
After just celebrating the Feasts of the Lord this year at Messiah’s House, I am convinced more than ever that the feasts are for all of God’s children, both Jewish and Gentile believers alike, and that Christians are truly missing out on the hugely rich blessings and anointing’s of the Lord that are available to us during these special dates in God’s calendar.

Now, of course there is liberty here, and no one is twisting any bodies arm to reconnect to the feasts. But when we do, there is such a blessing to be released from the heavenlies to His children, that why wouldn’t we want to experience God in this way? You just had to witness the joy of the Lord upon all of the believers at Messiah’s House this year, as they reconnected to God through His Holy Feasts and their significance to us today as followers of Moshiach/Christ.

I am not Judaizing here as some may think, because Judaizing has nothing to do with Gentile believers associating to the Feasts, which nearly all believers did in the first century when the church was first established. Judaizing had to do with forcing Gentiles to follow the law of Moses, which they were not called or obligated to follow (Acts 15).

However, could it be that the church has been Gentile for so long now, that any re-association to our Jewish roots seems so foreign to us, that when we think of reconnecting here, we think we are abandoning our faith and crossing over into some kind of illegal territory? So why would there be a barrier to Christians celebrating God’s holy feast days, when God’s character is so clearly evidenced in each of them? Are we missing something here?

At Messiah’s House this year, we held three separate meetings—one for Rosh Hashanah, one for Yom Kippur and one for the Sukkot, The Feast of Tabernacles. At our Rosh Hashanah service, we teamed up with The 10 Days Prayer Movement in Connecticut (impactconnecticut.com), that is now emerging and catching like a wildfire across the USA, to mobilize the church to pray and intercede around the Feast days of the Lord. This was a spectacular meeting where the Holy Spirit led us to prophetically blow the shofar into the next Jubilee period, with three specific areas that He had us focus on through intercession:

The restoration of the one new man in the church

The transformation of the church into the fullness of its five-fold Ministry that is associated to its apostolic roots

The preparation of the bride to move His body into a deeper place of authority upon the earth

This Rosh Hashanah (year 5777) marked the end of the current year of Jubilee, but also began and introduced the next Jubilee period (Lev. 25:8-55).

On Yom Kippur, we celebrated the holiness of God through Yeshua/Jesus, and there was an awesome reverent presence of God in the house that led us into a sober place of repentance to come into the greater depths of His Spirit. Then on Tabernacles we celebrated the presence of the Lord through His Holy Spirit and focused on the traditional celebrations of the Jewish people through their light and water ceremonies before they were exiled from Jerusalem.

Yeshua/Jesus Himself used these traditions and ceremonies to proclaim that He was the light of the world, and to all who were thirsty, that He would release living waters (John 7-8).

On this night, we were both washed and filled by His presence, as His Shekinah glory filled the house. This was not church as usual; worship went on, prophecies flowed and then into the ministry of the Lord at the altar. A greater call went out to come higher, but also to take the keys of the kingdom that He is releasing to us in these days. As His Holy Temples, may we be filled with His presence, walk in His authority bearing much fruit for His kingdom and claim the souls that are to come in during these days through Israel’s spiritual awakening and the last great Harvest of the earth. I am always trying to point out to the church that these two focuses are intricately connected in our restoration of the one new man, with a natural outflow of salvation to the nations, as we re-align with Israel in the Spirit.

To listen or watch these messages, especially the shofar proclamation during our Rosh Hashanah service, please click here.

May the God of Israel richly bless you all in this new Jubilee period of our Lord.

Grant Berry is a Jewish believer in Yeshua/Jesus and author of The New Covenant Prophecy and The Ezekiel Generation. He founded Reconnecting Ministries with the specific focus to help the church reconnect spiritually to Israel and considers it vital to the kingdom of G-d in the last days. His message focuses on the unity, love and healing that the Father wants to bring between Jew and Gentile yet clearly points out the differences and misunderstandings between the two groups. Now is the time to look more carefully into this mystery to make way for healing and reconnection in the Spirit. For more information, please visit reconnectingministries.org.


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