
INDIANAPOLIS (July 30, 2014) – Lt. Governor Sue Ellspermann announced today a partnership between the Indiana Economic Development Corporation (IEDC) and the Office of Small Business and Entrepreneurship (OSBE) which will provide technical writing assistance to Hoosier entrepreneurs for Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) proposals. The same initiative will also re-launch Indiana’s Phase I matching program.

Lt. Governor Ellspermann noted, “Hoosier entrepreneurs and small business owners are keys to the continued economic growth and vitality of our State.  Providing technical support to access funding for innovation and technology transfer is another type of assistance that moves businesses forward.”

“The next great business idea is developing in the mind of a Hoosier,” said Eric Doden, president of the IEDC. “It is our priority to make sure that idea is brought to life in Indiana, with the right support system in place to help our entrepreneurs grow their ideas into high-performing businesses. The entrepreneurial spirit thrives in Indiana, with a business climate built on innovation here in a state that works.”

Through this partnership, Indiana companies can receive up to $5,000 in proposal writing or market research assistance from SBIR writing experts up to two times per SBIR/STTR agency. Indiana companies may also receive up to $500 in proposal review services. To learn more about this service,visit http://www.indianaptac.com/sbirsttr/.

Companies interested in Phase I matching can access up to an additional 50 cents for every federal dollar, up to $50,000 per award, subject to funding availability and eligibility determination. To apply for matching funds, please contact Elevate Ventures (www.elevateventures.com). The highly competitive SBIR program encourages domestic small businesses to engage in Federal Research and Development that has potential for commercialization. This enables small businesses to explore new technologies by providing the incentive of profit from commercialization.

About IEDC Created in 2005 to replace the former Department of commerce, the Indiana Economic Development Corporation is governed by a 12-member board chaired by Governor Mike Pence. Victor Smith serves as the Indiana Secretary of Commerce and Eric Doden is the president of the IEDC.

The goal of Indiana’s 21st Century Research & Technology Fund is to support the resolution of next-stage capital formation issues by co-investing with institutional investors in order to further build innovative, high-impact, high-growth companies. Indiana’s 21 Fund is managed by Elevate Ventures.

About OSBE Under the leadership of Lt. Governor Sue Ellspermann, the Indiana Office of Small Business and Entrepreneurship (OSBE) oversees the Indiana Small Business Development Center (ISBDC), the Procurement Technical Assistance Center (PTAC), and the Indiana Small Business Ombudsman. The OSBE staff helps grow the Indiana economy by assisting entrepreneurs and small businesses through programs and personal consultation. For more information on OSBE and to see how Indiana is “the state that works” for entrepreneurs visit www.osbe.in.gov.


Media Contact: Erik Scheub (OSBE) – 317.232.5679 or erscheub@osbe.in.gov

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