
A Price Comparison of E-Cigs and Vapourizers.

The evolution of the e-cigarette has been an interesting one for a devise that only became popular 5 years ago. Back when they were first sold they were big and bulky and were prone to breaking and leaking. Since then they have developed into almost two separate devices, the e-cigarette and the vapourizer. For those who don’t know the e-cigarette is normally a small cigarette shaped device which has a less powerful battery and refills which contain the nicotine. Vapourizers on the other hand are usually bigger; boxes shaped, are manually filled with liquid and have a more powerful battery. For the smoker thinking about making the switch then it can be a difficult choice between the two. Today then we are going to compare one of the more important aspects of this decision, the price of it all!

In order to do so we had to look at the price difference between starting with a vapourizer and starting with an e-cigarette and how much it costs for a month. We chose a popular box mod vapouriser by Kangertech called the Kanger Topbox Mini Starter Kit and compared it against our own starter kit saw how much it all really cost you.


We have tried to show the full pricing at the time or writing but please be aware the prices can change.

The Initial Price

The first thing you have to buy if you want to start vaping is the starter kit. This will have what you need to get started.



Vapourizer Starter Kit = £51.99

SMOKO E-Cigarette Starter Kit = £5.95

Vapourizer Battery = £8

Battery Included

Total = £59.99

Total = £5.95

Straight off you can see the difference in price, with the vapourizer being a much bigger investment. Vapourizers are complicated pieces of hardware, meaning that they are much more expensive. With the vapourizer you receive the main box, the tank and a bottle of liquid as well, though you do not receive the battery, which is £8 extra (more if you want a higher voltage one).

Meanwhile the e-cigarette is fairly simple, a battery, a USB to charge the battery and two refills as well so you can take it out of the case and use it straight away.

The Extras

Once you have bought your starter kit you will want to get the extras, the things that you will either need or will just make your vaping experience that bit easier.



Extra Battery = £8

Extra Battery = £8

Extra Tank = £15

No Tank Needed

Coils (5 pack) = £8.99

No Coils Needed

Total = £31.99

Total = £8

With both the e-cigarette and the vapourizer a second battery is always useful, after all nicotine cravings don't wait for your battery to finish charging!

The tank is optional but if you want to have two flavours on the go at the same time you will need an extra tank, as you cannot take liquid out of a tank once you have poured it in. You will eventually have to get a new tank anyway as they will either break through wear and tear (after all you are carrying this around with you all day) or if they are not cleaned properly they can build up e-liquid residue. With tanks as well we had to be careful to choose one that has less than 2 ml capacity as anything more would be against the new TPD laws coming in on e-cigarettes.

Coils are a must if you buy a vapourizer, they are what heat up and create the vapour from the e-liquid. A coil will last about 2 weeks, less if you use it a lot. They will need to be changed regularly to get the best flavour out of your vapourizer. Also the higher the voltage you use the quicker you will burn through your coil.

Most of the above are not an issue for e-cigarettes, you do not have coils or tanks with the e-cigarette, and if you want to swap flavours you can simply swap the refill.

The Nicotine

After you have decided what kit and extras to buy you need to get the most important part of all... the nicotine. This is after all the reason you made the switch in the first place! What we have done is given a rough estimate of what a vapourizer user and an e-cigarette user would use in one month.



8 x Bottle of E-liquid £5 = £40

4x Box of E-Cigarette Refills = £40

Choosing a bottle of E-liquid for this comparison was a difficult one, as finding an e-liquid that would still be allowed after the new TPD laws that will be coming in soon was tough. E-liquids (that includes the liquid inside our refills) will now have to be TPD compliant, which means that they have to be tested and be up to EU and UK standards. A lot of the liquids out there are Chinese made (unlike ours which are UK made) and were made cheaply and below the legal standard, so soon will not be available to buy. This means that any of the really cheap bottles of liquids were ruled out.

Each bottle is meant to last about 4-5 days, so 8 bottles were chosen as the minimum number that you would likely need for a month. 4 boxes was chosen as the average e-cigarette user goes through about 1/2 to a full refill a day, and so 4 boxes covers most people. The price on refills can change as well due to bulk discounts, for example one of our most popular discounts is 10 boxes for £90 with a free battery. This comparison also doesn’t include the weekly deals we do on refills.

Another thing to note is that due to larger voltages in vapourizers they will produce more vapour and so use more of the liquid. E-cigarettes will produce less but more consistent vapour due to the fixed lower voltage of the battery.

The Final Price

So after buying the initial starter kit, the extras and enough nicotine to last you a month you get this:



Vapourizer Starter Kit = £51.99

SMOKO E-Cigarette = £5.95

Vapourizer Battery = £8

Battery Included

Extra Battery = £8

Extra Battery = £8

Extra Tank = £15

No Tank Needed

Coils (5 pack) = £8.99

No Coils Needed

8 x Bottle of E-liquid £5 = £40

4x Box of E-Cigarette Refills = £40

Total = £131.98

Total = £53.93

As you can see there is a huge difference price wise, over double in fact! This is because the vapourizer is made up of component parts and is more complicated by design, so parts will always need to be changed and replaced. E-cigarettes on the other hand are simpler and so have less to worry about (and buy). All you need to change is the battery after a few months as it will wear down due to use.

It seems obvious then that if price is the motivating factor for you that the e-cigarette is the way to go. At £5.95 it has a much easier start-up cost and due to vapourizers using more liquid then an e-cigarette even the price difference between a bottle and a box of refills is reduced to almost nothing.

So if you would like to make the switch from smoking to a healthier and (much) cheaper alternative then click here and see how much you can save!

About SMOKO Premium E-Cigarettes

SMOKO Premium Electronic Cigarettes is the UK’s leading brand of e-cigarettes.  Since starting over 4 years ago, SMOKO has helped prevent over 100,000,000 cigarettes being smoked and have helped our customers save over £32,500,000 in extra disposable income.

SMOKO E-Cigarettes contain only the highest quality, pharmaceutical-grade ingredients that are all Made in the UK – whereas the majority of e-cigarette brands sold in grocery and convenience stores, petrol stations and on-line use Chinese-made ingredients.

SMOKO Electronic Cigarettes contain only 4 ingredients vs. the 4,000 chemicals and 50 known carcinogens found in traditional cigarettes.

SMOKO – Amazing flavour, realistic smoking sensation and quality you can trust

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