
June 23rd sees the start of the mountain bike tourism season whereby you can get around the Sella Group with a little help from the lift systems. One way of doing this is the SELLARONDA MTB TOUR, a guided excursion which allows bikers who are reasonably fit and experienced in the discipline to cover most parts of the route of the HERO mtb race. The season comes to a close September 22nd. During the season you can take part in the tour, assisted by a mountain bike guide, which can be booked in any of the four valleys forming part of the itinerary: Val Gardena, Alata Badia, Arabbia, and Val di Fassa.

The tours:
-the clockwise tour: having undergone one or two alterations from past years, is 65 kilometers long and has a total altitude difference of 3,980 meters (550m which you have to ride)

-the anti-clockwise tour: is 55-56 km long and has a total altitude difference of 3,200 meters (1,200 meters which you have to ride).

The cost of the daily ticket for the TOUR is Euro 70,00 and this includes the services of the guide, your personal transport on the lift systems, and covers also the cost of your bike transport on lifts.

Summer 2013 introduces the SELLARONDA E-BIKE, ‘E’ being for Electric. So, it will be possible to do the Sellaronda MTB TOUR with a little bit of electrical assistance, still taking the lifts for the uphill climbs, while the downhills will be on forest or asphalt roads. An alternative way to enjoy the Dolomites for those who do not have great experience in mountain biking on open terrain. The e-bike version can be done clockwise, 71 km, or counter-clockwise, 58-62 km. Along the route there will be four points to recharge your e-bike.

Detauilked information, in 3D, can be found at www.sellarondatour.com

The Sellaronda MTB TOUR is project involving independent organisations in three provinces, Bolzano, Trento, and Belluno.

The contacts for the TOUR are:
in Val Gardena it is Dolomiti Adventures (www.dolomiti-adventures.com)
in Selva it is Selva Active (www.selva-active.com)
in Alta Badia it is Dolomite Biking (www.dolomitebiking.com)
Note also Arabba: Limit Bike Service (www.arabbabike.com) and Val di Fassa: Sport Check Point Canazei (www.fassasport.com)

Photos: COMetaPRess/Brena/CanonDigital

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