Today is the day! My new book, Own Your Life is officially releasing. I pray it will be inspiring to women all over the world. Since I became a believer in college, discipleship–encouraging others in personal ministry and close relationship, has always been the heart-beat of all the days of my ministry. We started our ministry by faith almost 20 years ago. During that time, we have published 14 books, produced in 10 languages, hosted mom conferences for 36,000 women, blogged for 9 years, ministered internationally, and watched God take our messages literally all over he world! (Speaking in the United States congress, in universities and arenas all over China, meeting with women and training them in over 12 countries, hosting leadership trainings in my home, and so many more opportunities.) God has overabundantly blessed Clay and me and our family through the years and we want to keep giving back to you! Discipleship, motherhood, family and kingdom to honor Christ, is always at the center of all that we do.
To celebrate this, we will be having some amazing giveaways all week. Because it is my launch day, I want to give lots of Whole Heart ministry products to encourage many of you and to thank you for joining me in this launch and spreading the word about my book and webcast to your friends.
First, I want to give away 5 copies of my new book. Own Your Life–and encourage you to gather a group in your town or join a couple of the online groups. ( and and
Because it is a day of celebration, I want to give lots of Whole Heart ministry products to encourage many of you and to thank you for joining me in this launch and spreading the word about my book and webcast to your friends.
A Free Conference Ticket
Almost 20 years ago, when I was overwhelmed with my own four children, I knew there needed to be a special conference just for moms. It would be filled with inspiration to mamas could understand that the discipleship of their children would invest in eternal results and that their call was of supreme importance to God. I also wanted it to be in a lovely hotel, there would be chocolate, a lovely luncheon and lots of grace, not guilt, and fun friendships the whole weekend. Now after serving almost 36,000 women, I see the need more than ever. That is why I want to encourage moms to come and join us. I also want to give away a free conference ticket to any of the three locations. (For more information, go HERE.) If you have already registered and you win, we will refund your money.
Here’s what other moms are saying about Mom Heart Conferences and how they have impacted their lives:
“I’m not sure why I’m so surprised each year- its inevitable and hits hard time and time again: that let down feeling after Christmas, when all the beauty of the season is packed away, the twinkling lights back in their bins, every gift opened, long anticipated celebrations have passed. A bit of loneliness always sets in as I look ahead to the dark months of winter still before me; the season of winter without Christmas. I am so thankful that Sally knew this season is universally difficult for moms, that in the darkest months we crave light; crave community and encouragement and laughter. The Mom Heart conferences have become an anchor in my winter season, right in the midst of the time of year when I feel most depleted and unsure of myself, I know I can gather with other mothers, be built up and made ready to return home refreshed and excited to love on my family and create beauty and life giving rhythms in my home. If you are feeling that post- Christmas slump creep in this week, if you feel alone, if you aren’t sure how to pursue all you long for in your mothering, I’d love for you to join us this year in Denver, California or Texas! Your heart will be made strong and you will be ready to keep going in your journey as a mom.” – Kristen Kill, blogger and editor, New York, NY.
“I love MomHeart Conferences because I know God is faithful to meet me there, no matter what frame of mind I show up in. He gracefully takes my baggage from me the moment I walk in the doors. He speaks life giving words into my soul, he fans the flame of the dreams I’ve been dreaming for my family and he reminds me that he is a God in the business of making the impossible become possible. Through Sally’s example of a faith filled and devoted life, God speaks to the very core of who I am as a mother. He reminds me I am created to create life and cultivate beauty, to invest with intentional purpose and to call into existence what isn’t yet. I always leave feeling renewed in my purpose to steward my children for the glory of God and his purposes.” -Jennifer Kindle, Texas
“The anticipation of attending a MomHeart Conference can carry my spirit a long way. Just knowing that I will be gathering with other women who are busy, exhausted, overwhelmed yet totally in love with their calling of being a mom and discipler to their children spurs me on in the trenches of everyday life. Once the conference begins, it’s like God brings a little Heavenly oasis to earth and for those two days, my soul is filled with nuggets to take back to my home, family, and ministry. I truly feel like an ambassador who has been given the charge of taking the wisdom and encouragement from Sally’s messages back into a world that has lost its way; implementing her wisdom into my family, sharing her encouragement with my friends, and taking her words to moms who are alone. That is my mission for attending MomHeart conferences.” -Renee Parris, North Carolina,
“Sally Clarkson taught me that my children are my ministry. You wouldn’t think I needed a reminder but each year at the mom heart conference, I am grateful she reminds me!
I need to go so she can fill my cup to overflowing so I can pass that on to others.” Tami Cooke, Richardson, TX
I attended my first conference in 2000 in Dallas . I was pregnant with my fourth child and quite overwhelmed by life.”Having been raised in a broken home I lacked the tools to parent well. Furthermore I was a spiritual babe but longing for more for my family. It was that first conference that convinced me whatever the Clarkson family was doing worked! As their children participated in various parts of the conference I saw fruit in their lives. As Sarah, who was 16 then, shared, I knew I wanted the same for my oldest daughter who was then 8. Every year since I have attended a conference. As I embraced the ideals presented of living a life of faith I began to see fruit in our own lives. Fourteen years later I still need the encouragement and inspiration that comes from gathering with like minded moms and hearing inspiring talks on living a life of faith. I hope you will consider coming as an investment in your family!” – Pam Graves, mother of 5
Today I’m also giving away some of my favorite books from Whole Heart ministries!
You can enter in the rafflecopter below to win a bundle of books containing ALL our ministry favorites: The Mission of Motherhood, The Ministry of Motherhood, Our 24 Family Ways, Educating the Whole Hearted Child, Seasons of a Mother’s Heart and Desperate: Hope for the Mom Who Needs to Breathe!
And to celebrate the release of my newest book, Own Your Life, I’m giving away 10 Copies today!
I’m so honored to be sharing about my new book at the blogs and podcasts of some of my sweet friends today. Visit Sarah Mae, Crystal, Kat, Heather and Chrystal and enter to win the give-aways they are sharing today!
And Tonight, join Crystal Paine, Sarah Mae, Angela Perritt and I in a webcast! You can even tweet along and join us in a live conversation. I would love to have you there.
a Rafflecopter giveaway