
Your Vote Counts!

It seems like all the media is glued on the presidential election as if there was nothing else to vote for this year. But if choosing President is not your thing, this year there’s plenty more for you to choose from in that special mailer coming to you from King County Elections.

There is a $50M bond, a $53.8B bond, 2 County measures, 9 state-wide issues, 3 Federal offices, 9 State offices, 3 district offices and a handful of court positions. Don’t delay getting up to speed and ready to vote!

Unlike the presidential election which is determined state by state in the Electoral College, each vote COUNTS in these elections, races and ballot measures.

For detailed information about the 2016 election, including access to on-line Voter Guides, go to kingcounty.gov/depts/elections. But for a teaser, see our summary of the Issaquah Highlands ballot below:

Qualifications required to register to vote:

A citizen of the United States.

A legal resident of Washington State.

At least 18 years old by the next election.

Not under the authority of the Department of Corrections

Not disqualified from voting due to a court order

And to register on line, you must have a current Washington State driver license, permit or ID card

(You may register in person with a SSN if you do not have the above identifications.)

On our Ballot this Year:

City of Issaquah
Proposition #1

Traffic Improvement Bonds

The Issaquah City Council adopted Ordinance No. 2774, regarding voter approval for financing traffic improvements. If approved, this propostion authorizes the City to finance capital projects designed to reduce congestion, enhance safety, and improve local streets and related amenities. It would authorize issuance of no more than $50,000,000 of general obligation bonds maturing within 25 years to be repaid by the annual levy of excess property taxes, all as provided in Ordinance No. 2774.

Should this proposition be approved?
Yes / No

[Requirement to pass: 60% yes vote and a minimum turnout equal to 2,666 voters (Washington Constitution, art. VII, sec. 2(b))]

Sound Transit (A Regional Transit Authority)
Proposition No. 1
Light-Rail, Commuter-Rail, and Bus Service Expansion

The Sound Transit Board passed Resolution No. R2016-17 concerning expansion of mass transit in King, Pierce, and Snohomish counties. This measure would expand light-rail, commuter-rail, and bus rapid transit service to connect population and growth centers, and authorize Sound Transit to levy or impose: an additional 0.5% sales and use tax; a property tax of $0.25 or less per $1,000 of assessed valuation; and additional 0.8% motor-vehicle excise tax; and use existing taxes to fund the local share of the $53.8 billion estimated cost (including inflation), with continuing independent audits, as described in the Mass Transit Guide and Resolution No. R2016-17. Should this measure be:
Approved / Rejected

King County
Charter Amendment No. 1
Nonpartisan Prosecuting Attorney

Shall the King County Charter be amended to make the elected office of King County prosecuting attorney nonpartisan?
Yes / No

Charter Amendment No. 2
Gender-Neutral Language

Shall the King County Charter be amended to make its language gender-neutral?
Yes / No

State Measures

Initiative Measure No. 1433 Concerns labor standards.

Initiative Measure No. 1464 Concerns campaign finance laws and lobbyists.

Initiative Measure No. 1491 Concerns court-issued extreme risk protection orders temporarily preventing access to firearms.

Initiative Measure No. 1501 Concerns seniors and vulnerable individuals (re: identity and fraud).

Initiative Measure No. 732 Concerns (carbon emission) taxes.

Initiative Measure No. 735 Concerns a proposed amendment to the federal constitution (re: individuals – corporations, speech and money).

Advisory Vote No. 14 (re: a tax increase, HB 2768)

Advisory Vote No. 15 (re: limitations on tax exemptions HB 2778)

Proposed Amendments to the Constitution

Senate Joint Resolution No. 8210 Concerns the deadline for completing state legislative and congressional redistricting.

Washington State Offices


Jay Inslee (Prefers Democratic Party)

Bill Bryant (Prefers Republican Party)

Lieutenant Governor

Cyrus Habib (Prefers Democratic Party)

Marty McClendon (Prefers Republican Party)

Secretary of State

Kim Wyman (Prefers Republican Party)

Tina Podlodowski (Prefers Democratic Party)

State Treasurer

Duane Davidson (Prefers Republican Party)

Michael Waite (Prefers Republican Party)

State Auditor

Mark Miloscia (Prefers Republican Party)

Pat (Patrice) McCarthy (Prefers Democratic Party)

Attorney General

Bob Ferguson (Prefers Democratic Party)

Joshua B. Trumbull (Prefers Libertarian Party)

Commissioner of Public Lands

Steve McLaughlin (Prefers Republican Party)

Hilary Franz  (Prefers Democratic Party)

Superintendent of Public Instruction

Erin Jones

Chris Reykdal

Insurance Commissioner

Mike Kreidler (Prefers Democratic Party)

Richard Schrock (Prefers Republican Party)

Legislative District 5

State Senator

Mark Mullet (Prefers Democratic Party)

Chad Magendanz (Prefers Republican Party)

Representative Position 1

Jay Rodne (Prefers Republican Party)

Jason Ritchie (Prefers Dem/Working Family Party)

Representative Position 2

Paul Graves (Prefers Republican Party)

Darcy Burner (Prefers Democratic Party)

Federal Offices

US Senator

Patty Murray (Prefers Democratic Party)

Chris Vance (Prefers Republican Party)

Congressional District 8 US Representative

Dave Reichert (Prefers Republican Party)

Tony Ventrella (Prefers Democratic Party)

Also see several judicial branch elections:

Supreme Court

Superior Court

District Court

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