
EpiTren Basics

Product of IronMagLabs

In response to long-term customer pressure, IML has finally complied with the demands with the release of their newest product, EpiTren. EpiTren is a combination of 2 popular and effective AAS designed with one thought in mind; to provide the user with an effective and well-rounded means of achieving their physique-conditioning goals. Through the activation of both anabolic and androgenic mechanisms, this intelligent and synergistic pairing provides the user with the best of both worlds, resulting in a hard and bone-dry appearance.

For those of you who aren?t aware, I will provide you with some basic information on the compounds contained in this product. The first compound in the title name is Epistane; a full-fledged anabolic steroid with strong anabolic properties. While similar to Anavar in its visual effect, its myotropic capability is substantially greater, making any further comparison between the two drugs difficult. Epistane?s impressive muscle building potency is not unusual given its extremely high anabolic rating of 1100; one of the highest of any OTC steroid ever released, being rivaled only by the now banned M1T. With a moderate androgenic rating of 91, this drug is primarily anabolic in nature, making it a great match for the drug to follow.

Trenabol is a PH of considerable potency and efficiency, converting to the target hormone at a rate of 25%. With so many fully active steroids on the market today, why bother with a PH? Aside from its above average conversion rate, it is the target hormone which makes this PH so desirable. For over a decade several top-end companies have attempted to create a PH capable of converting to the coveted Trenbolone; a feat finally accomplished with Trenabol.

The benefits of trenbolone are numerous and compliment Epistane well. Being one of the most potent androgens ever developed, Trenbolone does everything you would expect a strong androgen to do. On the physical front, effects such as accelerated fat-loss, increased muscle hardness & density, and enhanced vascularity are all typical with trenbolone. Its effects on the mind are no less pronounced, as it is one of the best steroids for enhancing the alpha-male mind-set and increasing aggression.

While EpiTren can be used as part of a mass-building cycle to good effect, its characteristics make it ideally suited for cutting cycles. If you like products such as Halo Extreme, then you will love EpiTren. EpiTren is best run for a minimum of 6-8 weeks at up to 4 caps per day. For the more adventurous user, EpiTren and Halo Extreme can be combined, which will produce an even more rapid and impressive physique transformation.

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