
Visit Stop the Jew-Hatred on Campus.

1. Brooklyn College (CUNY)

2. San Diego State University

3. San Francisco State University

4. Tufts University

5.  University of California Berkeley

6.  University of California Irvine

7.  University of California Los Angeles

8.  University of Chicago

9.  University of Tennessee Knoxville

10. Vassar College

(Note: the schools are listed in alphabetical order)


Across America college campuses are being flooded with pro-terrorist propaganda by groups supported by college administrators and student funds. These groups are led by Students for Justice in Palestine but they include the broad coalitions of the left which have become the breeding grounds for a new anti-Semitism. Boycott, Divest and Sanctions resolutions targeting the state of Israel for destruction are passed to chants of “Allahu Ahkbar,” while Jewish students are the targets of verbal and physical harassments which have reached epidemic proportions. This is a report on the 10 schools most supportive of the efforts of Students for Justice in Palestine and its allies, to demonize the state of Israel and bring about its destruction.

Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) portrays itself as a typical student organization and multicultural group advocating for “social justice” in the Middle East, but this image is a cleverly constructed disguise. Students for Justice in Palestine is not concerned about justice in Palestine where the Hamas regime steals hundreds of millions of dollars earmarked for humanitarian aid and uses it to dig terror tunnels whose only purpose is to murder Jews. In truth, SJP is a pro-terror organization that is funded by anti-Israel Hamas terrorists for the purpose of destroying Israel, the world’s only Jewish state, and committing genocide against its Jewish population as prescribed in the Hamas charter.

SJP is the chief promoter of the Hamas-inspired and funded Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign, a genocidal effort to strangle Israel’s democracy and make it vulnerable to its enemies. Among SJP’s many activities in the service of Hamas is its sponsorship of “Israeli Apartheid” weeks featuring Hamas and BDS supporters as campus speakers and advancing the false claim that Israel is a racist state like South Africa and deserves to be destroyed. As part of the “Israeli Apartheid” hate weeks, SJP constructs “apartheid walls” in campus quads. These walls feature pro-Hamas, anti-Semitic propaganda, and celebrate notorious terrorists like Hamas-founder Sheik Yassin, who ordered the murder of nearly 400 Jews before his death. SJP creates mock checkpoints and die-ins that obstruct student movements on campus, disrupts pro-Israel campus events, and has physically assaulted Jewish students. In these activities, SJP functions as the most prominent pro-terrorist, anti-Jewish organization in America, and provides a key recruiting tool for terrorists in the Middle East who are seeking to obliterate the only democracy in the Middle East and its Jews.

SJP’s pro-terror campaign is guided and funded through a Hamas front called American Muslims for Palestine, whose principals were defendants in the Holy Land Foundation trial in which they were found to be funneling charitable contributions to Hamas. In recent testimony before the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Jonathan Schanzer, who worked as a terrorism finance analyst for the United States Department of the Treasury from 2004-2007, and now serves as the Vice President of the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies (FDD), described how Hamas funnels large sums of money and provides material assistance to Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) through a Hamas front group called American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) for the purpose of promoting BDS campaigns on American campuses.

AMP was created by Hatem Bazian, a pro-terrorist professor at UC Berkeley who is also the co-founder of SJP. Schanzer describes AMP as “arguably the most important sponsor and organizer for Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), which is the most visible arm of the BDS campaign on campuses in the United States.”  He details how AMP “provides speakers, training, printed materials, a so-called ‘Apartheid Wall,’ and grants to SJP activists” and “even has a campus coordinator on staff whose job is to work directly with SJP and other pro-BDS campus groups across the country.”  Furthermore, “according to an email it sent to subscribers, AMP spent $100,000 on campus activities in 2014 alone.”

The following report describes the typical activities of SJP, which is officially recognized and financially supported by its host universities. Thus the 10 universities singled out in this report (the total number hosting SJP and related organizations is well over 100) are supporting an anti-Semitic, pro-terror campaign, which is hostile not only to Israel and its Jews but to the United States of America as well. This presence of a genocidal, terrorist support movement on elite campuses across America is probably the most under-reported story of our times.

The Top Ten Schools Supporting Terrorists

Brooklyn College:

Brooklyn College, one of several schools making up the City University of New York (CUNY) system, is home to one of the most active and extreme SJP chapters in the nation. Brooklyn College SJP has posted articles and videos online defending terrorism including an advertisement titled “The Third Intifada” on its Facebook page. It has hosted multiple speakers on the Hamas-inspired Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement, and even an event to discuss its policy of refusing to dialogue or establish “normalization” with pro-Israel organizations and students. A gang of 10 anti-Israel activists recently stormed a campus faculty meeting, calling one faculty member a “Zionist pig” and issuing demands for “Zionists off campus.”

Supporting Evidence:

May 15, 2016: Brooklyn College SJP held a demonstration at City Hall Park in New York to commemorate “Al-Nakba.” Nakba is an Arabic term meaning “catastrophe” that is used by Hamas and its supporters to describe the creation of Israel. For the record, Israel was created by the United Nations on land that belonged to the Turks (who are not Arabs, let alone “Palestinians”) for 400 years previously. Israel was created in the same way Lebanon, Jordan, Syria and Iraq were created, without becoming the targets of terrorist aggression.

“Nakba Day”: https://www.facebook.com/events/1720235081568888/

April 15, 2016: The Doctoral Students Council of the City University of New York (CUNY), of which Brooklyn College is a subsidiary, voted 42-19-9 in favor of a resolution calling for a boycott of “Israeli academic institutions for as long as the Israeli state continues to violate Palestinian rights under international law,” thereby endorsing the Hamas-inspired BDS movement and its false claims that Israel violates Palestinian rights. In fact, the million plus Arabs who are Israeli citizens have more rights than the Arabs of any other Middle Eastern state, including the territories of the West Bank and Gaza.


April 03, 2016: Brooklyn College SJP posted an article defending terrorism and the BDS movement.


February 17, 2016: A gang of approximately 10 anti-Israel activists stormed a campus faculty meeting, calling one faculty member a “Zionist pig” and issuing demands for “Zionists off campus” and for an end to supposedly “racist” course offerings. Some of the faculty present applauded the student demands.


November 26, 2015: Brooklyn College SJP shared a video link on its Facebook page purporting to show the “loss of land” that occurred through a series of maps as Jews allegedly colonized Palestine. These fraudulent maps which begin with a map showing a non-existent “Palestine” in 1947, were created by Hamas to justify its terrorist war against the Jewish state.


November 18, 2015: Brooklyn College SJP invited students to attend an event held at the CUNY graduate center titled: “Against Apartheid: The Case for Boycotting Israeli Universities.” The event advertisement promises it will be a “vital discussion on the importance—and challenges—of boycotting Israeli universities.”https://www.facebook.com/events/516617388505585/

November 17, 2015: SJP held a “Normalization Workshop” to discuss why SJP refuses to dialogue with pro-Israel students and groups on campus.  This refusal to allow any discussion with groups supporting Israel is in line with the policies of Hamas and in direct conflict with the aims of a liberal arts university. https://www.facebook.com/events/1664985343748231/

November 12, 2015: Brooklyn College SJP endorsed a statement from the SJP contingent of the “Million Student March” which describes CUNY’s leadership as “the Zionist administration” and uses Hamas terminology to claim that it “reproduces settler-colonial ideology throughout CUNY through Zionist content of education.” The statement also refers to Israel as “occupied Palestine.” The reference to “Palestine” is to a political entity that has never existed in the fourteen hundred year history of the Middle East from the time of Mohammed. It is a Hamas fabrication. https://www.facebook.com/events/1727689847462158/

November 04, 2015: In an event sponsored by Brooklyn College SJP, Canadian-Israeli journalist David Sheen gave a talk on “Israel & Palestine: The Bullet, the Ballot and the Boycott,” during which he repeated common Hamas libels attacking Israel as a racist state and “theocracy” that is attempting to start a “race war” through “burning babies” and other acts of violence against Arabs and blacks.


November 02, 2015: Brooklyn College SJP co-sponsored a vigil at the Metropolitan Correctional Center in New York City in support of the “Holy Land Five,” high level employees of the Holy Land Foundation who were convicted of funneling millions to Hamas. https://www.facebook.com/events/1057428320947769/

October 08, 2015: Brooklyn College SJP posted an online poster labeled “The Third Intifada” on its Facebook page. While “Intifada” literally means “shaking off,” it is the name assigned by terrorists to their suicide bombing and stabbing attacks against Jewish civilians in Israel. https://www.facebook.com/BrooklynSJP/photos/a.436662053073476.96405.383132888426393/913946182011725/?type=3&theater

October 07, 2015: Brooklyn College SJP held a “die-in” on campus to accuse Israel of murdering Palestinian civilians as part of an international “Day of Rage.” The fake corpses were covered in fake blood with signs around their necks accusing Israel of various crimes. One sign read “This is just a fraction of life under Israeli Apartheid.”  The protest was accompanied by numerous chalked slogans, including some endorsing the BDS movement such as “Boycott Israel.”https://www.facebook.com/BrooklynSJP/posts/914031238669886

March 25, 2015: Anti-Semitic graffiti reading “Jews – root of all evil” was found in a men’s bathroom stall in the Brooklyn College library.

2012-Present: Brooklyn College SJP members and their supporters at Brooklyn College expressed vehement Jew hatred and support for anti-Israel terrorism on social media. SJP member Ayah Aly tweeted such sentiments as “Anyone supporting Israel is living in a constant state of delusion. Exterminate yourselves” and “If you’re a zionist, you israeli the lowest piece of scum on earth.”  She also tweeted that “Jews” are one of the “top10thingsIhate” and claimed that the United States government was behind the 9/11 attacks, stating on twitter “NeverForget this day, 14 years ago,when the U.S Government conspired against its’ own Country and blamed it on Islam.”

Brooklyn College graduate student Raja Abdulhaq wrote on Facebook that “It’s very important to always remember that Western colonial powers are as guilty as Israel in the mass-murder of Palestinians, especially the USA.” He also condoned anti-Israel terrorism, sharing on Facebook that “If you preach about popular resistance by calling it ‘non-violent’ resistance in the international arena and indirectly condemn other forms of resistance, mainly armed, then you don’t represent Palestine.”

San Diego State University:

San Diego State University made national headlines last spring when SJP members and their supporters held University President Elliot Hirshman hostage for two hours because they were outraged that he refused to condemn anti-BDS posters put up by the David Horowitz Freedom Center on the grounds that they were speech protected by the First Amendment. They joined Muslim Brotherhood front CAIR and Al Sharpton’s National Action Network in calling for the resignation of President Hirshman.

SDSU is home to a highly active BDS campaign supported by at least eleven leftist campus organizations. A school-wide referendum on a BDS resolution garnered a majority of votes, but not the 2/3 supermajority needed for passage. SDSU-SJP has also followed Hamas’s policy of refusing the “normalization” of relations with pro-Israel groups by barring Students Supporting Israel (SSI) from signing a statement encouraging greater inclusion of Muslims on campus.

Supporting Evidence:

November 23, 2015: After a Muslim student was assaulted on campus, the pro-Israel group Students Supporting Israel (SSI) attempted to co-sign a petition to make the campus more inclusive for Muslims. SDSU-SJP refused to allow them to co-sign the statement, on the grounds that it “didn’t serve the interests of the community.” SSI reported that “Out of the over 30 organizations that had signed the document, SSI was the only organization to be excluded from the statement.” This refusal to allow the “normalization” of relations with pro-Israel groups and individuals is a key tenet of Hamas’s political philosophy.

October 19, 2015: SDSU-SJP endorsed a statement from the Uhuru Solidarity Movement which condoned anti-Israel terrorism as “resistance against the oppressive Zionist entity” and stated “LONG LIVE THE INTIFADA” – the terrorist campaign against Israeli Jews.

October 11, 2015: SDSU hosted the Fifth Annual Students for Justice in Palestine National Conference. The event featured convicted terrorist Rasmeah Odeh as a keynote speaker and several workshops promoting the Hamas-inspired BDS campaign against Israel.
http://www.thedailyaztec.com/70197/news/activists-for-palestine-host-national-conference-at- sdsu/

April 09, 2015: Over 3,000 SDSU students participated in a university-wide referendum on BDS against Israel. A majority of students (53%) voted for the measure but it failed because a 2/3 majority is required for passage. The BDS movement is a Hamas-inspired and funded campaign to destroy the state of Israel through economic strangulation and isolation.

April 06, 2015: Eleven student organizations signed a pro-BDS statement printed in the campus newspaper, The Daily Aztec. The organizations included the Arab Student Association, International Socialist Organization, Jewish Voice for Peace, Muslim Student Association, and Students for Justice in Palestine. The statement echoed Hamas’s propaganda line, claiming that Israel is conducting a “violent, illegal occupation of Palestine,” and referring to Israel’s defensive military campaign Operation Protective Edge – which was a response to thousands of Hamas rockets fired into civilian areas – as a “massacre” of Palestinians.

April 05, 2015: In the wake of a student government vote on BDS, anti-Semitic and genocidal remarks were made on the local social media site Yik Yak including “Heil Hitler” and “SDSU divest so we can get rid of the Jews.”

March 24, 2015: SDSU SJP released a video supporting BDS Against Israel. The video featured numerous SDSU students explaining why they support the BDS campaign.

January 21, 2015: SDSU Divest launched its BDS campaign against Israel.

November 6, 2014: SDSU SJP violated the Student Code of Conduct by dropping leaflets from the top of several campus buildings meant to simulate an Israeli air strike.  According to the campus paper, “The papers fluttering to the ground were meant to resemble leaflets dropped over Gaza ordering Palestinians to flee the region because of an imminent air strike.” http://www.thedailyaztec.com/59442/daily-aztec-stories/sjp-drops-leaflets-on-sdsu-campus/#sthash.MRknXAbk.dpuf

April 09, 2014: Nirit Revzin, president of Aztecs for Israel, wrote in a campus newspaper column: “I have been rejected numerous times in creating a dialogue toward progress or cooperating with Students for Justice in Palestine, as I have been told ‘SJP officers do not socialize with sympathizers of a brutal apartheid state.’”  This refusal to allow the “normalization” of relations with Israel or pro-Israel groups is a key tenet of Hamas’s strategy.

San Francisco State University:

San Francisco State University (SFSU) has repeatedly enabled the most extreme actions of its General Union of Palestinian Students (GUPS), a group closely resembling Students for Justice in Palestine, once led by SJP founder Hatem Bazian. This past April, GUPS disrupted a speech by the Mayor of Jerusalem, Nir Barkat, by shouting exhortations to terrorist violence and succeeded in curtailing his address. The demonstrators shouted “Intifada,” a call for terrorism against Israel, and chanted “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!” a call for the obliteration of the Jewish state. The former president of GUPS wrote dozens of social media posts threatening violence to pro-Israel students, Israelis, the IDF and others. He also praised Hamas and the violent Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP).

GUPS holds annual Israeli Apartheid Weeks which demonize Israel as an apartheid state and commemorate the founding of Israel as “al-Nakba” or “the catastrophe.” The faculty advisor for GUPS, Prof. Rabab Abdulhadi, met with terrorists Leila Khaled and Sheikh Raed Salah during a university-funded trip to the Middle East. (Khaled is a convicted hijacker and a member of the terrorist organization, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, and Sheikh Raed Salah has been repeatedly jailed on charges of incitement to terrorist violence.) When questioned about the trip, San Francisco State administrators denied that Abdulhadi’s trip was an improper use of university funds. Abdulhadi also helped to broker a formal collaboration between SFSU and An-Najah National University in Palestine, which is known for its recruitment of students as cadre for Hamas and as suicide bombers.

Supporting Evidence:

April 12, 2016: SFSU hosted a tour created by National SJP called “Right 2 Education,” featuring two speakers from Birzeit University in Palestine.  Birzeit is well known for hosting Hamas rallies and Hamas recently beat out rival party Fatah in student elections there. During the event, the student speakers defended terrorism claiming that acts such as knife attacks on unarmed civilians were merely efforts to “bring attention” to the alleged plight of Palestinians. The speakers praised the genocidal BDS campaign against Israel, and attempted to delegitimize the Israeli state by falsely claiming that Jews “fabricate our history to make it look like they have a right to exist in our country” and that “Israel was built to be a racist state.”

April 06, 2016: The SFSU General Union of Palestinian Students (GUPS) disrupted a speech by the Mayor of Jerusalem, Nir Barkat, by shouting exhortations to terrorist violence and succeeded in curtailing his address. SFSU students involved in the protest entered the auditorium carrying Palestinian flags and wearing checkered kaffiyehs which are associated with anti-Israel terrorism. The demonstrators then proceeded to shout “Intifada,” and chanted “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!” a slogan falsely claiming that Israel is Palestine (Israel is bounded by the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea) and should be destroyed.

When SFSU President Wong called for an investigation into the protestors who shut down Barkat’s speech, GUPS responded by calling Wong’s request an “attack on pro-Palestine protestors” that “criminalize[s] anti-racist speech on campus.”



February 23, 2016: GUPS at SFSU held a rally in solidarity with Mohammed Al-Qeeq, a Palestinian journalist who was arrested and detained by Israel.  According to the Associated Press, “Israel’s Shin Bet security service says al-Qeeq is involved in terrorism activities linked to the militant Hamas movement.”

October 14, 2015: GUPS at SFSU promoted a community protest on its Facebook page supporting terrorism and the Hamas goal of destroying Israel. GUPS’s endorsement stated in part: “The General Union of Palestine Students – GUPS-SFSU supports the uprisings in Palestine! We Stand with our Brothers and Sisters in the streets, and we will find victory! …  End to the Zionist State! End to the killings of our Men, Women and Children in cold blood! End to the colonist empire! We will not be silenced!”

September 21, 2015: GUPS at SFSU held a protest and die-in called “From Sabra to Syria: My Homeland is not a Suitcase.” One student lay on the ground holding a mock Israeli flag with “Stop Settler Colonialism” scrawled across it, an echo of the Hamas claim that the Jews have “colonized” Palestine, a blatant historical falsehood, since the land on which Israel was created belonged to the Turks (who are neither Arabs nor Palestinians) for 400 years previously.

May 8, 2015: GUPS at SFSU held an event to commemorate the “Nakba,” an Arabic word meaning “catastrophe” that Hamas and its supporters use to describe the creation of Israel. A poster for the event stated “67 years later al-nakba continues. Join GUPS in honoring Palestinian resilience.”

April 17, 2015: GUPS at SFSU held “Israeli Apartheid Week” on campus. The poster for the event stated, “Together we rise against colonialism,” repeating Hamas’s mendacious position that the Arab nation of “Palestine” was colonized by Jews. The event included the display of a mock “apartheid wall” painted with anti-Israel propaganda.


Fall 2014: SFSU Professor Rabab Abdulhadi, faculty advisor to GUPS who took a university- sponsored trip to the Middle East where she met with terrorists Leila Khaled and Sheikh Raed Salah, posted on her Facebook page, “Today San Francisco State University’s All University Committee on International Programs unanimously voted to recommend that SF State formally collaborate with An-Najah National University in Nablus, Palestine. This is the first time that SFSU will collaborate with any university in a Palestinian, Arab or Muslim community.” The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has written of An-Najah University, “Today the student council of An-Najah is known for its advocacy of anti-Israel violence and its recruitment of Palestinian college students into terrorist groups. The council, almost completely controlled by factions loyal to Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Fatah, glorifies suicide bombings and propagandizes for jihad against Israel. Hamas has described An-Najah as a ‘greenhouse for martyrs.’”

November 5, 2014: GUPS at SFSU held the 7th Annual Edward Said Mural Celebration. Among the event’s speakers was UC Berkeley professor Hatem Bazian, a former leader of GUPS and co-founder of Students for Justice in Palestine, who, during speech at an anti-war rally in San Francisco in 2004, called for an “Intifada” in America: “Well, we’ve been watching [an] Intifada in Palestine, we’ve been watching an uprising in Iraq [against the United States], and the question is what are we doing? How come we don’t have an Intifada in this country? Because it seem[s] to me, that we are comfortable in where we are, watching CNN, ABC, NBC, Fox, and all these mainstream … giving us a window to the world while the world is being managed from Washington, from New York, from every other place in here in San Francisco: Chevron, Bechtel, Carlyle Group, Halliburton; every one of those lying, cheating, stealing, deceiving individuals are in our country and we’re sitting here and watching the world pass by, people being bombed, and it’s about time that we have an Intifada in this country that changes fundamentally the political dynamics in here. And we know … they’re gonna say some Palestinian [is] being too radical. Well, you haven’t seen radicalism yet!”

February 2014: SFSU General Union of Palestinian Students (GUPS) President Mohammad G. Hammad was exposed as having written a number of threatening social media posts describing his wish to attack students, teachers and Israeli soldiers and to ally himself with anti-Israel terrorists including the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). Hammad’s posts include: A photo of himself holding a large knife with the caption: “I seriously cannot get over how much I love this blade. It is the sharpest thing I own and cuts through everything like butter and just holding it makes me want to stab an Israeli soldier…” “I think about killing a lot.  And some of you are usually the targets of my daydreams J.” “You know what?  Israelis ARE colonizers, there is literally no way around it. And you know what else?  My heroes have always killed colonizers. I literally see nothing wrong with this. And my only regret is that not all colonizers were killed.”

In response to a poster that asked “how can I help actively support Palestine,” Hammad responded “Buy a keffieyh. Learn to tie it around your head…get in touch with some PFLP militants or arms dealers in the West Bank. Learn IDF patrol routes…BOOM.” “Let’s play a game. Objective: Kill U.S. Soldiers. Goal: world peace.” “The number of times I have legitimately considered flying back to the Middle East and joining the armed wing of the PFLP or something is surprisingly high.” “I think about the time I tried to be – moderate – and advocate for non-violence and honestly I just want to go back in time and slit my own throat/and then the throats of all my enemies before they grow up into the shits they are today.” “Oh/And tomorrow is [hopefully] the day that I find out if I will be the President of the General Union of Palestine at my school/…Hopefully I’ll be able to radicalize half of our population and bring them back with me as fighters.”

After Jewish groups and the media exposed his postings, Hammad eventually left campus and was placed under investigation by the Joint Terrorism Task Force and the FBI.

December 5, 2013: During an “emergency rally” held by GUPS at SFSU, the phrase “My Heroes Have Always Killed Colonizers” was written with chalk on the concrete stage at Malcolm X Plaza. The same phrase, referring to the Hamas assertion that Jews have colonized Arab Palestine and must be exterminated, is also written on a sign at a display table during the “Edward Said Mural Celebration.” Said was a Columbia professor who was a member of the Palestinian Liberation Organization’s Palestinian National Council until 1991 when he resigned because he thought the terrorist Yasser Arafat’s policies were too moderate towards Israel.

Tufts University

Tufts University hosted the SJP National Conference in 2014 at which students were instructed how and when to take “direct action” against supporters of Israel. Tufts SJP has repeatedly condoned anti-Israel terrorism in its published works and statements and holds an annual “Israeli Apartheid” hate week during which the Hamas-inspired BDS movement against Israel is promoted. Tufts SJP also attempted to delegitimize supporters of Israel by labeling the pro-Israel campus group Students Supporting Israel “literally a hate group.”

Supporting Evidence:

June 02, 2016: Tufts SJP added its name to a letter from SJP National protesting a decision by the San Francisco State University administration to investigate the actions of a pro-Palestinian group known as the General Union of Palestinian Students (GUPS) who disrupted a speech by the Mayor of Jerusalem, Nir Barkat, on April 6th by shouting exhortations to terrorist violence. SFSU students involved in the protest entered the auditorium carrying Palestinian flags and wearing checkered kaffiyehs which are associated with anti-Israel terrorism. The demonstrators then proceeded to shout “Intifada,” a call for terrorism against Israel, and chanted “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!” a slogan advocating for the destruction of Israel.

The letter signed by Tufts SJP stated: “We condemn SFSU President’s pledge to open a ‘full investigation’ into the protest and condemn the President’s pledge to prevent peaceful student dissent in the future. Such actions create a chilling effect undermining activism and freedom of speech for students advocating for justice and freedom in Palestine.”

April 09, 2016: Tufts SJP praised Columbia University SJP for disrupting a talk by the Mayor of Jerusalem Nir Barakat. According to an account posted by Columbia SJP, “We organized an action to shed light on his promotion of VIOLENCE, APARTHEID and ETHNIC CLEANSING of Palestinians.”

March 10, 2016: Tufts SJP held “Israeli Apartheid Week” on campus. During a demonstration, students distributed a publication called “Zintifada,” labeled on its website as “an independent publication of Tufts Students for Justice in Palestine,” which supported Palestinian terrorism and violence against Israel, stating that “violence is acted upon by the powerless by the powerful. Let us not only recognize the right of the oppressed to defy, but let us also stand as allies in their struggle.” http://tuftsdaily.com/news/2016/03/10/students-for-justice-in-palestine-protest-occupation-as-part-of-israeli-apartheid-week/


March 04, 2016: Tufts SJP attempted to delegitimize supporters of Israel by labeling the pro-Israel campus group Students Supporting Israel “literally a hate group.” Such behavior is consistent with Hamas’s dictate to reject the “normalization” of relations with Israel and its supporters.

December 07, 2015: Tufts SJP held an event called “Palestinian Human Rights Now.” The Facebook graphic for the event featured an image of rockets with dollar signs dropping off a conveyer belt and the captions “US Taxpayers funded 670 million weapons for Israel between 2000 and 2009” and “During these years the Israeli military killed at least 2,960 unarmed Palestinians.” The poster made no mention of the numerous unprovoked rocket attacks by the Palestinians on Israel. There have been no unprovoked rocket attacks by Israel against Palestinians.

October 28, 2015: SJP members disrupted a “Taste of Israel” event held by the campus organization Friends of Israel by distributing flyers attacking Israel and labeling it an “apartheid” state. One flyer read: “Taste of Israeli Occupation” while another stated “Don’t dip into Israel apartheid.”

August 18, 2015: Two student organizations at Tufts, the Spoken Word Alliance at Tufts and Tufts Pan-African Alliance, added their signatures and support to the 2015 Black Solidarity Statement with Palestine. The statement endorses the Hamas-inspired BDS movement, demonizes and delegitimizes Israel, uses Hamas language to refer to the Israeli defensive action Operation Protective Edge as “last summer’s Gaza massacre,” and supports Hamas terrorism against Israel claiming that “US and Israeli officials and media criminalize our existence, portray violence against us as ‘isolated incidents,’ and call our resistance ‘illegitimate’ or ‘terrorism.’”

March 1-6, 2015: Tufts held Israeli Apartheid Week 2015 on campus. Events for the week included a panel on the “History, Tactics and Future of Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions,” and a “Conversation with Tufts Professors on Palestine” during which activists accused Israel of “apartheid,” “colonialism” and “racism” – accusations meant to delegitimize and demonize the Jewish state.

March 04, 2015: Tufts SJP hung a banner promoting the film “The Lab” in the main campus dining hall with the caption “Israeli weapons tried and tested on Palestinians.” This statement and film support the “blood libel” propagated by Hamas that Israel deliberately murders Palestinians, when it is in fact responding to a seventy year unprovoked aggression by Arabs on the Jewish state.https://www.facebook.com/TuftsSJP/photos/pb.209875379148801.-2207520000.1458578669./587178744751794/?type=3&theater

April 27, 2014: Tufts SJP staged a “die-in” on campus to protest an “Israeli Independence BBQ” which they claimed was held “on Nakba Day when hundreds of thousands were expelled or murdered 66 years ago.” The “Nakba” is an Arabic term meaning “catastrophe” which Hamas and its allies use to refer to the day of Israel’s founding. These are lies. Israel was attacked by five Arab states on the day of its creation, and the Arabs who fled did so at the behest of the Arab armies who promised them they could return when Israel was destroyed. Tufts SJP neglected to mention that on the day of Israel’s founding it was attacked by five Arab nations and that resulting deaths occurred in self-defense of the fledgling nation.

October 24-26, 2014: Tufts SJP hosted the Students for Justice in Palestine National Conference on campus. Panels held as part of the conference were designed to teach SJP activists how to take “direct action” to counter pro-Israel groups on campus. The conference program stated, “Presently, SJPs throughout the nation are pushing the limits of Palestine Solidarity, and understanding how civil disobedience works can strengthen any campaign’s pressure and salience… Understanding this tactic is crucial to a stronger and more versatile SJP that seeks to publicly challenge university administrations and student governments.”

A member of the national SJP steering committee which organized the conference, Ahmad Aburas, has publicly declared his support for Hamas on social media. One of the conference’s keynote speakers, Mohammad Desai, is the National Coordinator of BDS South Africa, and has defended South African BDS activists who chanted “shoot the Jew” at a pro-BDS protest.

March 05, 2014: As part of Israeli Apartheid Week demonstrations held on campus, Tufts SJP distributed mock eviction notices to student dorms which stated that “Eviction and demolition notices are routinely given to Palestinian families living under oppressive Israeli occupation for no reason other than their ethnic background.” In fact eviction notices are given to the families and supporters of terrorists who have actually carried out attacks on innocent civilians. Tufts SJP also constructed a mock apartheid wall and staged a mock eviction during which students were held blindfolded at gunpoint.

2010: The Tufts chapter of SJP was founded by Lucas Koerner who was later arrested for biting an Israeli police officer at the Jerusalem Day parade and who has compared Israel to Nazi Germany and stated that “Gaza is a concentration camp.” The organization’s motto supports the Hamas-inspired BDS movement and “resistance” which is a coded reference to Hamas terrorism: “Peace through justice. Equality through resistance. Humanity through BDS.”

University of California Berkeley:

UC-Berkeley is home to an extremist and highly active anti-Israel movement allied with Hamas terrorists. During a recent campus rally, students supporting the BDS movement chanted pro-terrorist slogans including “Let it be known that we here at Berkeley support the Intifada” and “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” – calls to kill Jews in Israel and destroy the Jewish state. Berkeley SJP shared an article on its Facebook page quoting a Fatah activist who declared “Call Me a Terrorist, but I’m No Different From Israeli Troops Defending Their Homeland.” Since the Arabs are the aggressors in the seventy-year war to destroy the Jewish state, this analogy is obviously false and self-serving.

The Berkeley campus has hosted numerous pro-BDS speakers including Omar Barghouti, founder of the Hamas inspired and funded boycott movement, and Remi Kanazi, an anti-Israel poet and BDS supporter. Berkeley is the academic home of Professor Hatem Bazian, Hamas supporter and co-founder of Students for Justice in Palestine.

Supporting Evidence:

June 28, 2016: UC Berkeley’s Center for Race & Gender offered a “Palestine De-Colonial Summer School” in Istanbul, Turkey. The program reinforced the Hamas narrative that Jews colonized a non-existent state called Palestine. Among the themes examined in the program were “Colonialism: settler colonialism and the meaning of de-colonization,” “Understanding Zionism, as a colonial, racial and Euro-centric Project,” and “The Palestinian Nakba and the dispossession.” A textbook of Hamas libels against the Jews.https://www.facebook.com/calsjp/posts/1040015702751457

May 16, 2016: UC Berkeley SJP shared several posts on Facebook commemorating the “Nakba,” an Arabic term meaning catastrophe that Hamas and its supporters use to refer to the creation of Israel and to commemorate the unprovoked aggressive war five Arab states launched against the tiny state on that day and have continued ever since.

March 31, 2016: Berkeley SJP held a “Die-in, March, and Speakout for Palestine” on campus. The Facebook notice for the event read, “We are dying-in and marching in solidarity with all Palestinians subjected to Israeli violence. Our action seeks to represent visually the people who have shed blood and tears at Israel’s hands in the West Bank, in Jerusalem, in Gaza, and worldwide.” The rally included the display of a large mock “apartheid wall” which featured anti-Israel slogans and pro-terrorist propaganda. One panel of the “apartheid wall” depicted all of Israel replaced with a Palestinian flag, implying that Israel should be replaced by an Arab state of Palestine and should no longer exist.

March 29, 2016: Berkeley SJP created a “mock checkpoint” on campus to demonize Israel and intimidate students as they attempted to cross the campus. The actual checkpoints have cut the number of Israeli civilians killed by Palestinian terrorists to near zero – a fact suppressed by SJP. During the demonstration, students impersonating Israeli soldiers with “IDF” written on the backs of their shirts, and armed with mock assault rifles, arrested those representing Palestinians, as though the IDF’s efforts were about oppressing Palestinians instead of defending innocent civilians.

March 8-10, 2016: UC Berkeley SJP held “Palestine Awareness Week” on campus, although events actually continued throughout the month of March. This week featured all the key propaganda points Hamas uses to justify its war of extermination against Israel’s Jews.

March 06, 2015: Three Berkeley professors–Rutie Adler, Hatem Bazian, and Samera Esmeir–were among the signatories to an op-ed printed in the Daily Californian supporting BDS resolutions on UC campuses and the Hamas-inspired effort to destroy the Jewish state.http://www.dailycal.org/2015/03/06/statement-uc-faculty-divestment-israel/

February 19, 2016: Berkeley SJP shared an article on its Facebook page defending Palestinian terrorism against Israel. The article focused on a Fatah activist who spent 23 years in prison for killing an Israeli. The activist is quoted as saying “Call Me a Terrorist, but I’m No Different From Israeli Troops Defending Their Homeland.” The inability to distinguish between a defender and an aggressor is characteristic of Hamas-SJP propaganda.

February 18, 2016: UC Berkeley hosted Dr. Jeff Halper for a talk on “War Against the People: Israel, the Palestinians, and Global Pacification.” The Facebook notice for the event repeated the Hamas blood libel claims that Israelis are using the “occupied territories” to test their experimental weapons: “Drawing on firsthand research, the author shows how the integration of militarized systems – databases, tracking civilian activity, automated targeting systems and unmanned drones – is perfected to sustain fear among the populace and how the Occupied Territories are used by Israel as a veritable weapon laboratory.” No mention was made by Halper of the fact that every time Israel withdraws its forces, as in Gaza, the vacuum is filled with Hamas terrorists firing rockets into Israeli schoolyards and digging multimillion dollar terror tunnels to carry out attacks in Israel.

November 16, 2015: Berkeley SJP hosted anti-Israel poet Remi Kanazi on campus. Kanazi has called Israel “a racist state built on stolen Palestinian land” that is “maintained through ethnic cleansing, occupation, bombing campaigns, draconian laws, settlements, outposts, colonizer roads, siege, blockade, chemical warfare, an apartheid wall, home demolitions, control of borders/imports/exports/water aquifers/air/sea/taxes/currency, the denial of family reunification, jailing of children, night raids, administrative detention, uprooting olive groves, restriction on movement, denying refugees the ability to return, and much more.”

October 14, 2015: UC Berkeley’s SJP chapter held a rally to support the “International Day of Action” for Palestine and the BDS movement against Israel at Sproul Plaza on campus. The Muslim Students Association co-sponsored the event. Featured speakers included SJP co-founder, Berkeley professor and Hamas-supporter Hatem Bazian. Speakers and participants at the event chanted pro-terrorist slogans including “Let it be known that we here at Berkeley support the Intifada” and “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.” The Intifada is the Arabic name for suicide attacks on Jews, and “from the river to the sea” means the obliteration of the Jewish state and its replacement by an Islamic totalitarian regime identical to the one that now exists in Gaza. A mock “apartheid wall” plastered with anti-Israel propaganda was displayed at the event, including the malicious and false accusation that “Israel massacred over 500 kids in Gaza.” During the rally, an SJP member grabbed a sign held by a pro-Israel student and then shoved that student.

September 18, 2015: Omar Barghouti, the founder of the Hamas-inspired and funded BDS movement against Israel, spoke at Berkeley. His talk was co-sponsored by SJP and by eight university departments including the Center for Race and Gender, Asian American Studies, Native American Studies, Ethnic Studies, English, Chicano Studies, Near Eastern Studies, and African American Studies. Barghouti’s speech was titled, “BDS: Academia’s Role in the Struggle for Freedom and Justice in Palestine,” and promoted the academic boycott of Israel.http://blog.adl.org/tags/omar-barghouti

February 4, 2015: A swastika was found on a “university-owned building on University Avenue.”

March 2, 2015: Genocidal graffiti was found in a campus restroom reading: “Zionists should be sent to the gas chamber.”

February 22, 2015: Berkeley SJP violated campus rules by distributing over 600 fake eviction notices to students in campus housing. SJP made clear that the campaign was in support of the Hamas-inspired BDS movement against Israel, stating in a press release that “With this action, we are calling on the UC Regents to honor the consensus in favor of divestment.”

January 30, 2015: UC Berkeley’s office for Equity, Inclusion and Diversity posted an article on its website titled “Rhetoric of racism, from Ferguson to Palestine” that defended Hamas terrorism, claiming that “Hamas is a political party that has been under siege, along with the entirety of the Gaza Strip, for the last seven years and under Israeli military occupation since 1967.” The article, which ignored the three aggressive wars condu

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