
New Frontiers is Ireland's National Entrepreneur Development Programme delivered at a local level by the Institute of Technology Carlow and the Waterford Institute of Technology. If you have an innovative business idea and are planning to establish and run your own company the New Frontiers Entrepreneur Development Programme can provide you with a package of supports to help accelerate your business development and to equip you with the skills and contacts that you need to successfully start and grow your company.

New Frontiers provides Entrepreneurs with:

Training in all areas of business including financial management, market research & validation, business process, patenting, product development and sales training.

Mentoring from experienced business advisers and practitioners.

Office and other business incubation facilities.

€15,000 scholarship to cover full-time participation in the six month course

Networking with other entrepreneurs and business development agencies.

Introductions to seed and early stage capital investment networks.

Access to entrepreneurship best practice, both national and international.

Peer-group learning from participants in the region and across the country.

Access to the expertise in Enterprise Ireland through our market information centre.

The New Frontiers Entrepreneur Development Programme is targeted at entrepreneurs and early stage start-up companies located across Ireland.

The programme is open to applications from a diversity of sectors including; food & consumer products, information & communication technology, engineering and electronics, medical devices, biotechnology, pharma, digital media, cleantech / renewable energy and eligible internationally traded services. Ideally, applicants have the following characteristics;

Intend establishing a manufacturing or internationally traded services business or a new domestically traded service business with the potential to trade internationally.

Ambitious and have the capability and commitment needed to develop a sustainable growth orientated business - planning to achieve turnover greater than €500,000 and create more than five jobs in three to five years time.

Develop a business that is built on a strong foundation of innovation and/or technology.

Show evidence of a commercial market for your proposed product or service.

The New Frontiers Programme is co-located at the Enterprise and Research Incubation Centre (ERIC) in IT Carlow and at the ArcLabs Research & Innovation Centre in Waterford Institute of Technology. Both centres have strong track records of successfully providing a business incubation environment that supports entrepreneurial development and company growth. The partnership between the two incubation centres provides an extensive support network for wider regional business development.

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