10 Must Have Mind Sharper iPhone Apps /iPad Apps
There are more than 25,000 mental health and workout iOS apps on iTunes store. If you are even avid app hunter and want to sharp your mind, then you can only come across few thousand apps: this mean you are still missing app that can really blow your mind. Many people’s find these apps or game just for fun and if you just might to keep your brain nimble with these mind sharper iPhone apps, why not try them out?
A BBC study of 13,000 people shows that these apps don’t directly develop mental health but aim to increase cognitive functioning. But these mind sharper iPhone games or apps can improve memory, math skill, processing speed, reasoning capably and problem solving speed.
Here we create a list of 10 amazing mind sharper iPhone apps from list of top 100 iPhone/iPad apps.Fit Brains Trainer:
This iPhone/iPad app is free to start but has a subscription pricing to unlock ton of games that has many specific functions to train your mind. There are more than 500 unique games and puzzle that can improve your mental health and lead users through various tasks. This game also has plus option to play on Fit Brains Trainer official website. Fit Brain Trainer ranked #1 education app in 90 countries, this game having both iOS and Android version.84 Logic Games:
84 Logic Game is one of the top mind sharper iPhone apps. This game offer 84 unique puzzles games that allowed user to choose from a variety of puzzles to help to train your brain. This puzzle game is free to play with some advertisement but you can remove ads in just $4.99.
Lumosity Mobile:
Like Elevate and Fit brain Trainer, this iPhone/iPad app free but have some paid services, features game and a series of mental workout games. You can get full access in just $80 per year or 1 month subscription in just $15. Lumosity is easy understandable and full fun game and also have performance index to track your brain performance but free version not allowed you to compare your brain with others. There are total 12 mobile games available to play in app plus 40 more that can play on Lumosity official website.
Elevate, Mind Sharper iPhone Apps
Elevate is a premium iOS and Android app that allows users to train variety of brain faculties. Like many brain trainer games, free version of this iPhone app provides some limited daily exercise while premium subscribers get full access to a larger variety of exercises and mental workout. You can get full access to 25 games in just $5 a month or $45 per year. In free version of this mind sharper iPhone apps you can access few games and over time you can unlock more games.
Brainscape is much like similar to Lumosity and have several games and activities designed to sharpen your brain. You can get start with standardize tests, quizzes and learn about various structure of brain. This mind sharper iPhone apps is free to start but offer several in-app purchases available to unlock more interesting topic and facts.
Personal Zen:
This mind sharper iPhone apps totally different from many other games and puzzles, this is a habit of thinking game developed by Dr. Dennis and researches from Hunter college and City university of New York. In this game player follow two animated character, one with angry while other is calm and friendly where player can reduce anxiety by training your brain by focus more on positive thought and less on negative. According to Dr. Dennis, even a single session or 10 minutes regular playing of this game can build resilience over several hours and build more enduring positive effects. This game is free available for iPhone and iPad.
CogniFit Brain Fitness:
This brain fitness game is designed by Neuroscientists that helps in improve cognitive ability such as memory sharpener and concentration. This fitness game has fun and some addictive and interesting features where you can get access your overall brain health. After some research, developers found that users saw improvement by spending 20-30 minutes regularly, 3 times a week. Like many iPhone/iPad apps, free version allowed only four games and full subscription cost $13 per month or $120 annual subscription.
Eidetic, Mind Sharper iPhone Apps
Eidetic is free available iOS app uses totally different technique to learn and memorize anything important words to phone numbers. This iPhone/iPad app work differently as compared to many brain trainer games.
The New York Times Crossword:
This Crossword puzzle is not easy to play, this game is bit twitchy, and have timer that means you have to react quickly. Like many iPhone/iPad apps, free version of this puzzle game is limited use but you can get full access to all archive and daily puzzle in just $40 a year. This crossword puzzle has different difficulty on different days and if you are beginner, difficulty increase from Monday to Sunday.
Peak Brain Training:
Peak combines brain science and workout to give users to full spectrum brain workout, mental agility, problem solving, testing user’s focus, memory, language skills and daily goal and challenges to improve user’s interest. This iPhone only app is free with limited services and can get full access in $35 a year. This iPhone game have no interesting services except score that you have earned.
If you find these mind sharper iPhone apps enjoyable, why not have some fun with these iPhone/iPad games? Having fun is probably a good way to keep your mind fresh and active. If you find these apps are really helpful and enjoyable, start with one month subscription rather that 1 year to checkout your interest, if you are getting bored.
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