to these funds, all grant recipients will receive various media tools and resources, as well as periodic online training from Project staff and special collaborators with expertise in media. These items, particularly when combined, are effective tools that will help assure the success of all funded initiatives.

Where can the grants be used?

At this time, the Project is only offering grants to groups or organizations based outside the United States that are working with LGBT youth in their immediate geographic region. This includes initiatives led by LGBT youth themselves. Priority will go to organizations operating in locations where resources for LGBT youth are particularly scarce, but each application will be carefully considered.

NOTE: Special arrangements will be made for initiatives taking place in countries where the Project already has an operating affiliate. To learn more about the Project's international affiliates, see itgetsbetter.org/international.

Who can apply for the grants?

Any and all local groups or organizations working with LGBT youth outside the United States are eligible to apply, including the Project's international affiliates. However, when considering applications, the Project will give priority to:

Media initiatives that are particularly innovative and empowering;

Programs led by and for the LGBT community, particularly underserved segments of LGBT communities;

Grants that have an impact beyond the dollars granted, for example by bringing wider visibility to, or increasing awareness of, an LGBT issue.

When (and how) can you apply?

The Project is accepting proposals for Round 2 of 2016 NOW! If you are interested in applying, please submit a pre-grant inquiry form by clicking HERE. Project staff will follow up with further instructions on how to apply, so we encourage you to submit the form as soon as possible (prefereably by Wednesday, June 15, 2016).

The deadline for this call for applicants will be Thursday, June 30, 2016. Currently, the Project can only accept requests in English. Please email us if you have any questions.

Interested in supporting Global Grants through a donation?

Email international@itgetsbetter.org for information.

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