
Virtue of DHIKR

Dhikr is when anyone engage in obeying and remembrance the words of Allah silently in the heart or express by tongue, or in both the heart and the tongue for the love of Allah. It has great benefits for us in this world and the next. It is the utterance of the expressions which we have been encouraged to say abundantly to protect oneself from unusual circumstances, and gain Allah’s pleasure and satisfaction, hence increase good deeds to get rewards.

The dhikr is one of the greatest and the noblest act of ibadat (ie acts of worship) and is stressed over a hundred times in the Qur'an and the hadith. The practice of dhikr is a form of meditation, prayer, invocations, (dua, munajat), recitation of quran and hadiths. Everything we do for the sake of Allah is an act of remembrance to please Him and to Obey Him, thus we are engaged in ibadat.

"I did not create the Jinn and the humans except to worship Me." [Quran 51:56]. "I am God, there is no god but Me, therefore you shall worship Me and observe the prayer to commemorate Me." [20:14] "Verily, the believing men and the women who remember Allah much with their hearts and tongues. Allah has prepared for them forgiveness and a great reward (i.e., Jannah).'' (33:35)

No wonder, the Prophet said that the People of Paradise will only regret one thing, not having made enough dhikr in the world!

Allah said: “Indeed in the Messenger of Allah you have a good example to follow for him who hopes for (the meeting with) Allah and the Last Day, and remembers Allah much.” [Quran 33:21]“And if you obey him(pbuh), you will be [rightly] guided.” [Quran 24:54].

Dhikr is the foundation of good deeds. Whoever succeeds in it is blessed with the close friendship of Allah. That is why the Prophet, (pbuh), used to make remembrance of Allah at all times. When a man complained, "The laws and conditions of Islam are too heavy for me ( because of many rules that he was doubting he can’t keep up with them), so tell me something that I can easily follow," the Prophet advised him, Keep your tongue always moist with dhikr ie let your tongue be always busy with the remembrance of Allah." [Ahmad, Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah & al-Hakim].

Dhikr is just like the obligatory prayer (second piller of Islam), has the power to spiritually uplift a person. Dhikr is the substitute for various kinds of worship, like charity, Jihâd, Umrah, Hajj, for those who can‘t afford.

Abu Dharr al-Ghifari said: "The Messenger of Allah said: "Sadaqa is for every person every day the sun rises." I said: "O Messenger of Allah, from what do we give sadaqa if we do not possess property?" He said: "The doors of sadaqa are takbir (i.e. to say: Allahu Akbar, Allah is Greater); Subhan Allah (Allah is exalted high); al-hamdu lillah (all praise is for Allah); La ilaha illallah (there is no god other than Allah); Astaghfirullah (I seek forgiveness from Allah); enjoining good, and forbidding evil.... These are all the doors of sadaqah from you which is prescribed for you to gain a tremendous reward easily" [Ahmad and Ibn Hibban].

The Prophet (pbuh) said, "Perform the enduring goods deeds more frequently." They asked, "What are these enduring good deeds?"

The Prophet replied: "They are praising Allah = alhamdulillah, (tahmid) and Allah is greatest (takbir) and glorifying Allah= Subhan'Allah (tasbih), and oneness of Allah = la ilaha ill Allah (Tahlil), and recitation of the best Attributes of Allah (tamjid)." [related Abu Sa`id, an-Nasa'i and Hakim]

“Be mindful of Allah and He will protect you. Be mindful of Allah, and you will find Him in front of you to help and guide you“.[Hadith]

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: “Do good deeds properly, sincerely and moderately and know that your deeds will not only make you enter Paradise, and that the most beloved deed to Allah’s is the most regular and constant even though if it were little.” [Narrated by A’isha (ra) in Sahih Bukhari, vol. 8, hadith 471]. Aisha also said: “The actions which the Messenger of Allah, (pbuh), loved most were those good deeds which were done most constantly ( e.g dhikr, fasting, charity).” [Al-Muwatta, vol 9, number 92b].

The Prophet(saw) said: "Fear Allah wherever you are and follow up a bad deed with a good deed and it will wipe it out, and behave well towards the people." [Abu Dawood]

The Prophet (pbuh) said, "Everything has a polish, which takes away rust. The polish of the heart is dhikr." Therefore, one who has forgotten Allah, the Creator of all that is in the heavens and the earth, has a heart whose sins surround it and veil it from the light (nur) of Allah entering.

Abu Huraira (RA) related to say: "Verily, when the servant commits a sin, a black spot appears in his heart. If he repents from it, his heart is polished clean. However, if he increases (in the sin), the spot will continue to increase. That is the statement of Allah: Nay! But on their hearts is the Ran (covering) which they used to earn." ( At-Tirmidhi).

There is a sort of hardness in the human heart and this hardness can only be softened by the remembrance of Allah. One whose heart is void of Allah's remembrance is as if he is dead. His heart becomes harder than the rocks, for, as Allah says in the Qur'an, even rocks fall down to the fear or Allah (2:74). Allah says:

"Woe o those whose hearts are hardened against the remembrance of Allah. Such are in plain error." (Suratuz-Zumar 39:22)

Dhikr is a form of Prayer that communicate with Allah to find solace, as Allah says:

"Those who believe, and whose hearts find comfort in the remembrance of Allah! " Behold in the Remembrance of Allah do hearts find satisfaction." (13-28). "So establish prayer for My remembrance." (Quran 20:14)

Dhikr is the easiest and most virtuous form of worship (the movement of the tongue being easier than the movement of any other part of the body). Thus Dhikr is the best take place by the tongue in seclusion. Most beloved to the Prophet Muhammad was seclusion and there was nothing he loved more than to be alone in seclusion. Allah says:

“Call on your Lord with humility and in private: for Allah loveth not those who trespass beyond bounds. Do no mischief on the earth, after it has been set in order, but call on Him with fear and longing (in your hearts): for the Mercy of Allah is (always) near to those who do good.’ {Surah Al-Araf. 7:56}.

Allah loves those who calls upon Him persistently according to the following quran and hadith:

"And mention the name of your Lord and devote yourself to Him with a complete devotion" (Quran 73:8).

Abu Hurayra reported that the Prophet said: "The best remembrance of Allah is when a servant of Allah repeats the words of “la ilaha ill Allah” (there is no god except Allah) sincerely, the doors of heaven open up for these words until they reach the Throne of Allah, so long as its uttered and keeps away from the major sins." (Tirmidhi).

Ibn `Ata' said: "The one who utters the Word of Oneness (La illaha ill Allah) have three lights: the light of guidance, the light of sufficiency, and the light of divine help. Whoever Allah graces with the first light, he is immune (ma`sum) from associating a partner to Allah; whoever Allah graces with the second light, he is immune from committing great sins and indecencies; and whoever Allah graces with the third light, he is protected (mahfuz) from the corrupt thoughts and motions that typify those given to heedless actions“.

Dhikr is the key to nourishing and strengthening the soul and a nourished and healthy ruh is the key to reaching the heights of the angels, who are ever engaged in Allah's dhikr.

The Prophet said: "If your hearts were always in the state that they are in during dhikr, the angels would come to see you to the point that they would greet you in the middle of the road." [Muslim].

The Prophet also said: "The People of Paradise will not regret except one thing alone: the hour that passed them by and in which they made no remembrance of Allah." [Bayhaqi].

"The likeness of the one who remembers his Lord and the one who does not remember Him is like that of a living to a dead person." (Bukhari).

The Prophet, (pbuh) said, "Renew your faith." "How can we renew our faith?" they asked. The Prophet replied: "Say always: la ilaha illallah." (related Abu Hurayra, Ahmad).

The Prophet said: "The believer should have an effect of single-hearted in remembrance of Allah. When a man asked, "O Messenger of Allah, who are the single-hearted?" he replied, "The men and women who remember Allah abundantly and unceasingly." ( Muslim)

Dhikr is a state of meditation, through which one reaches the state of ihsan or excellence, wherein a person worships Allah as if he is actually seeing Him, hence the one who engages in dhikr has the highest rank of all before Allah. Allah will create a specific jannah for those who excessively remembered Him.

The Prophet (pbuh) said: "The earth and everything in it is cursed, except for three people: (1) a dhikrullah, one who remembrance of Allah constantly, (2) a teacher who is a religious alim, and (3) the student, who is a seeker of religious knowledge. He also said Paradise has eight gates, one of which is exclusively reserved for those engaged in dhikr (called ‘Babul Zikr‘)."

Fath al-bari said: “There is no good deed except with dhikr as a precondition for its validity, and whoever does not remember Allah in his heart at the time of his sadaqa or fasting, for example, then his deed is incomplete: therefore dhikr is the best of deeds because of this“ . [Ibn Hajar]

The Prophet (pbuh) said, "When any men remember Allah, angels surround them and mercy covers them, tranquility descends upon them, and Allah mentions them to those who are with Him." [ Muslim, Tirmidhi, Ahmad].

Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: “Engage in the Dhikr of Allah in such abundance that people comment that ‘you are ‘insane’ (ie crazy and foolish)" [Ahmad].

By the virtue of dhikr, the person doing dhikr is blessed, as well as the person sitting next to him.

Ibn Taymiyyah stated that,

…one should persist in remembering Allah in general, the best of which is Laa ilaaha ill-Allah. There may be some situations where certain kinds of dhikr are preferable, such as saying Subhaana Allah wa’l-hamdu-Lillaah wa Allahu akbar wa laa hawla wa laa quwwata illa Billaah.

Moreover, one should realize that everything that the tongue utters or the heart imagines that may bring one closer to Allah, such as seeking knowledge or teaching, enjoining what is good and forbidding what is evil, is a kind of dhikr or remembering Allah. Hence the one who occupies himself in the pursuit of beneficial knowledge after performing the obligatory duties, or who joins a gathering in order to learn or teach, which Allah and His Messenger have called fiqh or understanding, is also doing something which is one of the best forms of remembering Allah (dhikr). [al-Wasiyyah al-Jaami’ah li Khayr al-Dunya wa’l-Aakhirah]

Allah has commanded us to pay attention towards Him, so that He will remember us in difficulties, as Allah says:

“Remember me, I shall remember you." (Quran 2:152).

Remembrance of Allah continually under all circumstances. The extent of one's love of Allah is determined by the following verses:

"O you who believe! make abundant mention of ALLAH!" (Quran, 33:41).

The Remembrance of Allah is an immunization against hypocrisy:

"Indeed, the hypocrites [think to] deceive Allah, but He is deceiving them. And when they stand for prayer, they stand lazily, showing [themselves to] the people and not remembering Allah except a little," (Surah An Nisa 4: 142)

“And be not ye as those who forgot Allah Ta’ala and therefore He caused them to forget their souls“. Such are the evil-doers”.(Surah Hashr 59:19)

“Call then, upon Allah with sincere devotion to Him, even though the unbelievers may detest it.’ - {Quran 40:14}

‘And your Lord says: “Call on Me; I will answer your (Prayer): but those who are too arrogant to serve Me will surely find themselves in Hell and in humiliation.’ - {Quran 40:60}.

Thus, the best way to save ourselves from hypocrisy and stay away from it is to increase the remembrance of Allah with our hearts and tongues. When we increase our remembrance of Allah, we stay away from hypocrisy.

Hasten to do good deeds as one may not be alive the next second. Dhikr gives you a chance to connection with Allah on a regular part of daily routine to increase faith and the ultimate goal is to achieve a place in Jannatul Firdaus, the highest rank in paradise. Allah has set no specific limits for dhikr, and under no circumstances is one allowed to be negligent of it. We are commanded to 'remember Allah standing, sitting and reclining on your sides,' in the morning, during the day, at sea or on land, on journeys or at home, in poverty and in prosperity, in sickness or in health, openly and secretly, and, in fact, at all times throughout one's life and in all circumstances. Allah (swt) said in the following verses of the Quran (interpretation of the meaning):

“But whoever desires the Hereafter, and pursues it as it should be pursued, while he is a believer; their effort will be appreciated. To all these and those We extend from the gifts of your Lord. The gifts of your Lord are not restricted“ .(Quran, Surah Isra 17: 19-20).

"O Believers, Celebrate the praises of Allah, and do so often; and glorify Him morning and evening." (Quran 33:41-42). “ And those who remember Allah while standing , sitting, and lying on their sides" (Quran, 3:191). "Verily! Those who believe (in the Oneness of Allâh Islâmic Monotheism) and do righteous deeds, shall have the Gardens of Al-Firdaus (the Paradise) for their entertainment. [Quran, 18:107].

The Prophet is related to said that: "He who loves something mentions it much." You can recite something like: Wallahu Ghafurur Rahim (Allah is Forgiving and Merciful), Wallahu Ghafurur Halim (Allah is Forgiver and Patience / Gentle), Wallahu Khairur Razeeqin (Allah is the best of Provider), Subhanal Malikul Quddus (Glory to the King, the Most Holy One. “Allahumma innaka `afuwwun tuhibbul `afwa fa`fu `anni”

(O Allah, You are forgiving, and you love forgiveness. So forgive me) [Ahmad, Tirmidhi].

This is a famous invocation (dua) recite usually during the time of laylatul qadr. You can recite it anytime even after every pray as Allah says in the Quran, there is restriction for remembrance of him: “The gifts (remembrance) of your Lord are not restricted“ .(Quran, Surah Isra 17: 19-20).

Tasbih of Fatimah

The Prophet has once advised to his daughter Fatima, “O Fatima! I have granted you something that is superior to a maidservant and everything in the world : 33 times Subhan-Allah (Glory be to Allah [who is free from imperfection)], 33 times Al-hamdu-Lillah [all praise be to Allah] and 34 times Allahu Akbar (Allah is the greatest)”. Since then people started to name it as “Tasbih of Fatima”. Tasbih of Syeda Fatima (as) is a great deal of significance acts of worship. It is simple, short yet very powerful. It rewards and merits are abundant. Reciting Fatemi tasbih everyday as well as after every obligatory prayer results in forgiveness of sins and blot out any mistake you made during prayer. In connection to it, there is a hadith saying that its recitation better than one thousand (1k) rakats reward of voluntary (mustahab) prayer. It also results in driving satan away and gain love, satisfaction and guidance from Allah. One of the graceful effects of the regular recitation of the fatemi tasbih is that it delivers the reciter a protection and relief from any adversity in this world as well as increase rewards for the hereafter. Thus one should not ignore its benefits and should not be careless to recite them continuously. The Tasbih of Fatima should be recited immediately after completion of prayers while remaining seated on the ground without stretching out legs or rocking/ swinging body or doing any other thing. It has special effects on those who recite them at the time of going to bed, she will be accounted in the heaven amongst those who have remembered a lot. You can recite the fatemi tasbih during performing Witr prayer in 3rd rakat if you are in hasty.

Dhikr of the Prophet Jonah (Yunus)

Prophet Yunus constantly recited the following dhikr (meditation) after he made a mistake for given up his job because of hypocrites. His job was ordered by Allah to convey the message of oneness of God (Lailaha illalah). The disbelievers started to ridicule him instead of believing in the divine message of tawhid (Lailaha illalah).

(There is no God but You; Glory be to You, Truly I have been one of the wrongdoers). [Quran, 21: 87].

Allah forgiven him and gave him respite from the darkness belly of a big fish (which swallowed without limply his body) to the ground of lightness after 3 days. The idea was to teach him lesson that we must work patiently to earn our own provisions and contribute something to the society. Allah also took pity on Prophet Yunus for feeling deeply hot, so He decreed a pumpkin plant to grow around him in order to provide a shade from the sun and food that he can survive and be physically and mentally strong again, so that he can have an organise and active life. Prophet Yunus prayed 4 rakats at the time of Asr for thanking Allah for landed him in a safe place. Since then the Asr prayer was decreed to the believers.

As believers we should recognize that only Allah’s Grace and Mercy can deliver us from challenging situations.

Allah said of the Prophet Yunus: "Had he not been one of My glorifiers, he would have remained inside the whale's stomach until Judgment Day." (Quran 37:143-144)}.

He it is who blesses you, and His angels (bless you), that He may bring you forth from darkness unto light; and He is Merciful to the believers. (Quran, 33:43)

One of the best remedies for tough times is to be patient. A state of patience requires that we not resort to complaining, and remember Allah often. We take this lesson from the story of Prophet Yusuf (A.S.) who went through various ordeals in life only to be rewarded with a large kingdom in his later years. Allah tells us in the Quran:

“When Yusuf attained his full manhood (ie reached maturity), We gave him wisdom and knowledge ( ie Prophethood)". And thus We reward the doers of good (Muhsinoon) . [Qur'an Surah Yusuf 12:22].

Allah is al wadud and al halim - all loving and patient. As Allah (swt) says, “And Allah loves the steadfast.” (Qur’an, 3:146). “O you who have believed, seek help through patience and prayer. Indeed, Allah is with the patient.” (Qur’an, 2:153)

“…Yusuf (Joseph) said: Allah has indeed been gracious to us. Verily, he who fears Allah with obedience to Him (by abstaining from sins and evil deeds, ability to judge right & wrong and perform righteous good deeds), and is patient, then surely, Allah makes not to be lost the reward of the Muhsinoon (good-doers).” (Quran, Surah Yusuf 12 :90).

Whoever is given wisdom, he has indeed acquired a great share of goodness. Allah says:

"Allah gives wisdom to whom He wills, and whoever has been given wisdom has certainly been given much good. And none will remember except those of understanding. " (AL Baqarah: 269)

Allah’s blessing and favours upon us are numerous and unaccountable. He provide basic provisions and favours for all mankind. The poor people are often deprived from material benefits. It is duty of the rich to be charitable to the poor, needy, and weak, so that no one remains in hardship. Some people make fortune out of the greed and not for the good cause in the society and behave as oppressor and tyrant.

Allah says in the Quran: “Surely Allah is the bestower of provisions , Lord of Power, the Almighty” [Quran 52:58].

Everyone must work if they have bodily able to do so. It is best for us to work for our livelihood and engage ourselves in any types of work that does not transgress the law. Some people are too lazy and make excuse not to do any work even cooking in their house. They rely on either government or other source of income that come from charity organisation. They use the these money for their own benefits instead of distributing to the needy and poor. One might cheat the poor but they can’t deceive Allah (swt). There is a barakah (blessing) if one is honesty earn and eat from the work of their own hands. We should work according to own strength and abilities that does not involved insincerity, lying and deception.

A believer should never lie. It is the character of those who denied the oneness of Allah and His final Prophet Muhammad.

Allah says: "O you who believe! Keep your duty to Allah, fear Him and speak always the Truth - straight to the point. (Ahzab 33:70).

"0 Muhammad say: "The benefit of this world is very little; but the life Hereafter is much better for those who fear Allah." (An-Nisa 4:77)

"O you who believe fear Allah as He should be feared and die not except in the state of Islam" [Quran 3:102].

The day of judgement for the average person is going to be terrifying due to the fact that all his deeds, good and bad, as small as an atoms weight will be seen. As Allah mentioned in the last two ayats of Surah Zalzalah: “So whoever does an atom’s weight of good will see it, And whoever does an atom’s weight of evil will see it.” (99: 7-8). “Verily, your hearing, sight, and heart-all of them will be called to account (on the day of judgement)" (Quran 17:36).

The Messenger of Allah (Pbuh) said: “I urge you to be truthful, for truthfulness leads to righteousness, and righteousness leads to Paradise. A man will continue to be truthful and seek to speak the truth until he is recorded with Allah as speaker of truth (Siddiq). And beware of lying, for lying leads to immorality and immorality leads to Hell; a man will continue to tell lies until he is recorded with Allah as a liar.” [Related Abdullah ibn Masood, Bukhari & Muslim].

We have to aware that the one who denied the truth might not realised it, thus we must not take it too harsh on them as only Allah knows their true intention.

The Messenger of Allah (Pbuh) said: “Actions are only judged by intentions; each person shall be rewarded only for that which he intended“.'(Bukhari & Muslim)

Everything on the earth (animals, fruits, vegetables, grains, mountains etc) is constantly praises Allah except mankind who has a free choice. People is the seekers of sustenance of money, food, water to survive on. Allah does not need neither ask anyone to give him any provision. All He asked is to praise and glorify Him through prayers, fasting, charity, dhikr. Every movement of ourselves (our sense of hearing, sight, smell, eating, walking, etc) are created and ordered by Allah. We should be ashamed for not giving thanks and praises Him! Don't you agree that remembering Allah is the least you could do in order to acknowledge the gifts and blessings He has bestowed on us? So ask Allah's forgiveness and give yourself time to repent and connect to Him constantly in the form of dikhr. Forgiveness is one of the best types of dhikr which remove hypocrisy.

Allah (swt) says: “And Allah has brought you out from the wombs of your mother while you know nothing. And He gave you hearing, sight and hearts that you might give thanks to Allah” (Quran 16:18).

“…we ask not of you a provision. Rather we provide for you, and the good end is for the muttaqun (ie paradise is for the righteous person)” [Quran 20:132].

Allah gives more benefits and blessings to those who are thankful [Quran 14:7].

"Do not the Unbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were joined together (as one unit of creation), before we clove them asunder? We made from water every living thing. Will they not then believe? [Quran 21:30].

“He is Allah! The Lord of the universe, Who has created me and it is HE who guides me and it is HE who feeds me and gives me to drink. And when I am ill, it is He who cures me; and it is Who will cause me to die and then will bring me to life again and it is He who I hope will forgive me my faults on the Day of Resurrection. [And the messenger furthermore said], "My Lord, grant me authority and join me with the righteous." [Quran, 26:77-82].

One who is frequently engaged in Zikr while sitting, standing, walking or in any other position, will find this earth testifying on his behalf on the Day of Judgement. Allah says:

"Indeed, in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of the night and the day are signs for those of understanding, and those who remember Allah while standing or sitting or [lying] on their sides and reflect on the creation of the heavens and the earth. “. (Quran, Surah Imran 3: 190-191).

Dhikr can elevate you to the pleasure of lavish life in this world and the highest spirit in the hereafter like Prophet David and Solomon.

Prophet David was a extraordinary and most beloved prophet of Allah. He had musical tone and beautiful voice that turn everything in the world to listen to his emotional and sincere recitation of the holy book (paslm), and they also imitated to praise Allah even much more. Prophet David spent his entire life, fasting one day and breaking it the next. Therefore one can sense that Prophet David led an extremely organise life that never forgotten to miss even 2 days and completely devoted in worshiping Allah so much so that Allah made him a King for the children of Israel and granted a grandiose luxury (a palace of precious crystal stones) for his son Solomon.

"If you ask them who sends down rain from the sky, and gives life there with to the earth after its death? They would certainly say 'Allah!' and say: 'All the praise and thanks be to Allah!' Nay! Most of them have no sense". [Quran 29:63].

Allah says: " It was Our power that made the hills and the birds celebrate Our praises, with David: it was We Who did (all these things). [Qur'an 21:79].

"We gave wisdom and knowledge to Dawood (David) and Sulaiman." [Qur'an 27:15]. "Indeed in their stories, there is a lesson for men of understanding" [Qur'an 12:111] "They are those whom Allah had guided. So follow their guidance." [Qur'an 6:90].

“So remember Allah much, that you may be successful.'' (62:10).

“Indeed Allah prepared for them forgiveness and a vast reward (i.e. Jannah).’ (33: 35)"."..Those who repent and believe, and work righteousness: for these will enter the GARDEN and will not be wronged in the least." [Surah Mariam, Verse 60].

Prophet Solomon wasn’t excessively devoted worshipping Allah like his father. He allowed material possessions to distract him from worshipping God. When he realised his error, the sun had already set thus making him miss his Middle Salat! As a result, he repented. Realizing that nothing should have distracted him from worshipping God he got rid of the horses, as Allah says:

“When at dusk, the thoroughbred horses were displayed before him. He then said, "I loved the material things over the remembrance of my Lord, until it disappeared behind a veil.” 38:31-32

To acquire the highest spiritual position, one need to neglect worldly comforts and need and indeed become the righteous in the sight of Allah, as He described in Surah Nur: “Men who are not distracted by trade nor sale from commemorating God.” [Quran 24:37]

"O you who believe let not your riches or your children divert you from the remembrance of Allah and whoever do this, the loss is their own“. [Munafiqun 63:9].

One of the characteristics of a hypocrite (munafiq) is that they do not make dhikr. Those who do not do dhikr, Allah (SWT) appoints for them a devil to become an intimate companion and wretch their life in this world and Allah will cause them to be blind on the day of Judgement. Every human being has a Satan to invite him to disobey Allah. When we becomes heedless about the remembrance of Allah, then Satan becomes active and starts inviting us to disobey Allah. Due to his lack of remembering Allah, his enemy has overtaken him. So he has no defences.

Allah (SWT) said in the Quran: “They have forgotten Allah, so He has forgotten them” (At-Tawbah 9:67)

“And whosoever turns away (blinds himself) from the remembrance of the Most Beneficent (i.e. this Qur'an and worship of Allah), We appoint for him a Shaitan (Satan * devil) to be a Qarin (an intimate companion) to him“. (Az-Zukhruf 43:36).

“Shaitan (Satan) has overtaken them. He has made them forget the remembrance of Allah. They are the party of Shaitan (Satan). Verily, it is the party of Shaitan (Satan) that will be the losers“! (Al-Mujadilah 58:19).

The Prophet (pbuh) said: "Verily, Allah has commanded Yahya ibn Zakariya (Prophet John) to tell the children of Israel to perform five duties, including the following: 'I command you to remember Allah, for the likeness of that is like a man whose enemy chases him with a high speed, until he comes to a strong fortress where he protects himself from him. Similarly, a servant can not protect himself against the satan except by remembering Allah." (Classes as Saheeh by Al Albaani)


Dhikr also applies to the recitation of Qur'an, the reading of hadith, wazaif, the study of the Science of Islam:

Prophet Muhammad said : "Be consistent in recitation of Al-Qur'an and remembrance of Allah (Dhikr), because it is 'nur' (light) in this world and 'zakhirah' in the heaven. (Related Abu Dzar, Ibn Hibban)

The Prophet(pbuh) said “Whoever reads a letter from the Book of Allah will receive a hasanah(good deed) from it, and the hasanah is multiplied by ten. I do not say that Alif-Laam-Meem is a letter , rather Alif is a letter, Laam is a letter, and Meem is a letter.” (At-Tirmidhi).

If someone implements one hundred verses of the Qur'an, He/She will be considered among the obedient on the Day of Judgment.[Abu Dawud, Ibn Hibban]

If someone implements one thousand verses of the Qur'an, He/She will be amongst the extremely rich on the Day of Judgement.[Abu Dawud, Ibn Hibban].

Surah Ikhlas (The Pure) is one of the perfect surah that directly supports the first declaration (shahadah) of Islam. It has beautiful description about Allah:

'Say (O Muhammad): "He is Allah, the One (The Unique); The Eternal (The Independent), The Absolute (The Self-Sufficient Master); He begets not(He has no children/ no offspring), nor was He begotten (uncreated, and He has no parent); And there is none equivalent (no similar) to Him. [Qur'an 112:1-4].

If someone recites Surah Fatiha 3 times, will get reward (sawab) equivalent of reading 2 Quran. [Tafseer Mazhari by Abdullah bin Abbas, Vol. 2, Page 15]

If someone recite surah Ikhlas 3 times will get a reward equivalent of reading 1 Quran.

“Surah Ikhlas” is equal to a third (1/3) of the Qur’an and “Surah Kafirun” is equal to a fourth (¼) of the Qur’an.” [at-Tabarani]

Imam Ali said to the Prophet (pbuh) , ‘I really love this surah Ikhlas’. The Prophet replied, ‘And your love for it will enable you to enter paradise’ [Hadith].

In another hadith, the Prophet said: “O Ali, your example in my ummah is like surah Ikhlas; and whoever recites surah al Ikhlas once has, in fact, recited one third of the Quran, so whoso recites it 3 times has, in fact, recited the whole Quran.

Surah Ikhlas is a method for seeking forgiveness all minor sins and increase provision (rizq).

In another the Prophet (pbuh) said: “If one recite Surah Ikhlas 10 times, Allah will build for him a house in Paradise.” [Bukhari & Muslim].

The Prophet (s) said “on the day of resurrection Allah will grasp the entire earth by His Hand and shall roll up the heaven with His right Hand and say “I am the king, where are the kings of the Earth?” (Bukhari) This hadith refers to the ayah in Surah Ikhlas which is: “The king of mankind”.

“Whoever reads Sura Kahf on the day of Jumu’ah, will have a light that will shine from him from one Friday to the next.” (Haakim, 2/399; Bayhaqi, 3/249].

Allah has 99 attributes of praise and glory, extolling His Perfect Attributes of Power and Majesty, Beauty and Sublimeness.

“And (all) the Most Beautiful Names belong to Allaah, so call on Him by them“ [Quran 7:180]. He is successful who purifies himself, and remembers the name of his Lord and prays." (Quran, Surah A`la, 87:14-15).

The Messenger of Allah (saws) said: “Allah has 99 attributes, and whoever believes in their meanings and acts accordingly, will intercept on the day of judgement; and Allah is Witr (one) and loves 'the Witr”. [related Abu Huraira, Bukhari].

One day a man came to the Prophet (pbuh) and asked, “What is the most excellent and chief verse of the Quran?” The Prophet (pbuh) replied, “Ayat al-Kursi.” [ Tirmidhi, Abi Dawud)

By reading Ayatul Kursi 4 times will get a reward equivalent of reading 1 Quran. [Tafseer Muhibul Rahman by Ahmed]

Dhikr is very useful for holistic healing. If anyone continually ask Allah for pardon and do dhikr, Allah will appoint for him a way out of every distress, and a relief from every anxiety, and will provide for him from where he did not reckon.

Allah says: “We bring down a Quran which is remedy and a mercy for believers” (Al-Isra 82).

Allah says: "The Qur’an guides you to the recognition of your illnesses and to their remedies. Your illness are your sins, and your medicine is seeking Allah’s Forgiveness."[Qatadah].

Recitation of Yasin leads to ease, comfort and deliverance from troubles, and realization. Awareness, happiness and satisfaction of needs. It was narrated that Anas said: “The Prophet (pbuh) said: “Everything has a heart and the heart of the Quran is YaSin. Whoever recites YaSin, Allah will record for him the reward of reading the Quran 10 times.” [Tirmidhi]

“Surah Fatiha is “The Mother of the Qur’an” (Ummul Qur’an) and is a cure for every disease.”

The Prophet used to seek protection against the misfortune, devil and warding off the envious by reciting Surah Falaq & Nas (3times), and Qafirun (1 time).

There is a great blessing and protection if you recite AYAT UL KURSI after Salaat and when going to sleep and cooking, according to the following hadiths:

Anas (ra) said: “When you recite Surah Al-Fatihah and Surah Al-Ikhlas upon lying on your bed, you will be safeguarded and should become fearless of every thing except death.” [Tafseer Mazhari 1:31].

A’isha (ra) reported that whenever the Prophet (pbuh) went to bed every night, he used to cup his hands together and blow over it after reciting Surat Al-Ikhlas, Surat Al-Falaq and Surat An-Nas, and then rub his hands over whatever parts of his body he was able to rub, starting with his head, face and front of his body. He used to do that three times. [Bukhari]

The Prophet (pbuh) used to seek refuge from the jinn as well as from the evil eye until Surah al Falaq and An Naas were revealed. When they were sent down, he utilised them and left other things. [Tirmidhi]

“Whenever Allah (swt)'s Apostle became ill, he used to recite the last two Surahs (Falaq & Nas) of the Qur'an and then blow his breath and passed his hand over himself“. (Bukhari).

A’isha (radiAllahu anha) reported that whenever the Prophet (pbuh) became sick, he would recite Mu’awwidhat (Surat Al-Falaq & Surat An-Nas) and then blow his breath over his body. When he became seriously ill, I used to recite (these two Surahs) and rub his hands over his body hoping for its blessings. [Bukhari 6:61 #535]

Another hadith “Whenever you go to bed, recite “Ayat-al-Kursi”, Allah will appoint a guard for you who will stay with you and no satan will come near you till morning. “ (Bukhari Book 38, Hadith 505).

In another hadith states that “ the Jinn and Shaithaan do not come close to the house in which Ayatul Kursi is recited“. (Tirmidhi)

Hadrat A'isha (ra) states that a person arrived in the court of Prophet (pbuh)and complained that there is no barakat (blessings) in anything in his home. Prophet (pbuh)said, “You do not recite Ayatul Kursi, whichever Food and Curry you will recite Ayatul Kursi on, Allah will give Blessings on that Food and Curry. (Tafseer Dar Manshoor vol. 1 pp. 323).

In another Hadith states that Reciting Ayatul Kursi after every Fard Salat will cause a person to stay in Allah's protection until the next Salat. ((Nisa’i, Ibn Habban)

The Prophet said: "During the Night of Siratul Meraj (journey to the sky) I met Ibrahim who said to me: O Muhammad, convey my greetings to your Community, and tell them that the Paradise is of pure land, its water is sweet, and its expanse is vast, spacious and even. And its seedlings are:

Subhan allah: Glory to Allah

Wa al-hamdu lillah: and Praise to Allah

Wa la ilaha illallah: and there is no god but Allah

Wallahu akbar: and Allah is greatest.

(Related by Abd Allah ibn Mas`ud, Tirmidhi)


Dhikr is one of the voluntary act of worship which has great benefits to makes up for any shortfall in a person's obligatory prayers or fasts, because no one is free of shortcomings or sins that have a negative effect on his fasting. On the Day of Resurrection, some of his voluntary deeds (dhikr, charity, nafil/sunnah prayers, fasting) will be taken to make up the shortcomings in his obligatory deeds.

Allah conveyed this principle through the Prophet (pbuh) saying:

"The most beloved thing with which my slave may come close to me is what I have made fardh (obligatory) on him. My servant will continue to come close to me by doing voluntary acts of worship (dhikr, charity, fasting) until I love him. When I love him, I will become his ears by which he hears, his sight by which he sees, his hand by which he grasps, and his foot by which he walks. If he asks Me anything I would give it and if he seeks refuge in Me, I will protect him." [Relatedted by Abu Hurayrah, Bukhari].

"The first thing for which people will be brought to account on the Day of Resurrection will be their salah (prayer). Allah will say to His angels - 'Look at the salah of My slave, whether it is complete or incomplete.' If it is perfect, it will be recorded as perfect, and if something is lacking, He will say, 'Look and see whether My slave did any voluntary (nafil/sunnah) prayers .' If he did some voluntary prayers, [Allah] will say, Complete the obligatory actions of My slave from his voluntary actions.' Then all his actions will be dealt with in a similar manner." [Abu Dawud].

The religion of Islam is powerful so don’t overdo it and burn yourself out, rather take a moderate and gradual process to do all the voluntary act of worship.

The Benefits of Dhikr are:

* Dhikr is the gateway of relief and happiness.

* Dhikr is the gateway of productivity.

* Dhikr opens the door of opportunity

* Dhikr opens the door of sustenance.

* Dhikr opens the door of mercy.

* Dhikr opens the door of knowledge and understanding.

* Dhikr opens the doors of realization, fear and respect of Allah.

* Dhikr helps to strengthen you faith, gain Allah’s love, pleasure, satisfaction and guidance

* Dhikr helps to protect from misfortune, hypocrisy, depression

* Dhikr expels and suppresses devil (Satan).

* Dhikr helps to forget about backbiting, criticism, slandering, telling lies and falsehood

* Dhikr helps to eliminates sins

* Dhikr helps to illuminates the face and heart

* Dhikr helps to save from immorality, jealousy, envious and tyrant people

* Dhikr helps to rebuild strong love and acquaintance

* Dhikr helps to regain self-esteem /self-respect /self-confidence

* Dhikr removes boredom, sadness, disturbed, frustrated, moodiness, isolation, egotism, worry, and burden of guilt,

* Dhikr helps to ease the feeling of blue, distress stresses, and dilemma

* Dhikr helps to calm and lessen psychological related illness.

* Dhikr helps to stay on patient, tolerance in adversity

* Dhikr helps to control of emotion, temper and bizarre action.

* Dhikr helps to improve your character/ manners/ habits/ nature

* Dhikr helps to soothes your mind and soften you heart

* Dhikr helps to boost your determination, mood and commitment

* Dhikr helps to control of emotion, temper and bizarre action.

* Dhikr helps to the key of all success in this world and the next

The List of importance Dhikr:

{“Al-hamdu-Lillah” = all praise be to Allah}

{“Subhan-Allah” = Glory be to Allah }

{“Allahu Akbar” = Allah is the greatest}

“SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi”

(Glory be to Allah and Praise Him).

“SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi, Subhan-Allahi’l adheem”

(Glory be to Allah, and Praise, Glory be to Allah, the Supreme)

{Whoever recites [the above] one Hundred times, a thousand good deeds are recorded for him or a thousand bad deeds are wiped away. [Muslim]}

“La illaha illallah”

(`There is no deity except Allah)

The Prophet said, `The best way to celebrate the remembrance of Allah is to say, `La ilaha illallah“ {Tirmidhi].

“SubhanAllah, wal-Hamdulilah, wala illaha ilallahu, wal-llahu Akbar“.

(Glory be to Allah, All Praise is for Allah, There is No God but Allah, Allah is the Greatest)

Prophet Muhammad said: “For me to say (the above) is dearer to me and all that the sun rises upon (ie the whole world).”[Muslim; 4:2072]

“La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah“,

(There is no Might or Power except with Allah).

[the above is] a treasure from the treasures of Paradise. [Muslim #4:2076]

“Bbismillah al-rahman al-rahim“,

[In (or with) the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful]. {Quran}

“Hasbunallahu wa ni`ma al-wakil“.

[Allah (Alone) is Sufficient for us, and He is the Best Disposer of affairs (for us).]” (Qur'an 3:173)

Rabbighfirli Warhamni”

"My Lord! Forgive me and have mercy on me" [Quran 23:118].

“Astaghfirullaha wa atubu ilaih”

“Allahumma salli `ala muhammadin wa `ala ali muhammadin wa sallim“.

{O Allah! send blessings upon Muhammad and the Family of Muhammad and grant them peace}

“Allahumma Salli 'Alaa Muhammadinin Nabiyyil Ummiy wa-'Alaa Aalihi wa-sallim Tasleeyma“.

(O Allah, bestow your blessings and Mercy upon the Prophet and upon his family)

“La illaha illa Anta Subhanak, inni kuntu min adh-chairmen”

(There is no God but You; Glory be to You, Truly I have been one of the wrongdoers). [Quran, 21: 87].

“La illaha ilallahu, wahdahu lasharee-kalahu, lahul-mulku, wa lahul Hamdu, wa Huwa ala kulli shaiy'in Qadeer”.

(There is No God But Allah Alone, who has no partner. His is the dominion and His is the raise, and He is Able to do all things)

Whoever says the above ten times, will have the reward for freeing four slaves from the Children of Isma'il .[Bukhari;7:67, Muslim; 4:2071].

{“Hasbi Allahu la illaha illa Huwa, alayhi tawakkaltu, wa Huwa Rabbul arsh il adheem"

Allah is sufficient for me. There is none worthy of worship but Him. I have placed my trust in Him, and He is the Lord of the Majestic Throne"

Allah will grant whoever recites the last verse of Surah Tawbah 7 times in the morning and in the evening (time of fajr and asr), whatever he wants in the world or the next..” [Abu Dawud}.

Translation of Surah Iklhas:

"He is Allah, the One; The Eternal, The Absolute; He begets not, nor was He begotten; And there is none comparable to Him“. [Qur'an, 112:1-4]

He is Allah! There is no God but He, the Living, the Self-subsisting, the Eternal. No slumber can seize Him, nor sleep. All things in heaven and earth are His. Who could intercede in His presence without His permission? He knows what appears in front of and behind His creatures. Nor can they encompass any knowledge of Him except what he wills. His throne extends over the heavens and the earth, and He feels no fatigue in guarding and preserving them,

for He is the Highest and Most Exalted. [Quran, Ayatul Kursi, 2:255].

He is Allah, other than Whom there is La ilaha illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He) the All-Knower of the unseen and the seen (open). He is the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful. He is Allah, other than Whom there is La ilaha illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He, the King, the Holy, the One Free from all defects (Perfection), the Giver of security, the Watcher over His creatures, the All-Mighty, the Compeller, the Supreme. Glory be to Allah! (High is He) above all that they associate as partners with Him. He is Allah, the Creator, the Inventor of all things, the Bestower of forms (the fashioner). To Him belong the Best Names . All that is in the heavens and the earth glorify Him. And He is the All-Mighty, the All-Wise. [Quran, 59:22-24].

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