
Mamiya 6 - Fuji 400H - An early winter settles into French Creek State Park. Chester County, Pennsylvania.

Mamiya 6 - Kodak Ektar - Morning light in Sand Harbor. Lake Tahoe, California.

Mamiya 6 - Kodak Portra 800 - Cape Meares along the Oregon coast.

Mamiya 6 - Kodak Ektar - Death Valley from the Dante’s View overlook. Death Valley, California.

Mamiya 6 - Kodak Portra 800 -Yosemite Valley on Thanksgiving in 2012.

Mamiya 6 - Kodak Portra 160NC - Somewhere along the coast a few hours north of San Francisco.

Mamiya 6 - Kodak Portra 800 - My wife enjoying a quiet moment somewhere deep in the Jedediah Smith Redwoods in Northern California.

Hasselblad 500CM - Kodak Ektar - A cabin in Valley Forge National Park. Valley Forge, Pennsylvania.

Mamiya 6 - Kodak Ektar - A storage shed that caught my eye while hiking down the trail to Vikingsholm Castle in Lake Tahoe, California.

Hasselblad 500CM - Fuji Pro160S - Watkins Glen Gorge Trail. Wakins Glen, New York.

Soft Light Landscapes By Dave Waddel

Cameras: Mamiya 6, Hasselblad 500cm
Film: Kodak Portra, Kodak Ektar, Fujicolor Pro

Dave on shooting film:

“There are so many reasons really, most of which I am sure have been mentioned by others.  The look is beautiful obviously, the color palette, the grain, the softness…I love all of those qualities.  Though, even more important to me than the look is the awareness and deliberate nature that it brings to the way I shoot, you are so much more invested in each shot (figuratively and literally).  I also like knowing that I am creating a negative, something real and tangible…not just a jpeg floating out there to be forgotten about or deleted.  I have come to really love the space that shooting film creates between the act of taking the photo and reviewing it. As painstaking and frustrating as the wait may sometimes be, I feel that it is so important to reviewing your work with a more critical, fresh and unbiased eye.  Not to mention the fun surprises that you sometimes find.  And honestly, experimenting with all the different combinations of cameras, lenses, formats and film stocks is so much fun…way more interesting than the somewhat homogeneous world of 35mm digital cameras.  I could go on and on but I think you get the point.  Personally for me, film just provides a much more rewarding artistic and photographic experience, while also providing a look that I am personally, really drawn to.  Digital surely has it’s benefits and advantages…but all while being a bit cold, empty and sterile.”

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