We always say mystery shopping is an excellent tool which helps a business to improve their customer service. But every thought what do the mystery shoppers evaluate in a retail outlet? Well when a mystery shopper is out on an assignment in a retail outlet, they have a pre-arranged list of things to look for. Spotting a mystery shopper is a difficult thing as they do not carry any clipboard; these people are specially-trained and do their job professionally. Here is a list of top things mystery shoppers evaluate in a retail outlet.
Top Things Mystery Shoppers Evaluate
Image CC – www.en.parisinfo.com
1. Cleanliness
Regardless of the type of retail store, cleanliness is one of the most imperative things the Mystery shoppers evaluate. Shoppers closely look for trash on the floor, they monitor if the floor has been mopped, and also the condition of the washroom.
2. Way-Finding
Mystery shoppers evaluate “way-finding”, they examine closely of it is easy or confusing to move through the store. ? They check if the store attractively, instinctively, and efficiently laid-out. If the store layout is confusing and difficult for the customers to find their way easily through the store, the customers would be less likely to return the next time.
Image CC – www.membershipworks.com
3. Under-Stocked Or Over- Stocked
Mystery shopper’s check of the retail outlet is well-stocked. They check if the shelves are well stocked up, which means they are not overstocked or under-stocked.
4. Employee Courtesy and Engagement
Employee courtesy and engagement is one of the most important things that the mystery shoppers evaluate. Secret shoppers watch how the employees interact with the customers. They see if the employees are courteous and smile and greet the customers.
It is important that employees treat every client like a potential mystery shopper, this will further ensure that the real clients are always satisfied. iSN Global Solutions Mystery Shopping Services can help reap the benefits you are actually looking for. iSN can help you select the most efficacious mystery shopper with their Shopper Scheduling Services. We can help you get the candidate from diverse fields and knowledge areas. Contact Us for our Mystery Shopping Services Now.
Featured Image CC – www.mascaratbeach.com
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